Fallout 2 screen problem, installation and ingame

Mr Fish

Slippy sloppy, The
Okay, so I have the Fallout Collection by White Label, GSP. (I think it's the UK version if that matters)
And when I try to install Fallout 2 the installation screen goes completely black and I can't see anything.
If I hit ESC then it closes, if I hit enter two times then it closes.

What is the problem and how can I fix this?

I heard that there were problems installing it to Windows 7, x86, which I have.

When I do install it, blindly, it goes to C:/Program/BlackIsle/Fallout2 like it's supposed to, when I doubleclick the Fallout 2.exe the classic rainbow pixel problem runs with the intro's, which I might also need help with further down the line.
But then the start screen goes like this: http://gabriel77cortez.deviantart.com/art/asd-294911758

Any idea on what I need to do to fix this, and prefferably the installation screen too?



I "think" I've installed the Humongous installation, but the problem were still there, so I got Killaps patch and then the resolution patch, now the intro's are black too and the starting screen is black instead of black and green.
Dat I have, I have tried every compatability mode, 2000, Vista, XP, 7, 95, 98, NT, with the service pack versions, none of them worked.

These are the two messages I got when it didn't even start:

"Fallout 2 seems to be running in compatability mode"


" This program requires Windows 95 with DirectX 3.0a or later or Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or greater."

As to the second one, I have Direct X11 or something and I most certainly already have the Service Packs.
So that message makes no sense to me.
Try installing Directx 9 if you haven't already for something else. Directx 10 and above isn't compatible with games using earlier versions, but installing DX9 will not interfere with DX11 if you're worried.