fallout 2 scripting questing


Vault Senior Citizen
ive made items and scripts to add skill books for all the skills,for the life of me i cant figure out how to make the books disapear after they have been used,ive been working it from serveral different dirrections,when i have multiple of the same book in inv they are used up untill the last book,and it doesnt want to be deleted no matter what i do,help please
Just delet the item via script when you use it. Take a look at the scripts of the original books or the scripts of the npcs that can upgrade your weapons - it's (nearly) the same process (give item, delet item. You need just delet item).
the original books dont have scripts attached,any chance you could post some sample code?ive spent about 5 hours searching through original scripts and trying all the methods i could find
I would do it this way:

procedure use_obj_p_proc begin
variable item;
variable JunkIt;
      //do here some stuff like highering up a skill 

PID_BOOK is the book item pid_id. I don't know the correct id at the moment.
thanks for the reply,unfortunately thats the same problem ive been having,when only one is in inventory it isnt deleted
Have you tried to delet/ kill the object then when it will be used? I don't know the command at the moment, but I know that you can delet objects via script. So it should be possible to self-delet the item when it will be used.
ok different way of doing it,how do i force a script to run a proceedure?want to call the proceedure from another script