fallout 2 stats problem


First time out of the vault
first of all i hope i created this topic in the corect forum if not i apologize....
i started fallout 2 (for the 9.000th time) yesterday but i did one mistake with my stats.....i have 06 str and 08 int.i wanted to hace 09 int and 05 str...so i can have more skill points
i donwnloaded falche(editor)and i modified the STR and INT stats...now my problem is that when i level up i dont have 18 skills points(-5 gifted perk) but i have 16 like if i had 8 int.
any help please?
Same happens to the HP you gain from STR & END when leveling. Even tho you amp it up with the editor, it will count toward your HP gain only by the original stats.

Suggestion: Start over(9.001) and make no mistakes.. or try this editor [F2se by vad]. I don't guarantee that it'll fix your issue, but, IMO, it's the best thing for the job right now.