Fallout 2 - stumped on a problem. - minor spoiler


First time out of the vault
I tricked my way into Navarro, stole power armor, Vertibird plans, and everything else I could carry.

Later, I found out I need to steal the FOB for the tanker room. Apparently the guards at Navarro will not let me in a 2nd time.

It appears I have two options:
* cheat with the F2ie
* fight my way in Navarro

Are there other options?

Have you tried just walking in? The guard doesn't have any new dialog, but might remember that you're allowed in if you try to walk past.

Failing that, there are two other ways in. You can kill Chris out front and use the ladder in his room. If you freed the deathclaw, you can go in the way he went out - 'use' the round vent thing west of the gas station. You might need to use the pass key again if you do that.
Thank you for the advice.
When I walked near the gate, the guard stopped me.
Instead, I went in throw the ladder in the building.
