Fallout 2 Survial Kit 1.4 - Mac

Sorry about the thread necromancy, but I found it.


Feel free to host it on the NMA server. The original author has been impossible to find.
Wow! I'd completely given up on finding another copy of this! Thanks for the link. I spent a couple of weeks looking for this more than a year ago. After coming up empty with google searchesI tracked down Michael Edgar, the author of the F2SK, with some heavy duty people searching and found his contact info at a private school in New England. But I couldn't get an email. So, I would have had to call him on the phone or write a letter. I felt that that would be too stalker-creepy so I gave up.

This should definitely get hosted here at NMA.
Don't mind it asking for the nonexistent color table - it works fine without it. The main flaw is that some of the perks don't do anything. Strong Back, for example, increases your carry weight when you take it; changing the value of the variable for how many levels of it you have doesn't make a difference, and the F2SK doesn't account for that.
Any of the perks that change your visible stats when you take them will not work. I'm not sure about invisible stat boosters like the better criticals perk. There obviously is a stat that modifies the crit table, but it is invisible to the player. I'm not certain about this yet as it's pretty hard to test. Bonus move works for nearly unlimited movement points though, as non-action movement points don't have a visible stat.