Fallout 2 The End screen ?


First time out of the vault
Hello all i am old Fallout 2 Veteran ive played first time in 2002 year, tnx to my older brother who buy this fine game, year by year ive once again return to finish F2, but i got question

I Travel on map screen, screen blanks and shows sunset in wasteland and appears text THE END

What going on ? ive found kiddnaped by enclave vilingers 4 days go(in real life)
The original game is hard coded to end after 13 years have passed in the game. The screen that you described is what displays when you reach that time limit. The game begins July 25, 2241, 08:24. It should end on about the same date in 2254. There is no way to continue with the original game after this.

If you are using the Sfall game engine tweak by Timeslip, you are supposed to be able to adjust or remove this time limit. The Fallout 2 Restoration Project by Killap uses Sfall. If you load this you will still have to start a new game. Original game saves are not compatible with the FO2RP.