First time out of the vault

To whom this may concern,
I have read the forum rules to the best of my ability so I apologize if this is in the wrong part of the forums. I am fairly new to this and I wish for this topic to be in the right & proper area.
Ok, here goes:
I am able to install & play Fallout 2 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit just fine. However, whenever I die in game or make the transition to load the game up and the screen goes to a whiteout screen it blinks fast, I hear the dialogue of Ron Perlman saying "You have died." or something similar to that but I don't get to see the image of my characters bones until just before the screen goes black. When I originally played this the first time through it would skip the ending sequences. I've read that slowing your sound hardware acceleration can help with this, but Windows 7 no longer has that option. Is there a way I can get that nice, even transition of fading to whiteout and then blackout during the game over sequences by slowing down my PC? I've tried using CPU killer to slow it down, but it only makes my in-game controls stutter. I've even tried Virtual PC using XP mode and I get screen resolution errors. My current specs on my rig are as follow:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Pentium Core 2 Duo Quad 9650 at 3.0Ghz,
2TB Hitachi HDD
2 GeForce 9800GT's
and the latest Nvidia Drivers.
Any and all advice will help. Thanks.
I have read the forum rules to the best of my ability so I apologize if this is in the wrong part of the forums. I am fairly new to this and I wish for this topic to be in the right & proper area.
Ok, here goes:
I am able to install & play Fallout 2 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit just fine. However, whenever I die in game or make the transition to load the game up and the screen goes to a whiteout screen it blinks fast, I hear the dialogue of Ron Perlman saying "You have died." or something similar to that but I don't get to see the image of my characters bones until just before the screen goes black. When I originally played this the first time through it would skip the ending sequences. I've read that slowing your sound hardware acceleration can help with this, but Windows 7 no longer has that option. Is there a way I can get that nice, even transition of fading to whiteout and then blackout during the game over sequences by slowing down my PC? I've tried using CPU killer to slow it down, but it only makes my in-game controls stutter. I've even tried Virtual PC using XP mode and I get screen resolution errors. My current specs on my rig are as follow:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Pentium Core 2 Duo Quad 9650 at 3.0Ghz,
2TB Hitachi HDD
2 GeForce 9800GT's
and the latest Nvidia Drivers.
Any and all advice will help. Thanks.