Fallout 2 unofficial patch v1.05!


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well the moment you all have been waiting for (at least one of them) has come, Locutus/Celestial have finished his next patch for Fallout 2. Here are some of the changes:<blockquote>1.05:

- Fixed a bug that caused errors with some maps (Den, San Fran, NCR, Broken Hills)
- Changed Mrs. Bishop's dialogue
- Some more small changes</blockquote>Great stuff!! Grab this sucker at once and start playing Fallout 2 again!
Download Link: Fo2 unofficial patch v1.05 (ENG) 5.1MB and Fo2 unofficial patch v1.05 (PL) 1.8MB
Why is it smaller then ? 1.04 was over 6 megs large.

Superb work ! Thanks !

EDIT: Can we install 1.05 over 1.04 or do we have to use a clean install of Fallout 2 ?
Cause when you pack everything into patch000.dat file (like the 1.04 was packed) and then use WinRAR it gives you worse compression than not packing it into it and then compressing it with WinRAR... or something like that. :D

And here is everything about installing the patch.
Thanks for using your free time to give the FO community this patch, Celestial. You farkin rule. I really appreciate it.
Um, one more question. Does this patch include "Holly Granade of Antioh" random encounter unblocker?
Ok, after finishing replaying Fallout, I started replaying Fallout 2- I had played both only once, years ago. I did the Arroyo stuff, got my Advanced Power Armor, am and well into the Klamath stuff- and then I remembered that my friend had told me and unofficial patch had been released. So I've downloaded it, but I haven't installed it. So, do I have to start all over? Will it mess up my game if I use it with my current charecter? Is it worth starting over for- does it fix all the broken quests (why the heck did Interplay never patch those, anyway? Seems like a waste of content...)? Dunno all the broken quests since as I said, I have played before but didn't want to read spoilers anyway so the things I don't remember can suprise me. And looking at the patch notes, it seems it removes some of the usless items- but I like reading item descriptions. And it has balance things and such....will this significantly alter my gameplay? Basiclly, I have an obsessive-compulsive need to get the biggest game experience possible. So when dialogue is changed, dialogue trees aren't REMOVED, are they? Thanks.