Fallout 2 - Vic will not equip ANY weapons


First time out of the vault
For some reason, Vic has decided not to use any weapons. I'm level 20, I'm guessing his level is fairly high too since I got him as soon as possible. I've given him 5 different types of rifles and shotguns, as well as various energy weapons and handguns. The only thing he'll equip is the alien blaster, but as soon as I leave the screen and come back, it shows that he's removed it again
It's frustrating because he won't fight! I don't want to remove him, but I can't figure out how to fix this bug
Have you looked at the combat settings screen? Maybe you set him not to use a weapon, or use a HtH weapon.
Some NPC's combat setting will reset every now and then. I learned to check it whenever I had to give them stuff.
I know it's true for Cassidy, from Per's guide. Anyone else noticed any other NPC undergoing that?
Ok, I checked, and it was set to ranged, so that was fine.

I went to San Francisco and bought every gun in the shop, I found out my Vic will equip other guns besides the alien blaster but only the following:
alien blaster, plasma pistol, solar scorcher, gauss pistol,laser pistol,magneto-laser pistol,desert eagle,sawed off shotgun,.44 magnum,10 mm pistol,Ripper,Pulse Pistol

He will not equip the sniper rifle or the gauss rifle, or any rifles actually, besides the sawed off shotgun

That would be ok, but when I put him into battles, he runs away. His health is fine, and he talks to me, so I don't get it!

I know other people say he's a good NPC, so I don't know what went wrong here.
99% odds he has a crippled arm, which is why he can't use two-handed weapons and runs away in combat. (sawed-off shotgun is considered one-handed)

This needs to be stickied; I've lost track of how many times it's come up.
oh, that's great then! I'll go get him fixed up..I swear I searched the boards though! I guess I was looking in the wrong spot
Thanks so much
So that's why Vic always ran away on my last playthrough. Damn. I should've known this by now.
It's funny how Vic moans all the way when he's down to barely two thirds of his HP but doesn't make a sound if they cripple both his legs, arms, eyes and shoot his jewels off.
Running away is another/totally different bug. Double check which one you got.

Personally, no matter what Per says, I still prefer Goris. There is no fiddling with weapons or ammos with him. And there is no chance of him shooting you in the back.