Fallout 2 - waaaaaaaaaaay too many random encounters

Popcorn Eyeglasses

First time out of the vault
so I've been trying to play Fallout 2, but there are just too many damn random encounters, almost one every second

I've googled and googled and the only solution I've been able to find is this (the last post at the bottom http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/63576-fallout-2/51202488)

however it just doesn't work, no matter what I change in the "WorldMapEncounterRate" it never effects the amount of random encounters I have

I've downloaded the killap patch, but it hasn't helped either

I'm extremely desperate, I've tried all night to fix it, I really want to keep playing it, but it just takes too damn long to get anywhere, please help
how high is your outdoors skill? as that does help, for me, the random encounters is only a minor issue, yes you can encounter a fair amount but it helps once you get the car, and increase your outdoors skill so it at least warns you if you want to enter the map with the encounter or pass it by, I think my outdoors skill is around 60% and I raised that with books,

I personally don't think the encounters should be changed, but that IMO,


well random encounters have been pretty good for me, but you need to enable both values


never played wround with those settings, and keeping my file as default, so not sure if it works or not
man, so not even someone here can help me?

please, you guys gotta help me, I don't know how anyone is able to play Fallout 2, there's got to be some way to edit the random encounters right? it's making the game almost impossible
I don't know how much this might help but I will give it a shot. Try Killaps newer version. I had world map travel speed problems do to playing on a faster PC and that fixed them, of course I had to tweak the stuff you said, random encounter rates and world map travel speed. It worked, I was glad people and killap himself helped me out. The travel speed was horrible. I decided to clean some unused games off my HDD one day because I was running out of space, I decided to use D: for games. I unisntalled FO2 and reinstalled. I had to get killaps patch again. Well they made some changed to it and IMO it works better then the version I had before. I suggest you uninstall his patch and get the newer version. The random encounters and travel speed was very natural and the encounters were reasonable, I would say even perfect.