Fallout 2:Where do i get myself a damn gun ?!


First time out of the vault
Well, i recently found my good old fallout 2 disc, got it patched up and wanted to play.
Had to go through the annoying temple of giant ass bugs and did all the quests in arroyo.
Went to Klimath to try to get myself a gun but nobody there had one to barter!
Went to the den and again, nothing!
I'm stuck with a sharpened spear versus armed enemies and it's really frustrating.Where can i get one?I have the money and all...
There's a pipe rifle in Vic's shack in Klamath and the traders in Den should stock at least a few small guns. I don't think you can afford many of them, though. You can steal a shotgun from Metzger, too.
If I'm in a bind I usually go to the Den and waste the guy trading in the house next to the mummy show. Can't remember his name but he talks with some accent and gets annoyed very easily. He usually has some drugs and I think a magnum revolver.
steal from ppl in klamath, steal ANYTHING then use those items to trade for guns, or u dont have to if u can steal a gun.