Fallout 2 won't play music

skinny fists

First time out of the vault
I recently downloaded Fallout 2 works perfectly, but it won't play music. i can hear everything else, but still can't get that fallout music that i love. all of the music files are there too. I'm running it without a CD, v 1.00 windows vista.

Open your config file and make sure the music path is set correctly. If Vista prohibits you from finding or editing the config file then you may have a problem.

Here is a thread you could have found by searching. I'll update the troubleshooting thread with this.
sorry, don't mean to sound stupid but how exactly do i do that?
edit: nevermind.
how exactly do i change the fallout2.cfg?? I've tried searching the forums but have failed to find anything.

Lol, I had the same problem but I didn’t notice it until I read this. I finished Fallout 2 nearly 2 times without music. Fallout is on of few games that still can bring a good atmosphere without music, I post-nuclear world is kind of silent.

Anyway, I fixed this problem by changing these two lines in fallout2.cfg (open it with WordPad or similar program):




Thanks Mr. H for creating the topic so I noticed that I didn’t have music and thanks Sander for giving me clues of what could cause this problem.