Fallout 2: Worldmap with Buildings v0.5


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Fallout 2: Worldmap with Buildings - F2WB


I am currently working on making towns actually look like towns on the Worldmap in Fallout 2, as they did in Fallout 1, though with a different design. This could be snacks for the RP v1.3, I guess. A download and screenshots are found below.

So far, Klamath, the Den, Gecko, Vault City and New Reno have been done. They are not represented totally accurate in building layout, but at least you can see the general appearance of the town, and not just a plain.

Anyone interested in someday seeing a complete Worldmap mod for FO2 should download this and tell me what they think. It is fully compatible with both the RP and the Megamod, in fact any mod that doesn't edit the Worldmap's appearance, and I don't think there are any mods like that.


Klamath and the Den:

New Reno:

Gecko/ Vault City:


Extract the contents of this .zip archive to your data folder.

Big thanks to:

Grayswandir for telling me how to do this

The guys who made FrameAnimator

The guys who made this map:
Well, you could extract the worlmap files from the master dat (Art_Interface), with a data extractor like fade or datman.
Then unzip the files so that they became .FRM.
With Frameanimator, you have the possibilites to save the file under Bitmap format, you can now past some ruined cities on the map with topshop or whatever.
Then convert it to frm back with Frameanimator.
Put the frm in your Art/inventory file in your Fallout 2 file should do the trick.
Fantastic. I will start with Klamath and the Den for now. If this turns out well and I manage to make it look good, I might even add, say, a wall around Vault City or a large, populated area where NCR is, and so on. I'll keep size in mind though, these towns should be small since the worldmap is conciderably bigger than in FO1.
Great! I always thought the Fallout 1 was better looking, speacially with those ruins around old cities! I can't wait for that!

Some suggestions: Lots of Ruins around Reno, some around Klamath, a few near The Den, and lots of ruins near San Francisco. I love ruins, they make the game moody.
Hmm, I only got one worldmap frame in that .zip file - 'WRLDMP01' with a blank desert/mountains. Filefront said it was 63.8KB and that is the size of the file I received. Strange.

Sounds like a great idea though, and I look forward to seeing it.

Oh, and taking screenshots is just pressing F12 when playing. It works on the worldmap also. The screens will be .bmps in your Fallout2 folder.
Morticia said:
Hmm, I only got one worldmap frame in that .zip file - 'WRLDMP01' with a blank desert/mountains. Filefront said it was 63.8KB and that is the size of the file I received. Strange.

Sounds like a great idea though, and I look forward to seeing it.

Oh, and taking screenshots is just pressing F12 when playing. It works on the worldmap also. The screens will be .bmps in your Fallout2 folder.

Hehe, I bet you did not look close enough. Since the worldmap is so much bigger than in FO1, I have made the towns quite small. You must extract the worldmap files in this archive to Fallout2/data/Art/intrface to make them appear in the game. Since the worldmap is split into many pieces, I have only uploaded the one piece that contains Klamath and the Den. Try it out!
Seems promising, but as a gauge of interest you might get underwhelmed replies with just the Den and Klamath done. Might I suggest VC or one of the larger cities?
agris said:
Seems promising, but as a gauge of interest you might get underwhelmed replies with just the Den and Klamath done. Might I suggest VC or one of the larger cities?

I plan to do Gecko (with reactor) and Vault City (with wall around) in a later version. Gecko will be small, white sheds, Vault City will be pristine, adobe buildings, but not so much in the Courtyard.
Aren't the buildings a little bit to big? Even in Fallout 1 they are smaller.
Lexx said:
Aren't the buildings a little bit to big? Even in Fallout 1 they are smaller.

Yes, they might be. I sort of wanted to be able to include certain features in different towns, such as the reactor in Gecko and the ruins around the Den, which will be hard to do if the buildings are any smaller than this. Anyway, this will never be a truly accurate representation of the buildings, just an indicator that there is a town here and a general idea of how it looks. I'll think about making them a bit smaller, though.

Loved your weapons redone. I just installed 1.4 for the otherday and now you have 1.5 out. man your fast.

anyway this map mode looks promising. i'll probably try it when you're near completion so hope you get there soon :)
A beta-beta-beta version of New Reno has been done. As always, it looks better in-game, and it would look ten times as good if I could remove that ugly green town circle, or at least remove its green fillings and make it a plain circle. Hope you like it.
Very nice. If you're feeling really ambitious, you could add graphics to all the city terrain squares, like FO1 did. I've made colorized worldmaps that show the terrain types (red - mountains, yellow - desert, green - city, blue - coast/ocean). Note the sprawling suburbs of Reno and San Francisco. It can be surprising to find encounters in the ruins of Sacramento, as there's no indication of it on the map.

FO1 terrain map
FO2 terrain map
I will absolutely add ruins to these city squares someday in the future.

A new version is out, it includes Gecko. It's a fenced compound with a reactor-like building, a junkyard and some sheds.
Funny you should mention it, I was just about to start drawing Vault City! I just don't want to start making pie in the sky promises and then fall short of fulfilling them, so I'll be posting only when a new version is up ;)
And presto! Vault City has been done, in PhotoShop, no less. Klamath, Gecko and the Den have received a small upgrade as well, probably not noticeable. Take a look at the screenies!

I'm not sure if the cities should be any larger than one square, not counting eventual ruins around them.
I'd rather make some generic buildings/city looks.
This is faster and easier and might even look better.

So for big cities like New Reno, San Fran and the Den you might have one.

For smaller towns/places you might have one. Like Klamath, Gecko.

And then 1 for military bases, 1 for tribes and 1 for vaults.
Username said:
And then 1 for military bases, 1 for tribes and 1 for vaults.

The Vaults shouldn't be viewable form the world map, since they're hidden underground.