Fallout 2 XP Problem- Won't Run, No error given..


First time out of the vault
Everytime i try running it (or the fallout 2 map editor for that matter) it just loads the splash screen- it always loads the grey one with the indians that says plaease wait... or something like that. well. after 2 seconds, the screen disappears and im sent back to windows. this never happened before- id played fallout 2 just 6 months ago on this same computer. i tried rolling back the video card drivers but that wasnt it. i dont know what happened.
Same problem here, except I haven't played FO2 on this system yet. I haven't found a fix yet either.
Have you ever tried to copy the whole CD to your HD, and installing it from there? It works for me :) (just remember the win95 compatible mode)
I've got the same problem with Fallout 1 and XP! After I copy the files from the cd (=>walkthrough), I see the splash screen... :(

And after a few seconds I return to the desktop...I also set the compatible mode to win95 and also tried the other modes...but it don't work... :((
I don't know whats the problem with installing Fallouts in XP/2000. I had Xp Pro then I switched to 2000 and in both I played Fo 1 and 2 and Tactics. Without any problems and the 1.04 patch from Mr. L.

Try the www.nma-fallout.com guide to installing Fo in 2k/Xp