Fallout 2d20


Wasteland Peacemaker
Has anyone played a Fallout PnP campaign using the Fallout 2d20 ruleset?


If so what was the experience like? My friends and I are setting up a game using the ruleset very soon, and I saw no one in this forum talk about it.
I know I'm a day late, and you and I have spoken about this system before but to anyone wondering from what I have gathered most people seem to enjoy playing this 2d20 system and the common complaint is combat. I will say off the reviews I've seen the book is actually something of a collectors thing for Fallout players since it's filled with concept art of the games. The latest one they released actually has stats for Frank Horrigan and the Master too.
I looked up some reviews and tutorials of the game and it seems too easy for players, GM seems easily overridden in certain cases.
I’d be willing to give it a try, but to be honest I’ve fallen in love with the Vault Archives PnP system, even if it is confusing at times or unfinished in some departments.
I read the main book and it's pretty okay.

I can't understand why it's set in the Commonwealth, though.