Fallout 3 at E3 - PlayFeed


Vault Consort
Staff member
Because you can never get too many Fo3 previews on one news page, here's PlayFeed, another gaming news site with traffic comparable to NMA's. Jaded preview readers will find somewhat more acerbic comments in here than the usual crop:
<blockquote>If it was in Oblivion, it’s in Fallout. In fact, you could say that Fallout is “Oblivion: The Geiger Scrolls.”

-Did I say carnage? I meant over-the-top, severed-head-spewing-blood, eyeballs-rolling-down-the-street carnage.

-Right now, one of the most foul-mouthed games I can remember in a while. Think of a swear word even you wouldn’t use. It’s probably in there.

-Approximately 20 quest thread lines. You will not be able to do them all on one character as some will disappear as you complete others.

[Ed. Note: While unconfirmed, this game may potentially contain similarities to “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.”]</blockquote>The previewer especially enjoyed the Fatman and the "Let us in" sign outside the vault door.

Thanks to ivpiter.
If it was in Oblivion, it’s in Fallout. In fact, you could say that Fallout is “Oblivion: The Geiger Scrolls.”

Expansive world with NPCs that have schedules and behaviors which continue even when you’re not there. Again, Oblivion-esque.

Customizable character (male/female, different races and probably facial features - like Oblivion)

Some of the same voice actors as Oblivion (you’ll recognize them),

this game may potentially contain similarities to “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

At least this reviewer admits that what they saw was very similar to Oblivion, but in a PA world. Still another fairly positive review though. Are there any reviewers that hated it? Any at all that feel it betrays the original FO games? :?

Playfeed preview said:
-Favorite chuckle: Handmade sign left outside vault where humanity been holed up since atomic blast: “Let us in, M***er F**kers!”

Yes, because game developers constantly insulting people's intelligence is teh phunney!
Playfeed gets a cookie for being straight forward about it. :)

Again a confirmation that for bethsoft mature is what their mothers told them were actually bad manners - Fallout 3 vs HBOs Oz anyone ?

Also were 50s characterized by a lot of swearing ... ?
Could it be possible that a part of the journalists (aside from the ass-kissers) "understood" the first two games just as "a nice post-apocalyptic atmosphere games based on the 1950's sci-fi and rated M" - like there's nothing more to it.

If so, then they have no problems accepting the newest falloutling in any way. Everything they need is there, some of the elements more emphasized than ever.

Shallow waters.
And yet another one from E3, this time from Infuzemag.com

Anyways bits I found interesting:

Unlike its predecessors, Fallout 3 brings the action into first-person mode. The reason for this is that in order to tell a compelling story, the game makers felt this was really the only way to go. The game will switch into third person mode when the need arises, or you can switch on the fly yourself. Camera movement is independently controlled from movement, entirely by the player.

I found this bit sandwitched between sentences on graphics...

Combat comes into play most often in the downtown area of Capitol Waste, which has been overtaken by Super-Mutants. The Super-Mutants are fought against a military resistance known as the Brotherhood of Steel, which you'll likely join forces with along the way (depending on how you choose to play the game).

Combat comes into play most often in the downtown area of Capitol Waste, which has been overtaken by Super-Mutants. The Super-Mutants are fought against a military resistance known as the Brotherhood of Steel, which you'll likely join forces with along the way (depending on how you choose to play the game).

Overall, Fallout 3 looks like a great, gritty character-driven game that should more than satisfy longtime fans and likely bring tons of newbies along for the ride. And just wait till you see the Fat Man -- that would be your personal nuke catapult gun...

I sware these reviewers were told "Be sure to plug the nuke-a-pult!"

ref: http://www.infuzemag.com/infuze_live/e3_2007/e3:_fallout_3_impressions/

also: there number are... low:

Edit: Had a bad link.
I really can't get the tone of this one. In one hand, it looks like he is complaining about the game, about it being Oblivion 2, but then again, he seems to like it... :? Well, at least he tells the truth and for that he deserves my respect... at least a little bit of it... Fallout: The Geiger Scrolls... :clap:
Unlike its predecessors, Fallout 3 brings the action into first-person mode. The reason for this is that in order to tell a compelling story, the game makers felt this was really the only way to go.
Because Planescape: Torment, totally didn't tell a compelling story :roll: .
They were probably thinking of "compelling for console kids with a 30-second attention span who've never opened a book". Those are the ones for whom compelling = immershun = first person bloom.
That was weird. At least I didn't have to waste any time reading nine pages of recycled content.

I'm glad to see someone taking a more critical side.
Comment on different character races probably a typical gaming journo mistake.

"-Some of the same voice actors as Oblivion (you’ll recognize them), but Bethesda devs PROMISE better dialogue acting. From what I saw, it was better, but still slow and overacted"

That's an interesting comment - another case of voice acting forced in a game which sounds like it might detract from the experience. Everything ladelled on a plate when our imaginations are more than capable of providing the perfect voices. Bah. And if VO is the reason they've reduced the dialogue options (ie no dumb dialogue), it's double bah. Seriously, we do have imaginations, bethsoft. It's worked well for books for quite a while.
Cookie-cutter analysis, except for oddly not proclaiming that "It's not Oblivion-with-guns!". Actually saying the opposite.
Todd & Pete are probably SO upset with this guy now.

-Right now, one of the most foul-mouthed games I can remember in a while. Think of a swear word even you wouldn’t use. It’s probably in there.

Fallout Tactics was super foul mouthed and failed to capture the atmosphere of Fallout.

Fallout: PoS was super foul mouthed and failed to capture the atmosphere of Fallout.

I see a pattern forming..
Fallout 3 sure is the third in the series. Third in the series of failed spinoffs that is.

Mr. Teatime said:
Seriously, we do have imaginations, bethsoft. It's worked well for books for quite a while.

I doubt Todd owns any books that don't have pictures in them.
Hm.... this was an interesting change. The previewer did not claim to be a fallout fan, and had some very honest opinions about what he thought the game was like.

Gameplay: An FPS for non-FPS players.

Note how its a FPS for non-FPS players instead of an RPG for non-RPG players. I guess the primary genre's FPS? :P

The 'review' (if you can even call it that, being closer to a bulletpoint list of comments/notes) seems pretty positive towards fallout 3 on the part of this previewer, but it doesn't give me that revolting feel I get from the tons of other reviews we've seen mainly because it just seems like this reporter honestly doesn't know what the series was about, and truly liked some of the things he's seen at the preview.(As opposed to all those other "I'm a fallout fan, this is sooo FO3" articles that seem to parrot the same lines) Though on the other hand its not really good gaming journalism to not look into past installments of a series when you're writing up a preview for a sequel.
I agree that this preview wasn't quite as bad as some of the others. But, this part still made me chuckle a bit:

What’s one more bomb’s-worth of radiation, anyway.

Well... to a character that's lived his entire life in a vault that sheltered him from the radition, I'm guessing, quite a bit?
Except that TVD was magically removed from the area of Fallout by quitting the area...

Which begs for scripting a lethal dose of radiation, which player would have to take (taking Rad X would be a logical step after setting off a nuke).
I was assuming they weren't referring to the nuke launcher...

And you take RAD-X before.