Australian AusGamers checks in with a slightly late report from Leipzig.<blockquote>I didn't get enough combat time to determine if this is definitely the case, but I certainly found it harder to finish fights without using V.A.T.S. - even with all my leet FPS skills I struggled to take out some of the opponents. Using V.A.T.S. made it pretty simple, although there's some initial weirdness because of the disconnect flipping between the free-flowing FPS mode and the cinematic V.A.T.S. mode.
The V.A.T.S. thing looks cool - some of the deaths are particularly spectacular and satisfying - but I'm not sure about the long term appeal. I found I couldn't skip some of the death animations, which I wanted to, after some casual engagements.
I also would have liked the ability to move the camera around during these engagements - at least once in close-quarters fighting the automatically selected camera angles were up way too close against the character and very awkward.
There're some freaky random things that happen to keep you on your toes - I had a woman run up to me in the middle of nowhere begging for help because she was strapped with explosives. She ran off, not really giving me any opportunity to help her (bug?) and then exploded. Weird.
When I first saw video footage of Fallout 3, I was a bit disappointed with the movement. It really looked like you were just gliding across the landscape, with no sense of true movement at all. Playing it though felt nothing like that and even though there's the normal bobbing gun animation (indicating movement), overall it felt pretty cool.</blockquote>Spotted on A Post Nuclear Blog.
The V.A.T.S. thing looks cool - some of the deaths are particularly spectacular and satisfying - but I'm not sure about the long term appeal. I found I couldn't skip some of the death animations, which I wanted to, after some casual engagements.
I also would have liked the ability to move the camera around during these engagements - at least once in close-quarters fighting the automatically selected camera angles were up way too close against the character and very awkward.
There're some freaky random things that happen to keep you on your toes - I had a woman run up to me in the middle of nowhere begging for help because she was strapped with explosives. She ran off, not really giving me any opportunity to help her (bug?) and then exploded. Weird.
When I first saw video footage of Fallout 3, I was a bit disappointed with the movement. It really looked like you were just gliding across the landscape, with no sense of true movement at all. Playing it though felt nothing like that and even though there's the normal bobbing gun animation (indicating movement), overall it felt pretty cool.</blockquote>Spotted on A Post Nuclear Blog.