Hello to all here at NMA, I'm a first time poster here, so I just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm not a stranger to the Gamestats track however, you can find me over at the UV, but not under Boanerges. I'm good friends with Shadowman, he knows who I am 
But on with the post. This is an idea I had a few months back and I posted it first on the Fallout 2 board.
Some NPCs, such as Myron had the ability to create items for your inventory, given the right raw materials. I thought if the PC could do that, it would add a new edge to the game. In the character creation screen, you could choose a special trait that gives you a certain ability, for example:
Chemist:- Character has ability to make his own Stimpacks etc
Weapons-smith:- Ability to manufacture/modify/upgrade weapons/ammo/armour
These traits could be linked to the experience levels, so that the PC learns more as he moves up a level, which would allow him/her to make more items, and with less materials as they improve.
Now, I'll admit this could be very tricky to pull off in a workable manner, as it would require additional items to be built into the game, and making it appear internal and not like an after-thought could be hard. But I thought I'd post and see what everyone thought about it. I think it could add a little more depth to the character profile

But on with the post. This is an idea I had a few months back and I posted it first on the Fallout 2 board.
Some NPCs, such as Myron had the ability to create items for your inventory, given the right raw materials. I thought if the PC could do that, it would add a new edge to the game. In the character creation screen, you could choose a special trait that gives you a certain ability, for example:
Chemist:- Character has ability to make his own Stimpacks etc
Weapons-smith:- Ability to manufacture/modify/upgrade weapons/ammo/armour
These traits could be linked to the experience levels, so that the PC learns more as he moves up a level, which would allow him/her to make more items, and with less materials as they improve.
Now, I'll admit this could be very tricky to pull off in a workable manner, as it would require additional items to be built into the game, and making it appear internal and not like an after-thought could be hard. But I thought I'd post and see what everyone thought about it. I think it could add a little more depth to the character profile