Fallout 3 fan art (GHOULS!) by Embley at DA


Stumbled on these by chance - Embley (her DeviantArt gallery here) has a lot of fan-art pieces for various games, including FO3. I found these more entertaining than the actual game...

Enjoy !

Willow and Tulip from underworld:

Lynn and Roy:

Nova and Gob (my personal favourite of this set :roll: ):

Bessie Lynn:
I find those members of DeviantArt who feel the need to make couples out of every character in any video game/movie/book/television show known to humankind to be unsettling. Or make things uncharacteristically "cutesy." Or just make things "WTF."

I mean really (spoiler tags for size):






That last one is nightmare fuel.

Don't get me wrong, there is some pretty damn cool Fallout artwork at DeviantArt, but, damn, much of it is "WTF..."
verevoof said:
I find those members of DeviantArt who feel the need to make couples out of every character in any video game/movie/book/television show known to humankind to be unsettling. Or make things uncharacteristically "cutesy." Or just make things "WTF."

I wish you had not posted these... I will never sleep again. WTF?
I get bumped on this kind of "art" all the time when I search for something in DA. Really bugs me off - there is always some strange couples, some pregnant something, some furry creatures that break the game/movie/book/whatever and so on and so on...
Oh, woof, those are horrible! :cry:

I also hate how so many people feel the need to make a comic-strip that's not really a comic strip (probably because they have nothing to say) and add that disgusting manga-type feel to everything - big blue eyes, some random lines over the face to represent emotion.

I also hate how so many people feel the need to make a comic-strip that's not really a comic strip (probably because they have nothing to say) and add that disgusting manga-type feel to everything - big blue eyes, some random lines over the face to represent emotion.

oh my eyes why did you have to look at that and go away from me, I want you back so I can finish reading the sacrifice.
Hehe... just doin' my job. :)

Here's one more, just had to share (spoiler of Fallout 3 ending):



Okay, I'll stop.
verevoof said:
I find those members of DeviantArt who feel the need to make couples out of every character in any video game/movie/book/television show known to humankind to be unsettling. Or make things uncharacteristically "cutesy." Or just make things "WTF."
Black Feather said:

Whoever disturbed soul did this should be brought before a court and shot publicly.

That made me laugh so hard, I cried.

And with the Charon-LW thing, I don't have any issue with the homosexuality, its just theres no real reason to do it. I mean a LW-Sarah Lyons would make sense, because of how she acts around you after the last quest in broken steel. But that would still be pointless.
