Fallout 3 GotY: GameSpot PC #1, Sky News #1, GamingShogun #1


Vault Consort
Staff member
After raking in the RPG of the Year prize at GameSpot, Fallout 3 went on to fill the PC Game of the Year slot. MGS4 prevented it from walking away with the Xbox 360 and cross-platform accolades. Motivation:<blockquote>The easy way to describe Fallout 3, Bethesda's superlative sequel in one of the most beloved role-playing franchises on the PC, is "huge." Even after spending more than 30 hours in the postapocalyptic Capital Wasteland, you will have only scratched the surface. Consider that you spend an hour simply creating your character, from the moment you exit the womb as an infant to the moment you emerge from the safety of Vault 101 as an adult in search of your father. From there, with a bombed-out Capitol building looming in the distance, you explore a wasteland that is incredibly detailed and immersive, both bleak and beautiful, where even the life-giving nourishment of a glass of water is tainted by radiation. Nothing is free here, and the punishing setting of Fallout 3 and the temptation to accumulate powerful items will strain your very moral compass. Will you cannibalize an enemy for a small health boost at the expense of your own virtue? Will you defuse an atomic bomb and save a city, or detonate it for the sadistic pleasure of watching a mushroom cloud grow in the distance? Can your loyalty be bought? Choose wisely, for karma has a way of catching up with you. No matter whether you're good or evil, Fallout 3 represents the very definition of "role-playing."

Bethesda Softworks should be credited for making Fallout 3 accessible to shooter fans and RPG diehards alike. Playable in both first- and third-person modes, with real-time combat mixed in with the pause-and-play Vault Assisted Targeting System with which you carefully disassemble Super Mutants limb by limb, Fallout 3 is a game enjoyed however you want to play it. There are flaws, yes, but they are instantly forgivable in a world of such grandiose scale and intimate detail. Fallout 3 is simply the finest PC game of the year.</blockquote>Elsewhere, Fallout 3 nips the Sky News GotY award.<blockquote>Who would have thought trudging around a drab, sparsely populated, post-apocalyptic wasteland could be so much fun? On paper it might not sound like Game of the Year material, but the brilliance of Fallout 3 didn't surprise anyone who played developer Bethesda's previous title, Oblivion.

From the first moment to the last, this was an incredible experience: a mature and thought-provoking game which continually asked the player questions about the kind of character they wanted be, demanding only that they live with the consequences of their decisions as they rippled through the world around them.

But the real treat was the game world itself - a startling vision of a Washington DC devastated by nuclear war, its iconic locations testament to the destruction: some empty, broken husks; others transformed into makeshift defence shelters against the monsters haunting the wastes.

The standout in a year full of brilliant releases, Fallout 3 was a title that delivered on every level. Game of the year by some margin.</blockquote>And GamingShogun:<blockquote>When Bethsoft began their work, they started from scratch and brought the game into the first-person using the game engine previously seen in their popular RPG, Oblivion. In keeping with the retro-1950's style mixed with a HUGE helping of dark-humour, they have created a post-apocalyptic world which is, in some ways, even better than what Black Isle created in the first two adventures.

Fallout 3 puts the player in a living and breathing (sometimes wheezing) 3d world where danger lurks just over the next scrap heap. The stories of the current residence of the D.C. Wasteland are not the only ones told as the player also gets a solid picture of life before the bombs fell. A pair of charred skeletons 'spoon' in the upstairs bed of a seemingly-intact suburban house. Nuclear-powered cars rust at a drive-in movie theater while a few are parked some meters away at what appears to be a 'lover's lookout'. Fallout 3 is a truly moving, engrossing game and will provide you with many hours of play and re-play (Bethsoft has designed the game so that you cannot possibly do everything in one sitting).</blockquote>Thanks to José Cruz.
Grand Theft Auto IV as #5... and FIFA 2009 as #3? Top Spin 3, Crysis Warhead and Sins of a Solar Empire as GoTY nominees? Hey, how come Spore or The Sims 2: Apartment Life missed the list? I feel offended.

As far as PC games of the year go, I'd place GTAIV as number one and Mass Effect as number two. It's just a shame Gamespot failed to even mention either one of them.
Mass Effect number two ? It has a nice design and somewhat entertaining combat but, as far as story and roleplay are concerned, I wouldn't say that it was much better than Fallout 3. :?

GTA IV has an excellent design, great story and gameplay but it is one of the worst console ports ever...EVAR !

I agree though that they should at least have mentionned it.
One of the worst console ports ever? Er... Try playing Resident Evil 4 or Dynasty Warriors/Warriors Orochi on PC and come back to me on that one. As for Mass Effect's writing, let me google a couple of quotes for comparison:
Mass Effect said:
Williams: Huh. Nobody died.
Alenko: I could shoot someone if it would make you feel better.
Williams: Nah, I'm good.

Shepard quotes:
* I haven't been shot in the head nearly enough times to make that sound like a good idea.
* Sometimes the best diplomacy comes from the barrel of a gun.

Saren quotes:
* Your species must know its place.
* Is submission not preferable to extinction?
* Rule one, I never kill anyone without a reason. Rule two, I can always find a reason to kill somebody.

Wrex quotes:
* A nice explosion every once in a while is good for you... keeps the mind sharp.
* Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining.
* Just because I like you doesn't mean I won't kill you.

* Surrender. Or don't. That would be more fun.
* I may be drunk, Krogan, but you're ugly. And tomorrow I'll be sober.
* You have the right to remain silent. I wish to God you'd exercise it.
Fallout 3 said:
"Welcome to Megaton. The bomb is perfectly safe, we promise"
"God bless America...and nowhere else!"
"I need a new gun. I want something that won't break. Something that will shoot forever. One of us had... a Fat Man! I want one of those..."
"Have you seen my father, the middle-aged guy?"

Super Mutants chatting:
-I have a joke for you. Ready? Knock Knock.
-Who's there?
-Humans who?
-Kill the humans! Kill them all! Aggghhh!!!
-Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh... oh... ha ha ha ha ha ha... That's a good one!

Robot bartender Jokes:
*I once visited a crematorium that gave discounts for burn victims.
*The best contraceptive for old people is nudity.
*Two atoms are in a bar. One says, "I think I lost an electron". The other says, "Are you sure?" to which the other replies, "I'm positive."
Yeah, I can clearly see where you're coming from.
Did I talk about its writing ?

It has a nice design and somewhat entertaining combat but, as far as story and roleplay are concerned, I wouldn't say that it was much better than Fallout 3.


Talked about story and roleplay. Story was the boring and usual epic cliché story Bioware has been coming with for ages. Roleplay was pretty limited as in :

-several dialog choices leading to the same sentence said by the character ( something that even shitty Fallout 3 didn't have )
-pretty binary and limited choices
-almost no consequences to your choices ( you can choose to save the life of one of your teammates and to let the other one die and you can choose to exterminate an alien species during one of the 6 or so quests...and that's about it...oh and you can choose between general nobody and commandant nameless at the end of the game..cool )
-no crimes whatsoever
-most NPCs are unkillable

Now that you mention it, writing wasn't great either...

And as for GTA IV, I just hope that you are not one of these tools who think that everybody else is 1)lying or 2)an idiot because you happen to have no problem with your GTA IV copy...
MrBumble said:
Roleplay was pretty limited as in...
As far as I recall, we're discussing "Game of the Year", not "Classic RPG of the Year". You've already admitted that the game has a nice design and at least some fairly good gameplay elements. What else there to discuss other than the quality of its writing? The aesthetic qualities of its visual and auditory components? They're practically indisputable. And for the writing, at least the way I see it, there is little wrong with overall cliche storylines as long as the dialogs and other actual interactions manage to stay engaging and entertaining. I think Mass Effect accomplished just that.

Now that you mention it, writing wasn't great either...
For a video game? Right. I'm not saying the quality of its writing is comparable to, say, Frank Herbert's Dune, but let's be realistic here. Few games have ever offered the level of writing even remotely similar to what of Mass Effect, and Fallout 3 is most certainly not one of them.

And as for GTA IV, I just hope that you are not one of these tools...
I guess you haven't played any of the games I mentioned. Or, say, Beijing 2008, or Bully or any other really crappy console ports out there. Once again, there are ports out there that are equally unplayable for everyone and their bugs have less to do with bad installations, firewall restrictions or broken no-cd cracks. Ports that, say, require a Xbox 360 controller to run. Or ones with complete lack of mouse support. Or how about ones that only run on default 4:3 type resolution and offer no graphic/sound/control options whatsoever?

GTA IV may not be a good port, but it's nowhere near as bad as some paint it to be. The game requires an insane amount of prerequisite installations (Games Live, NET framework, DirectX, C++ redistributes, Rockstar Social Club, even SP3 for XP x86, I hear) and all my technical expertise says that this is probably one major reason so many people are encountering so many problems with it. If you want to hear about my "tool" experience, I managed to spend at least 20 hours with the game without encountering a single crash, game-breaking bug, or any similarly bad problem so many people are screaming about. All I can noticed was the lack of SLI support and less than stellar but still pretty acceptable performance. Incidentally, same goes for a friend of mine who happened to finish it on an entirely different setup, one with a different operating system and a different video card. If such firsthand experiences do make me less susceptible to unfamiliar people's "GTA4 is unplayable!" or "worst console port ever!" claims, it's not like they are entirely unjustified, are they?
Ranne said:
As far as I recall, we're discussing "Game of the Year", not "Classic RPG of the Year". You've already admitted that the game has a nice design and at least some fairly good gameplay elements. What else there to discuss other than the quality of its writing? The aesthetic qualities of its visual and auditory components? They're practically indisputable. And for the writing, at least the way I see it, there is little wrong with overall cliche storylines as long as the dialogs and other actual interactions manage to stay engaging and entertaining. I think Mass Effect accomplished just that.

It's true but I didn't enjoy it that much because I expected it to be a good RPG and it turned to be a good action game with rpg elements but a rather poor RPG. I'll give you that there was little to no competition at all this year and if one considers that The Witcher : Enhanced Edition does not count ( because it was first released in 2007 ) then yes, Mass Effect might very well be RPG of the year and therefore a Game of the year candidate.

Now that you mention it, writing wasn't great either...
For a video game? Right. I'm not saying the quality of its writing is comparable to, say, Frank Herbert's Dune, but let's be realistic here. Few games have ever offered the level of writing even remotely similar to what of Mass Effect, and Fallout 3 is most certainly not one of them..

Then again I agree, but in the past ( a far away past though ), the writing of Mass Effect would have been considered nowhere near great. As you said though, we are talking Game of the Year so I'll give you that too. I'm just having a hard time realizing that Mass Effect was one of the best games this year since I didn't like it much ( would mean that 2008 was a pretty shitty year in videogames ).

And as for GTA IV, I just hope that you are not one of these tools...
I guess you haven't played any of the games I mentioned. Or, say, Beijing 2008, or Bully or any other really crappy console ports out there. Once again, there are ports out there that are equally unplayable for everyone and their bugs have less to do with bad installations, firewall restrictions or broken no-cd cracks. Ports that, say, require a Xbox 360 controller to run. Or ones with complete lack of mouse support. Or how about ones that only run on default 4:3 type resolution and offer no graphic/sound/control options whatsoever?

GTA IV may not be a good port, but it's nowhere near as bad as some paint it to be. The game requires an insane amount of prerequisite installations (Games Live, NET framework, DirectX, C++ redistributes, Rockstar Social Club, even SP3 for XP x86, I hear) and all my technical expertise says that this is probably one major reason so many people are encountering so many problems with it. If you want to hear about my "tool" experience, I managed to spend at least 20 hours with the game without encountering a single crash, game-breaking bug, or any similarly bad problem so many people are screaming about. All I can noticed was the lack of SLI support and less than stellar but still pretty acceptable performance. Incidentally, same goes for a friend of mine who happened to finish it on an entirely different setup, one with a different operating system and a different video card. If such firsthand experiences do make me less susceptible to unfamiliar people's "GTA4 is unplayable!" or "worst console port ever!" claims, it's not like they are entirely unjustified, are they?

Well I've spent a certain amount of time reading the forums to decide whether this game deserved to be bought and I thought that it was just a big lottery because I've read countless of posts from people who ran the game at 12 fps on a high-end computer while people with a 8800 gt could run the game flawlessly.

Videos like this :


Followed by videos of people running the game at steady 35 fps with a 8800gt. Or even worse, people with the same rig having completely different performances. My conclusion is that the game was rushed to the shelves just before Christmas and has serious compatibility problems, memory leaks etc...Just as Farcry 2 and Fallout 3 : for some people the game runs fine, for some others it's a nightmare. Only it's a lot worse with GTA 4 when it does happen. I cannot believe that the only explanation given by Rockstar is that the game was developped with certain beta drivers in mind but that these were unfortunately not released for the public when GTA IV hit the shelves. How is that an explanation at all ?

All in all, my thought is that there are well known problems with GTA IV and if you don't have them it's nice for you but pretending that these don't exist is just wrong.

Here is the list of the known Fallout 3 bugs so far :


Did you encounter most of these ? No. Does it mean that they don't exist ?
It'd be difficult for me to encounter many Fallout 3 bugs as I didn't like the game enough to play it for more than an hour. During that period, I experienced one annoyingly ill-timed crash to desktop and received one error message on exiting the game the second time. If GTAIV got undermined because of its stability problems, perhaps the reviewers should have taken another look at their precious wunderkind before showering it with gold...

Other than that, most professional game reviewers just announced F3 the game of the year. If I can live with that, I think I can live knowing that there is at least one person out there who doesn't like Mass Effect as much as I did. Considering that both of us will probably agree that even World of Goo makes a better candidate for GoTY award than Fallout 3, I say we drop this useless discussion and talk about something else, all right?
Ranne said:
Grand Theft Auto IV as #5... and FIFA 2009 as #3? Top Spin 3, Crysis Warhead and Sins of a Solar Empire as GoTY nominees? Hey, how come Spore or The Sims 2: Apartment Life missed the list? I feel offended.

As far as PC games of the year go, I'd place GTAIV as number one and Mass Effect as number two. It's just a shame Gamespot failed to even mention either one of them.

FIFA shouldn't even be on the list. It's a horrible joke of a soccer game, after trying Winning Eleven (aka PES) I'll not pick up any EA sport game ever again.

As for the Sims... Well, FO3 made it, is there a difference ? :lol:
"Big Wheel Keep On Turnin' "

"Big Wheel Keep On Turnin' "

Oeolycus said:
These re-reviews all run like embarrassing advertisements for the game. Sad days.

Step right up! Round and round we go. Every play-ah is-z ah win-nah!

These GOTY re-reviews still follow the 'polite' editorial format. De facto sales brochures.
The professional scribblers and the emulating bloggers subjugate analysis to the politics of the medias.

Extrapolating on a paraphrase about war / politics: Advertising is behavior control by a politer / political means.

Nothing New Age nor Nex Gen about this; just old school marketing by another means; slick subliminal and full frontal drop yo' pants solicitation,
all rolled into one big year end follies / revue!

For marketing ... marketing never changes.
