Fallout 3 hate backlash


Vault Consort
Staff member
It's time for the backlash, and some might say we haven't even had any good frontlash yet: a gaming writer operating out of Gameplayer is fed up. The taint is "everywhere" now, "almost imperceptible", but he's noticed.<blockquote>I’m talking, of course, about fallout. The fallout from Fallout 3. This is unquestionably the best game of 2008. A triumph. An engrossing world of near-limitless adventure, good for at least three play-throughs, and over 100 hours of immersive, addictive satisfaction.

Yet there are some who can gaze on its splendour and only see the flaws. They moan about quirks and glitches. They raise an eyebrow at NPCs who sometimes mindlessly walk into each other. They slam the writing as hackneyed. They say there isn’t enough diversity in the voice talent.

They even criticize the Pip Boy 3000, the most thought-out aspect of the game, for having an ‘inefficient’ interface.

On and on. They never stop, these poor, deluded souls. They literally cannot see the forest for the trees.

Take the physics. Some games writers who really should know better have slammed the way that dead bodies behave, like a Team America puppet with its strings cut. Yet they ignore the brilliant, grisly violence of VATS – the targeting system that lets you pause time to plan your attacks, then see the gory results in slow motion.

One moment a bandit who looks like he’s stepped out of Mad Max 2 will be trash-talking you; the next, his severed head will be arcing through the air, a trail of blood and viscera in its wake. Words cannot describe the hilarity.</blockquote>Oi, gaming press. Don't you think this means you owe us one good smear piece now?
So. Ignore the glitches to marvel at the awesomeness that is FO3.l

That makes about as much sense as "Despite its flaws, FO3 is GoTY!"

:roll: Whatever.
Take the physics. Some games writers who really should know better have slammed the way that dead bodies behave, like a Team America puppet with its strings cut. Yet they ignore the brilliant, grisly violence of VATS – the targeting system that lets you pause time to plan your attacks, then see the gory results in slow motion.

Nice red herring, dipshit. How do these 'journalists' not know logic 101. Especially since they are trying to convince people of their opinions.
One moment a bandit who looks like he’s stepped out of Mad Max 2 will be trash-talking you; the next, his severed head will be arcing through the air, a trail of blood and viscera in its wake. Words cannot describe the hilarity.

How about "Inane"? More swordbullets, please.
Another second-rate game "critic" who happens to admire the mind-boggling awesomeness of Fallout 3? How original and newsworthy.

An engrossing world of near-limitless adventure, good for at least three play-throughs, and over 100 hours of immersive, addictive satisfaction.
Ranne said:
Another second-rate game "critic" who happens to admire the mind-boggling awesomeness of Fallout 3? How original and newsworthy.

Don't you see it's the war of the critics? Some of them "who really should know better" have slammed ragdoll physics, but they ignored V.A.T.S.! We're clearly talking levels of integrity here.

Ranne said:
An engrossing world of near-limitless adventure, good for at least three play-throughs, and over 100 hours of immersive, addictive satisfaction.

Just like this.
I guess he can't be happy with the 99% positive review rate.

This is what happens when you speak a heresy in the church, don't tattoo flags on your face after 9/11, or don't particularly enjoy spectator sports. These people have a totalitarian mindset, and it drives them bonkers to see any deviance from the party line.
"Yuck allthose people who hate FO3 for its flaws, did they not ever notice how cool the heads ASPLODE in the game? They should know better" article, have seen those before. This didn't really deserve a separate news post.
Anytime you see the word immersive in a Fallout 3 opinion piece you know you're dealing with an iconoclast. A rebel who is willing to take on the man!
Marketing Marches On ...

Marketing Marches On ...

James Cottee @gameplayer.com.au said:

If you’ve yet to give it a go, I can assure you that you’re missing out. Don’t believe the hate. Take shelter from the Fallout fallout, and have a crack at one of the best games of all time.

There is the " ' hate ' " word again.
A clue pointing to politicized -- social engineering intentions.
Presumed peer manipulation ... forced marching the discourse toward the hard sell by bullying.
After the shine is gone from a recent game release,
we hear this band wagon spiel, 'join or die', from all major releases or just Bethesda buzz agents?

Wait, dare I walk a kilo in another's Nike's? Dare I toke a hit from his kilo?

Could be wrong about the power marketing motive, may be a 'cry for help' here!

I do not know why James C. feels threatened by others' opinions. Self esteem issues?

Why should a conscious or unconscious buzz agent care how many MORE copies of FO3 are sold?

I do not care about any direct or indirect gratuity exchanged for the bandwidth ... only that his curious insecurity
requires the affirmations of the entire game playing universe.

Obvious that FO3 was the peak experience of his life and it now seems to have turned frighteningly pale.

No thoughts of addiction need apply here. No hint of the obsessive compulsion, nor delusions of grandeur ...

But. Why this play acting the victim? This hero splattered pixels of gore for countless hours. He WAS GOD! God, in his own image!

He has been to the mountain top and is now pumped full of revelations!

His life's peak experience !!!11!!!!! And, ... is it that lonely at the top?

Scares me.


His essay was a latent slip because of a wholly human psychological with drawl from a mind blowing empowerment fix ... ?

Puzzled. Puzzled! Most of my sentences keep morphing into questions! They may not all be snarky rhetorical!

True species concern may be bleeding into my circled wagons of manly man humor!

Millions of units sold , had a good time playing ... and Jimmie is worried about contrary opinion.
Why was playing FO3 --> NOT reward enough... is that not evidence of *something* lacking.

Is there an adult in the house to explain to me the hollow cry for help from a Jimmie that has all the toys? :(

Should we notify the local 'suicide hot line' and send little Jimmie some one to talk him off his perilous edge?

Or maybe he just needs the 'hair of the dog' , for this elite hang over,
maybe he could use some more quality time with Dogmeat and FO3,
to mellow out his gaming high, and be content for what FO3 truly is ... for him. ;)



When Less Is More

Per said:
Don't you see it's the war of the critics? Some of them "who really should know better" have slammed ragdoll physics, but they ignored V.A.T.S.! We're clearly talking levels of integrity here. ...

Per this is powerful witticism. Out shines my hand waving via incisive brevity.

To 101 and whatever looms beyond ... Go Per Go!

They even criticize the Pip Boy 3000, the most thought-out aspect of the game, for having an ‘inefficient’ interface.

Yes, something that makes me click and scroll through skills, stats, perks, etc. is very efficient compared to one screen where I was able to see all my skills, stats and perks at once.
"Yeah, the game has shit dialogue, physics and story.....


Great arguments.
The thing is, he didn't even mention the reason why the game sucks to me, and I would think, a lot of other people. FO3 lacks believability and is way too over the top. Raiders, who have never been portrayed as murdering psychos, have human bodies displayed at their base. Silly superheroes dress up in costumes and make war with each other. There is only ONE farm in the game, and two total real towns. Megaton simply has a brahmin as its food supply, all else is provided by canned food 200 years old!

They even criticize the Pip Boy 3000, the most thought-out aspect of the game, for having an ‘inefficient’ interface.
How does the pipboy NOT have an ineffiecient interface compared to the original character sheet?

One moment a bandit who looks like he’s stepped out of Mad Max 2 will be trash-talking you; the next, his severed head will be arcing through the air, a trail of blood and viscera in its wake. Words cannot describe the hilarity.
Violence done right is fucking hilarious
Beth's target audience?
One moment a bandit who looks like he’s stepped out of Mad Max 2 will be trash-talking you; the next, his severed head will be arcing through the air, a trail of blood and viscera in its wake. Words cannot describe the hilarity.

Funny in a stupid, unbelievable sort of way. That's how I found most of the game.
Goddammit. Goddamn mother fuckers! It hurts. It hurts in my head to read this. Words cannot express how I feel. Only drugs will make the pain go away.