Fallout 3 in-depth video review


First time out of the vault
First off, I would like start by greeting everyone as this is my first post and interaction with this community despite knowing that this was THE forum for fallout fans. So, Hey!

Now to the reason for the post. Years ago, I began writing a video game review blog that started with my disappointment of fallout 3. Life got in the way and I stopped writing, but I would still rant to my brother, friends and anyone who would listen about how I felt the game missed the mark on virtually every aspect. Then, I came across RedLetterMedia's video review of the Star Wars prequels and I had the idea to do a video game equivalent break down of Fallout 3 and how it failed in a similar way. I began drafting the review, breaking it down into sections, figuring out what footage and images I would need, and so on. Eventually, the project stalled and was put on the shelf and left to collect metaphoric dust. With the hype and release of Fallout 4, my hatred and dislike for Fallout 3 was reignited and I decided to attempt to complete the review I started so long ago.

Now, the main problem I had long ago was that I was working by myself. Alone wandering the wasteland of video editing and voice recording, I got lost attempting to put together such a big project. The problem was not the scope of my idea, but the fact that I attempted to tackle it alone, like picking a fight against a deathclaw armed only with my wit and Johnny's red ryder BB gun. I had the idea this time around to reach out to different communities for like minded people that would be able to help in the areas that I lack. Video creation and editing along with voice and audio editing would be the biggest help, but even proof reading, fact checking, and general feedback would also be helpful. So I am creating this post to test the waters to see if there are people out there that would be willing to work with me in doing this review.

As for the review itself. Without going into huge detail (which I will dissect the game with large amounts of scrutiny in the review), I felt Fallout 3 missed all the major attributes that made Fallout games great. I feel, through different style and directional choices made by Bethesda, that the game shifted from interacting with the people who endured and survived the fallout of nuclear war, how these settlements interacted and how society rebuilt itself to interacting with objects, environments, and things found in the wasteland. The game went from dealing with the local inhabitants and organizations and how they intertwined to exploring the wasteland and dealing with primarily combat based obstacles. While using similar imagery and familiar themes is good, Bethesda relied so incredible heavily on the previous games and other sources that the game feels less of an extension of its predecessors and more of a crappy rehash. In my opinion, Bethesda bought the rights to the Fallout franchise in order to make a game that had a pre-existing fan base to ensure good sales the same way a Hollywood studio would do a poor remake or sequel of an older movie franchise. To me, Fallout 3 is the video game equivalent to the Star Wars prequels.

So, any sort of feedback or reply would be appreciated. At the very least, I plan to write the detailed review and post it, should making a video review prove too large an undertaking again. Thanks for reading!

-Mayor Keystone

PS: If you did enjoy the game, Cool! I, nor anyone really, can dictate what you should and should not enjoy or like. The point of the review would be to go over all the artistic and development choices regarding the game and break down why those were not well conceived, executed poorly, or just plain wrong. I will have much more colorful language as well as more vile adjectives, but I do not know how much is allowed on the forums.

PPS: If you haven't seen RedLetterMedia's review of the Star Wars prequels, go watch it on youtube, it is amazing.
I do not have editing skills for video production, but I can say that I would probably enjoy your video. I think a Full review would need to be somewhat long winded. You would also be addressing some of the issues with FO4 indirectly when addressing FO3 because they suffer in much of the same areas. Story, lore, faction karma, Micro and Macro scale world design choices and more. The video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvwlt4FqmS0 addresses a lot of issues as well. Best of luck and hope to see the video soon.
The review would NOT be all encompassing of all the quests and areas, but more an overview of the bigger problems I had using specific details and examples from the game. I still need to find the original draft and make revisions. I will post the different categories and ideas later if you wanted to check them out.

Also, thanks for the video, i'll have to check it out!