Fallout 3 most anticipated


Carbon Dated and Proud
Evidently ActionTrip belives that Fallout 3 will appear in 2005, wow talk about a short dev cycle, and they have added the title to their latest feature called Most anticipated PC Titles of 2005:<blockquote>*Cries* I hate you, Bethesda, you make such great games! *Runs into the night screaming*

While the gaming community is still wondering whether or not Fallout 3 will be released in 2005, we are hoping, and are in fact quite enthusiastic it will be. After the closure of the Black Isle Studios and the cancellation of the game, Bethesda has obtained the rights to both develop and publish the sequel to one of the most appraised RPG series of all times. Due to the turbulent history of the title, it is not surprising only scarce details are known about Fallout 3. In any case, the Bethesda team is, as they put it, overjoyed for getting the chance to work on Fallout 3, which they will develop simultaneously with their new Elder Scrolls title, Oblivion. They have promised us a "visually stunning and original game" with "player choice, engaging story, and non-linearity." We have to believe. Just as we have to believe in that 2005 release date. Keeping in mind Bethesda is behind the project, however, we must admit we still have a shadow of doubt in our hearts.

Apart from obtaining the rights to Fallout 3, Bethesda has also acquired the rights to any Fallout titles that may come in the future. This is indeed great news, and I can bear to live with doubt.</blockquote>Right, someone needs to lay off the sugar.
Link: Most anticipated PC Titles of 2005
well the engine is about done...hmmm. I think if it is released in 2005 (which could happen) it will be a lesser quality game. They need to take thier time and make a really kick ass fallout game, even if that means 06-07. The fallout name cant be discrased anymore. My two cents
I'm not so sure. Look at Fallout 2. Given all the time they wanted I'll bet you it would have recieved a very proper fucking over, rather then what ended up shipping, which was more of an accidental masterpiece then anything else.
well, the engine should be almost ready to use by now. basically a lot of art, story & designing to do rather than programming an engine. they could make it end '05 if they planned ahead well.

of course all signs point at the opposite... (thank you for the nice PR beth)

i really expect a lot more out of a Troika PA title than FO3.

so beth, here's a challenge: make us a game worthy of the name & we shall worship you. make us a piece of shit & we'll rip you to pieces...
That should be a given Swa.

Given that they're keeping a decently tight lid on news about how far they are, it could be finished around this time next year. Of course that's only if they have enough people working on it, or they're planning on releasing a shit game. Could be either at this point.
SuAside said:
i really expect a lot more out of a Troika PA title than FO3.


Which doesn't mean I don't hope like hell FO3 will turn out wonderful. But, as stated, "a shadow of doubt" is in my heart.
Considering Hines wouldnt even confirm that theyd keep to the canon storyline.....................

Im scared. Someone hold me..........
I wonder if we should just give up hope on F3.

TO be honest, I'm looking forward more towards Troika's PA game (if it comes out), then I am to F3.

May be time to change the avatar...
why don't you decide whether to give up on it when you'll see the actual product? all those topics and posts we all made on bethesda fallout 3... giving up now is pointless. we made ourselves clear on what we expect and demand from fallout3, now the ball is in their court. it could be made with the oblivion engine, and they way we want it, so at least give it a chance.

i expect from fallout3 much more than any game, including troika's PA one... that's because there was no sequal which failed.(POS and tactics are not to be refered as sequels because they were never supposed to be sequels). fallout 3 is supposed to be a real sequal, so there's no reason to just give up on it. sceptic? sure... pessimistic? a lot of reasons to. but giving up is stupid couse you don't know what will happen.
I recomend reading the <a href=http://www.nma-fallout.com/content.php?page=fo3-faq>FO3.1 FAQ</a>, as it points out why hope is hard to have.
Do you think tha besheda will resist craping the game with a bunch of stupid NPC's who realy dont have anything to say but reapeats the same text as all the other thousand useles charakters :?: I mean look a t morovind. I have all its expansion packs and all it adds its just some stupid moronic idiots who reapeat the same line again and again :x :x :x :x :x
I also think that Troika will make a very good PA themed RPG game.
They even have an engiene! But they haven't planed anything, it was just a Tech Demo.

But I really think that they will make a full game out of it, due the good feedback.
Well I don't know if having their own 3D engine is a good thing... But it's the rest of the game that matters, anyway.
Pope_Viper said:
I wonder if we should just give up hope on F3.

TO be honest, I'm looking forward more towards Troika's PA game (if it comes out), then I am to F3.

May be time to change the avatar...

I've been saying exactly that since Bethesda bought FO.

Troika is one of the few game developers that keep me playing computer games, almost everything else is crap or a disillusion.
You people saying you have more hope for troika's game should slow down a bit in my opinion. It's not like a trust bethesda (not more then troika) but troika seems to be a bit... off. Between the almost certainty of said game being only real time, and that recent mmorpg thing, i wouldn't put so much faith in it just yet.