gonzo13 said:
I am sorry Rosh, but i have to disagree.
I think posting ideas for what you would like in an FO3 storyline is perfectly in line with this forum. For god's sakes, that is all we did here for something like two or three years after FO2, before Tactics came out. We sat here and posted ideas as to how the story should progress in sequels, prequels, and what happened in between the two games, and all kinds of shit. That, and we BITCHED about how nobody was listening to us. Bitched, and bitched, and bitched, and romanticized about FO 1 & 2, and then bitched some more about how FO1 was too short and FO2 was too long and rushed unfinished to sales, and then we wrote unimaginable amounts about how each of us thought FO3 should be made including the storyline.
Note that it was not about posting story speculation or what would happen as a result of some action in the previous games, not through something that reads like a shitty Final Fantasy fanfic but with the words Mad-Libbed barely into the Fallout universe. Origin speculations are one thing. Writing up poor fanfic and try to believe that everyone is going to be receptive to it is quite insane.
We know it will not be used, especially since as I've mentioned before copyright would be an issue. Speculation is fine, but doing nothing but posting "come up with some idea that will never be used and essentially waste your time writing a bad fanfic summary like I have".
Hence, vague concept constructs should be used when discussing things of this sort, with examples given; the ones used here were too specific to be of any use to anyone. Other topics here more frequently have enough evident thought behind them and with some sense of what might be useful to suggest. For instance, I know my DeathClaw idea could be and has been bastardized into a couple of other situations. They are different enough in subject and structured so that they may be used with a number of other actors in place of those I used.
That was not what went on here, and sorry sonny, the thread had the mange, I had to put it down.
I was also explaining why nobody really replied to him in the time they were expecting. There is no logical construct behind that post aside, frankly, mental dribble. Posting what you would like the story to be in a five minute fanfic isn't really that constructive in any way, and are a dime a dozen around the more naive of forums.
So if you want to knock the kid about being unimaginative, go ahead, if you want to say he doesn't know how to come up with something original, go ahead, no writing skills, OK...... but please do not knock him for having a story-line idea of his own. That is not fair.
Please point out where I have been unfair. I have clearly explained the problem with these topics and the evident lack of any thought put behind the initial post. Not really much more. Now, if you think everone should be allowed to post every inane bit of brain droppings they care to here under the pretense that it has "Fallout 3" in the subject, I will again state that drivel of that sort shouldn't be on the forum.
Big T, being a bit more wise to forum use, posted in vague origins that could be vague enough for the developers to use, and not be specific enough to cause copyright problems or read like shitty fanfic.
You are right this is a "wouldn't it be cool if...." thread, but you are also right when you point out that people avoid these threads and so if you do not want to participate then don't. If you would rather (snip idiotic use of quote tags) read the crumpled rolls of paper from Troika's wastebasket than these topics (/snip idiotic use of quote tags), then do so. Nobody forces you to do anything, least of all reading threads like this.
If this kid has an idea then let him post it. If he wants to try to be a developer some day, then let him try, you learn by doing and failing. This isn't the worst I have read by far here on this forum.
I'm sorry, did you just try to tell me what to do on my own forum?
This is a conversation among friends, and anyone is allowed to disagree, and anyone is allowed to ignore it. Its harmless, he hasn't insulted anyone, in fact his whole post seems timid to me.
Too bad your reading level didn't include enough ability to understand the second "whole post", which puts this clearly. I suppose you'll try to claim that it means nothing when they go to violate the forum rules as well.