Fallout 3 reviews round-up #29


Vault Consort
Staff member
And it came to pass that people pleaded for the reviews to stop coming, but the reviews didn't stop coming. And then they cracked open and there were little zerglings inside! With water guns! It was horrible.

PSIllustrated, 97%.<blockquote>From the moment that Fallout 3 begins, everything looks simply gorgeous. There is a commitment to the franchise that can't really be explained. Bethesda took their time to ensure that every facet of the Fallout 3 universe fit within the framework of the original games that came out over a decade ago. The scenic vistas are breathtaking and every character is lively and vibrant. Huge, open areas in the wasteland truly convey the feeling of loneliness like no other game before it. Load times are kept to a minimum and everything runs at a smooth rate. Honestly, it needs to be seen to be believed.

Being able to craft your own journey in a game this large is epic. Fallout 3 deserves all of the acclaim it will get and deserves a place on your shelf if you haven't yet picked it up. If you are a old-school fan of the franchise or a newcomer that is looking for a more in-depth RPG experience, it is hard to go wrong with Fallout 3.</blockquote>GamingShogun.<blockquote>One unforeseen effect that Fallout 3 had on me while I played it was an overwhelming sense of despair and aimlessness. I had not thought of the increased immersion that the first-person view would bring, and as I wander through the ruins of the nation's capital I actually feel sad. Sad that we humans had to do this to ourselves.

Overall, this is a very worthy game of the Fallout title. Bethsoft has created what is probably their best product since Daggerfall, and that is saying a lot considering the gems they have produced in between the two titles. Fallout 3 will provide you with hours upon hours of entertainment as well as bring back fond memories of playing the first two games (look for homages to them throughout the game).</blockquote>sprites & bites blog.<blockquote>The game was very similar to Oblivion, but many times better. In Oblivion I could travel for miles wandering around and not meet anybody and not be bothered, but here in Fallout 3 every step I felt there was something around the corner. I stepped with a real fear that something would jump out on me. I think the cause of that was the post-nuclear-bomb setting. The ruins, the desolate buildings and burned out cars, I was always moving with excitement and intrepidation about what was coming next. Even in areas I had been before and killed all enemy, I felt like something else was around the corner.</blockquote>Columbia Spectator namedrops NMA.<blockquote>Fallout 3 tries to imitate Black Isle’s writing ability by expanding the number of dialogue options, expanding the voice cast—and swapping out Patrick Stewart with the much more talented Liam Neeson—and just in general improving the quality of the writing. It largely succeeds—the game has some of that dark humor that Fallout fans have come to expect from their games, but it still falls short of the standard set in the late ’90s. Maybe we can hope for improvements for Fallout 4.

The most disappointing parts of Fallout are the bits that are obviously inherited from Oblivion—wonky non-player character artificial intelligence, copy-and-paste dungeons and locales, and a general difficult imbalance throughout the entire campaign—though this is seriously improved from Oblivion. Bethesda did a pretty great job, overall, even though Fallout fans are considering rioting. They’ll get over it—nerds always do.</blockquote>PC Game Fun Time blog.<blockquote>It is true, Fallout 3 does feel similar to the previous major title from Bethesda. If you totally hated Oblivion, you will probably hate Fallout 3. If, instead, you thought Oblivion was a pretty good game, but marred by some serious flaws, there is a good chance you will love Fallout 3.

Ultimately, my opinion of Fallout 3 is now very strongly positive. I don’t know if the game will hold many hundred hours of replay value. There are some signs it may not. I am quite confident, though, that it holds for me at least several dozen more hours of enjoyment. This is in addition to the 15 or 20 hours I have already put into it, and it makes Fallout 3 a must-play in my book.</blockquote>The Game Reviews, 9.5.<blockquote>The open-ended nature of the world also hurts the impact of the game’s story, as there’s never any real impetus to keep you on the path of looking for your character’s lost father rather than striking out on your own. Even as the game progresses, the story never really manages to fully captivate the player. Before long, the main storyline becomes just another objective on the list of missions, something to be completed in your own good time when the urge to tackle secondary tasks has subsided. It’s hard to believe that an RPG can have a forgettable story, but sadly that is the case here, as Fallout 3 is driven more heavily by curiosity than by narrative.

There is one last thing to say about Fallout 3, and it can be taken as either a complement or a criticism depending on how you view it: There is a good deal of merit to statements that the game is essentially “Oblivion with guns.” Substitute swords and magic for firearms and explosives and you basically have the same weapons system. Replace goblins, ogres and bandits with ghouls, super mutants and raiders and you have your enemies. While the games are distinct in many ways, the two titles share a lot of similarities, and the core of the two games is very much alike. If you loved Oblivion, then likening this game to that one is likely the highest praise, but if you abhorred it, then this one observation may have taken Fallout 3 off the table entirely.

Ultimately though, Fallout 3 really deserves to be tried by everyone, as it is one of the rare games that can be all things to all people.</blockquote>
It would be interesting to do a statistical compilation of all these scores and check out things like the standard deviation.

Per, you seem to have lots of time on your hands... :mrgreen:
Per said:
And it came to pass that people pleaded for the reviews to stop coming, but the reviews didn't stop coming. And then they cracked open and there were little zerglings inside! With water guns! It was horrible.
And some of them were wearing hats!
someone should start making a new blog every day with a fake FO3 review on it just to see how long it takes per to catch on or give up
I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. Geez, if FOO never gets GOTY, it will at least get the "most reviewed game in history" award!

On another note: "Reviews? Oh, is that what they call ads these days?"
Fallout 3 tries to imitate Black Isle’s writing ability by expanding the number of dialogue options, expanding the voice cast—and swapping out Patrick Stewart with the much more talented Liam Neeson—and just in general improving the quality of the writing.
Again: really? Did we play the same Fallouts? Are we playing the same Fallout 3? What's going on here?
When did Patrick Stewart become crappy compared to Liam? They didn't really give him much to do in Oblivion, not really his fault.

gamerankings.com has a compiled score for fallout 3. Currently around 93.5, which I don't think is that far off. Its a 9 really.
