Svenska Dagbladet, 5/6.<blockquote>The game's greatest shortcoming is a paralysis that seems to have spread among the plants and people.
The trees stand like monoliths in the howling wind and the faces of the Fallout people are unpleasantly stiff even when they drone on in their long, uninteresting monologues.
These are annoying flaws in a world that is otherwise deeply fascinating to get lost in.</blockquote>Talking About Games, A.<blockquote>An aspect of NPC interaction that could use a makeover is the conversation system, though. It isn’t that there is anything particularly wrong with it, it’s just that since Fallout 3 began production there have been a few new RPG dialogue innovations that kind of make it hard at first to go back to the “old way” of doing things. What specifically comes to mind is the free flowing (and audible) voice of Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard. Again, there’s nothing really wrong with Fallout’s dialogue. It’s just difficult when you’ve had caviar to go back to fish and chips.</blockquote>GeekFortress blog.<blockquote>The depth of this game almost seems endless and the replayability makes it seem like several games in one. With glitches and errors aside the game still shines as a gem for all PS3 owners to experience if only by watching someone else play. You won’t be disappointed with what this game brings to the table and what we can expect future games to aspire to be.</blockquote>Loading, 8.<blockquote>A lot has to do with the perspective. This design decision which was criticized in advance actually works so well that it creates a kind of Metroid Prime effect; playing in first person perspective works so brilliantly that you wonder why no one realized this beforehand.
Bethesda manages to keep all the good parts of Oblivion while they really capture the characteristic aesthetics, feel and humour of Fallout. It is as ironic as it is logical that Bethesda, the company with the world's most boring design department, manages to make their first game with personality once they get to use another developer's characters, environments and worlds.</blockquote>The Reticule blog.<blockquote>Another aspect I think Bethesda deserve credit for is their cheeky nods to the fan community: The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts representing No Mutants Allowed anyone? Not allowing you to slay children while giving you a town run by the most annoying little bastards in the world? Unlike Moira Brown (you’ll know what I mean when you meet her), you simply cannot plug them with 10mm, and Bethesda knew it when they put them in. Excellent. Intelligent. So very irritating.</blockquote>Tech2, 4.5/5.<blockquote>The channel gains some righteous rebel overtones thanks to its radio jockey – Three Dog – who is the 'good guy' of the wasteland since he brings everything from good advice to inspirational stories to the wasteland dwellers. If you decide to play the game while collecting positive karma, every now and then he'll speak of Mister Vault 101's (which is you) good deeds and ask people to give you a pat on the back. Such a simple yet effective device has never been used in a game before, and I applaud Bethesda's ingenuity in creating something so amazing that it utilizes simple means to enhance the immersion level.</blockquote>, 9/10.<blockquote>It lacks to the Bethesda to complain the authorship and the details caracterizadores of the Fallout universe. Many of the fundamental principles of Fallout 3 are portion of the Black Isle Studios. Although this is unquestionable that the Bethesda knew to have in the hands and to take care of with the due respect the Fallout name. More than to know to reinventar a game and to assure a desirable evolution, it is over all in the base and composition of a world directed to avesso for the harshness of the war and where the survivors fight for the life in the center of the destruction, that if cheated the biggest step.</blockquote>
The trees stand like monoliths in the howling wind and the faces of the Fallout people are unpleasantly stiff even when they drone on in their long, uninteresting monologues.
These are annoying flaws in a world that is otherwise deeply fascinating to get lost in.</blockquote>Talking About Games, A.<blockquote>An aspect of NPC interaction that could use a makeover is the conversation system, though. It isn’t that there is anything particularly wrong with it, it’s just that since Fallout 3 began production there have been a few new RPG dialogue innovations that kind of make it hard at first to go back to the “old way” of doing things. What specifically comes to mind is the free flowing (and audible) voice of Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard. Again, there’s nothing really wrong with Fallout’s dialogue. It’s just difficult when you’ve had caviar to go back to fish and chips.</blockquote>GeekFortress blog.<blockquote>The depth of this game almost seems endless and the replayability makes it seem like several games in one. With glitches and errors aside the game still shines as a gem for all PS3 owners to experience if only by watching someone else play. You won’t be disappointed with what this game brings to the table and what we can expect future games to aspire to be.</blockquote>Loading, 8.<blockquote>A lot has to do with the perspective. This design decision which was criticized in advance actually works so well that it creates a kind of Metroid Prime effect; playing in first person perspective works so brilliantly that you wonder why no one realized this beforehand.
Bethesda manages to keep all the good parts of Oblivion while they really capture the characteristic aesthetics, feel and humour of Fallout. It is as ironic as it is logical that Bethesda, the company with the world's most boring design department, manages to make their first game with personality once they get to use another developer's characters, environments and worlds.</blockquote>The Reticule blog.<blockquote>Another aspect I think Bethesda deserve credit for is their cheeky nods to the fan community: The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts representing No Mutants Allowed anyone? Not allowing you to slay children while giving you a town run by the most annoying little bastards in the world? Unlike Moira Brown (you’ll know what I mean when you meet her), you simply cannot plug them with 10mm, and Bethesda knew it when they put them in. Excellent. Intelligent. So very irritating.</blockquote>Tech2, 4.5/5.<blockquote>The channel gains some righteous rebel overtones thanks to its radio jockey – Three Dog – who is the 'good guy' of the wasteland since he brings everything from good advice to inspirational stories to the wasteland dwellers. If you decide to play the game while collecting positive karma, every now and then he'll speak of Mister Vault 101's (which is you) good deeds and ask people to give you a pat on the back. Such a simple yet effective device has never been used in a game before, and I applaud Bethesda's ingenuity in creating something so amazing that it utilizes simple means to enhance the immersion level.</blockquote>, 9/10.<blockquote>It lacks to the Bethesda to complain the authorship and the details caracterizadores of the Fallout universe. Many of the fundamental principles of Fallout 3 are portion of the Black Isle Studios. Although this is unquestionable that the Bethesda knew to have in the hands and to take care of with the due respect the Fallout name. More than to know to reinventar a game and to assure a desirable evolution, it is over all in the base and composition of a world directed to avesso for the harshness of the war and where the survivors fight for the life in the center of the destruction, that if cheated the biggest step.</blockquote>