Fallout 3 reviews round-up #43


Vault Consort
Staff member
GameShark, second review, A.<blockquote>You may have already heard about the large bomb nestled in the heart of Megaton city, but it serves as the perfect example of the gratuitous freedom offered in Fallout 3. On one hand, you could detonate the bomb and drown in waterfalls of wealth and bad karma. On the other, you could disarm it for the Sheriff and bask in the simple pleasure of a child’s smiling face. What nobody tells you about are the options in-between. You could let Burke and the Sheriff duke it out and loot the corpses, or dismiss the entire situation and simply walk away.</blockquote>Diehard GameFAN gives a "good" rating overall but a "pretty poor" rating in the "miscellaneous" category. Whatever you do, don't buy this game for the miscellaneous.<blockquote>The voice cast star studded, and the performances are stellar. As mentioned above Liam Neeson is the voice of your father. Roddy McDowell is the voice President Eden, the leader of the Enclave. Ron Perlman is the voice of the Narrator. You as the main star have no voice actor assigned to you. Why exactly I don’t know. After playing Mass Effect I know that it’s possible to have an RPG where the main character has a voice.

At one point I was walking when I saw a fire fight break out. As I got closer I saw two caravans being attacked by a Deathclaw. Not wanting these sources of possible medicine and ammunition to be destroyed I jumped in and started helping. We beat the beastie, but not without the loss of two people. And it was totally random. You just don’t see things like that in most games.</blockquote>PlayStation Beyond, 9.5/10.<blockquote>The dialogue system is similar to the dialogue system in Mass Effect, for those that don't know how that system works; it is simply a list of things available to say depending on what you have learned throughout your journey in the Capital Wasteland and the level of your Speech or Barter skill. The dialogue is inferior to Mass Effect in one way; the main protagonist does not speak...ever, despite this Fallout 3's dialogue system is one of the best available.</blockquote>Dread Central, 4.5/5.<blockquote>This game is rife with responsibility; you have a lot on your shoulders. Any game with the option to enter a dangerous abandoned vault to find a violin for an old woman who can't repay you that also offers the option to infiltrate an underground city entirely populated with children and turn them over to slavers is clearly above and beyond the average moral choices offered in interactive entertainment. The kicker? You can do both in the same play through.</blockquote>AusGamers, 9.5/10.<blockquote>Moreover, interacting with other characters in the game-world is an equally old-school affair with oftentimes single replies repeated over and over again. There's no real dynamism to conversations either, which is just difficult to swallow after being given something as robust as Mass Effect's conversation wheel.

The real problem here is while Bethesda have tried really hard to craft a dynamic world with consequence, they've left out some really simple (and completely obvious) stuff that would have gone a long way to creating an even deeper sense of suspended disbelief.

As I mentioned earlier, this might sound like nitpicking, but when you look at everything they've gotten right with Fallout 3 (and there's a lot, because the whole game and experience is absolutely massive in scope, detail and execution), all of this just makes it feel somewhat short of an ultimate goal.</blockquote>CheatMasters blog.<blockquote>It is this freedom and decision making which sets Fallout 3 apart from other first person shooter and adventure role playing titles and to be honest puts it into a completely new level of it’s own, and it will certainly be the title that others to come will aspire to match when it comes to the depth and variety the game offers you as a gamer.

If anything is going to better Fallout 3, it will appear on the next batch of consoles in four or five years time. Fallout 3 is today’s gaming at it’s best, and is a must buy so go get it.</blockquote>www.themichigantimes.com/media/storage/paper620/news/2008/11/10/Features/fallout.3.Storms.Out.Of.Vault-3533284.shtml?refsource=collegeheadlines]The Michigan Times[/url], A.<blockquote>At one point every monster I killed would clip through the floor and disappear from view. Odd effect of the nuclear radiation or an annoying bit of bad coding? You be the judge.</blockquote>
Per said:
Diehard GameFAN gives a "good" rating overall but a "pretty poor" rating in the "miscellaneous" category. Whatever you do, don't buy this game for the miscellaneous.

LOL funny. Actually, I'd say miscellania is what the game is made of though >__< Killing miscellanious creatures, gathering miscellanious loot...

Or did they mean to say that in the game everything is good, except for everything??
Am I right, that, once this list is finished, we will have a list of all existing gaming magazines (and some more) ?
Per said:
After playing Mass Effect I know that it’s possible to have an RPG where the main character has a voice.

We beat the beastie, but not without the loss of two people. And it was totally random. You just don’t see things like that in most games.

The dialogue system is similar to the dialogue system in Mass Effect, for those that don't know how that system works; it is simply a list of things available to say depending on what you have learned throughout your journey in the Capital Wasteland and the level of your Speech or Barter skill.

It is this freedom and decision making which sets Fallout 3 apart from other first person shooter and adventure role playing titles and to be honest puts it into a completely new level of it’s own, and it will certainly be the title that others to come will aspire to match when it comes to the depth and variety the game offers you as a gamer. [most well-written sentence EVA]

The 4 snippets above are prime examples of why Per should keep on posting reviews. This stuff is comedy gold.
Roddy McDowell is the voice President Eden

Roddy McDovell died 10 years ago, may he RIP. He may have been a damned, dirty abe in a post-apocalyptic future, but he wasn't a president.

(Malcolm McDowell is the voice of Eden)
Ausdoerrt said:
Per said:
Diehard GameFAN gives a "good" rating overall but a "pretty poor" rating in the "miscellaneous" category. Whatever you do, don't buy this game for the miscellaneous.

LOL funny. Actually, I'd say miscellania is what the game is made of though >__< Killing miscellanious creatures, gathering miscellanious loot...

Or did they mean to say that in the game everything is good, except for everything??
No, they mean the game is good, but crashes too much. That is expressed in the very poor "miscellaneous" rating.