Fallout 3 reviews round-up #50


Vault Consort
Staff member
Barrel edition again, meaning we're dealing with blogs and blog-a-likes, although this doesn't mean it's all bad.

Pariah's Guild, 9.5/10.<blockquote>Another feature I rarely see a game utilize is a comprehensive inventory system. You see, a player’s inventory has a specified weight limit, preventing a player from carrying too many items.

In fact, the game is so unique, that I personally think it could revive the Fallout franchise.</blockquote>Gwyddia's Blog.<blockquote>When Bethesda reuses something in their game, they are doing it on purpose. Think all those tract-home shells look alike? That’s the point.</blockquote>Not funny... ever., A++.<blockquote>Giant bugs, exploding faces, giant cannibal mutant Frankenstein looking bastards who laugh as the charge you because you’re reloading like a retard - this game has it all. And the best part is, every action has a consequence and affects how the NPC’s view you. Think Fable, but with more bear traps and melted faces.</blockquote>Notebook Critic.<blockquote>RPG fans should buy this game too. It brings back the RPG glory days of the late ninteies when Black Isle and Bioware constantly tried out-doing each other with ever grander and more ambitious projects.</blockquote>The Endless Cast-On. (Note: scroll down to read, direct link doesn't work.)<blockquote>I don’t like that fact that you can’t untarget someone. For instance, say you accidentally… punch a local in the face. And say later on that local is a quest person you need. Guess what? You’re fucked.

Fallout 3 is an RPG. A good, new RPG. It is not overly inventive or new in the grand scheme of things. Fable 2 is a true RPG, a new definition that we will one day become accustomed. Its quests are better and the game just has more to offer.</blockquote>River's Review, 9.5/10.<blockquote>At it's root, Fallout 3 plays like a very basic FPS. But the word "basic" is not a complaint at all, instead it's more of a subtle warning to those who have been spoiled by modern FPS' tendency to let you duck behind a park bench while your health safely recovers.

The game is also deep in the sense that HP and AP [used in V.A.T.S.] is not the least of your worries. You also have to worry about radiation.</blockquote>A Gamer's Perspective, A.<blockquote>You get to decide, among other things, your characters gender and looks, in fact the main theme in Fallout is choice, the choice to kill someone of let them go, The choice to save an entire town, or destroy it, hell, you can even choose between a first-person or third-person perspective.</blockquote>ScrewAttack, some other guy, 9.25/10.<blockquote>In Fallout 3, there is an overabundance of useless crap. There is just too much stuff to find with everything you inspect having something inside that you can pick up for some odd use.

Fallout 3 is a tough game to score because it isn't a 9, but it isn't quite a 9.5.</blockquote>Insight Bits, 4/5.<blockquote>Story telling is definitely not one of the game’s strong points. In fact towards the end the player fights for people that want to purify water, against those that also want to purify water. This made me question why I was fighting in the first place.

To hide you have to crouch. No matter if you are out of line of sight, if you are standing the enemies will spot you if you are in their range. This also means it’s also impossible to sneak up behind someone while standing, no matter how slowly you walk. This is a strong RPG element regardless of the situation being practical or not.</blockquote>The Fortress of Awesometude.<blockquote>Fallout 3 has set a new bar for gaming greatness. In all aspects of the game, it has achieved near-perfection.

The main story is simply no good.</blockquote>The S3 Plan, 9.0/10.<blockquote>That being said, the problem I have with the game is that it gives you limitless freedom all the time. There are no rules. But something bad will happen if you do some things sometimes. Because of that, you’re unsure of what you are ’supposed’ to be doing.

But, once you get over the fact that Fallout works like the real world — shot at someone, and he’ll shoot back, steal and you will be run out of town — and play accordingly, you’ll be alright.

Anyone who has ever played a Role playing game needs to play Fallout 3. It may be “Oblivion with guns”, but is sure as hell fun.</blockquote>Video Games: the World of Gaming and Electronics, 9.5/10.<blockquote>The repair skill is an invaluable skill because you can use it to unite a bevy of items together to create more space in your inventory. This is analogous to mixing herbs in a game like Resident Evil.

Overall, Fallout 3 definitely lived up to its billing. For all of the skeptics, this game delivers on virtually every front.</blockquote>Nerds of the Year, 98/100.<blockquote>Another small, tiny gripe is that third person view is still inadequate. Yes, I could have used the term”sucks” or “blows” but I figured inadequate was a better term to use when refering to a game of this caliber.</blockquote>Frictionless Insight, 5/5.<blockquote>I would have liked for the choices to be more meaningful, even if that had meant some of the late content in the game had gone to waste. I felt like the early encounters offered many paths to victory. The same quest could often be completed through diplomacy, stealth, combat or even computer knowledge. Late in the game, there were often fewer paths to success, largely because my character could do everything.

The superb voice acting and sound design also deserve more than a passing comment.</blockquote>
The Endless Cast-On said:
Combat Targeting: I don’t like that fact that you can’t untarget someone. For instance, say you accidentally… punch a local in the face. And say later on that local is a quest person you need. Guess what? You’re fucked. Load you latest save and say goodbye to last thirty minutes of work.

What is this "untargeting" he writes about? Does he mean in VATS or something? If it is, nice job not finding the undo button (which is even announced on the left of the screen while in VATS, if I'm not mistaken) :P

The Fortress of Awesometude said:
Fallout 3 has set a new bar for gaming greatness. In all aspects of the game, it has achieved near-perfection. [...]

The main story is simply no good.

How does this make any sense? What was the guy thinking? :?
Bofast said:
What was the guy thinking? :?

Or the guy who thinks Fallout 3 is so "tough to score" that a 20-step scale won't do, he just has to haul out the 40-step scale for this one. That's probably an indication that you should rethink how you rate things.
Per said:
a 20-step scale won't do, he just has to haul out the 40-step scale for this one.
Screw that, why not be a man and whip out the 480-Step MegaCock Rating Scale of Rating Finality? :roll:
It brings back the RPG glory days of the late ninteies when Black Isle and Bioware constantly tried out-doing each other with ever grander and more ambitious projects.

I laughed.