Fallout 3 reviews round-up #59


Vault Consort
Staff member
GameGirl.<blockquote>This game incoorperates some of the best debates, the best books, the best movies ever witnessed. It's very Ayn Rand, even moreso than Bioshock. But what got me, what still has me, is the final decision to be made.

As the ending scene rolled, I felt like giving a standing ovation, as I have never played a game as amazing as this.</blockquote>Invader Gamer blog, 2/5.<blockquote>It may sound like I’m saying a lot of bad things about Fallout - but I guess my experience with the game didn’t match up to the hype that it was given. The beginning was terribly frustrating until I got to the part where I blew up the town then it got real fun for me, but later I found myself forced into a storyline that involved helping people out when I just wanted to play a jackass just looking to help myself out. It also didn’t help that the game had crashed twice for me.

By the time I stopped playing I had hit the spot that many people hit with MMORPGs - you just feel like you’re doing the same thing over again.</blockquote>Best Digital Products.<blockquote>Fallout 3 is an excellent First-Person Post-Apocalyptic Action Game.Older fans may be extremely disappointed with the changes that have occurred to the series since Fallout 2, and may want to avoid this game if they are looking for a direct update. New players, however, will greatly enjoy the game if they liked Bethesda’s previous game, Oblivion, or if they had fun with 2K Game’s Bioshock. In my view, Fallout 3 is definitely worth playing - it just isn’t the Fallout fans of the franchise might be expecting.</blockquote>Hardcore Christian Gamer.<blockquote>It’s these small incidental quests and moments that make up the best parts of the game. The main story line has some cool moments and settings, but overall is fairly disappointing. I didn’t care about any of the characters, and what should have been some of the most powerful and emotional moments were simply glossed over and pushed aside to get to the next plot point. The most rewarding parts of the game are when you enter an abandoned ruined house and piece together the events that went on in there simply by the placement of objects around the room.</blockquote>Armchair everything blog, 9/10.<blockquote>I do have complaints. As I previously mentioned, you’re restricted in only having cosmetic customization for your character. Your starting point is fixed, and the main quest is far too narrow. It would have been terrific if you could have chosen to play as a Ghoul, or a memeber of the Brotherhood of Steel. Or to have started outside of the Vault, in say Megaton or Rivet City or Underworld. How cool would it be to play as a Ghoul, and have raditation exposure heal you rather than hurt you?

If Bethesda builds on Fallout 3, and takes some more of the game play form Oblivion, for Fallout 4, that will be an incredible game.</blockquote>Total Sci Fi, 10/10.<blockquote>Much of Fallout 3 relies on surprise and shock. Like a movie, the plot is built on twists and turns, which are beautifully integrated into the game. Its only real flaw is that it’s so immersive and all encompassing that other games, and possibly real life, will be secondary considerations!</blockquote>Yummy Cake blog, 94/100.<blockquote>Anyway, as for the actuall combat system, its pretty klunky for a shooter, however, you will hardly be run-and-guning, as the V.A.T.S system is insanely fun, and after 55+ hours of me playing it, it never gets old. Although it is a bit confusing some times when if you shoot the guy in the leg, his head and both arms explode too.</blockquote>PAL Gaming Network, 9.<blockquote>Fallout 3 is a more-than-worthy successor in the illustrious Fallout series. There are few games which provide the level of immersion seen here, and the amount of time and effort which has gone into creating a believable, yet oddball, post-apocalyptic wasteland is astonishing. The game hasn't fallen too far from the Oblivion tree, which is not a bad thing at all.</blockquote>Edge, 7/10.<blockquote>The writing isn’t quite as consistent as the ideas that underpin it, however, and though dialogue trees rarely collapse into total logical failure, they do sometimes assume knowledge the player has yet to gain, and often have an unreal quality to them – as if human emotions had been explained to the writer secondhand.

These substantial boons aside, however, Bethesda treads water in most other areas of obvious improvement, and Fallout 3 is disappointing in its lack of finesse. But then submersion in this world means that you quickly look past the many frustrations – the uncanny NPCs, the occasional broken quest, the ill-conceived interface, the dozy voice-acting. It’s a game that rewards the long-haul with deep, inventive missions which eschew the usual fetch and kill structure, ensuring that the many hours spent in Fallout 3’s wasteland aren’t wasted.</blockquote>
It became annoying for my wife and kid to hear the constant sound of my gun going off.


Whether you get these allies or not is dependant on one of the completely new features in Fallout 3 which is the karma system.

Innovation etc.
Gamergirl Review:
This game incoorperates some of the best debates, the best books, the best movies ever witnessed. It's very Ayn Rand, even moreso than Bioshock. But what got me, what still has me, is the final decision to be made.

As the ending scene rolled, I felt like giving a standing ovation, as I have never played a game as amazing as this.

LOL. Well, I suppose for someone who hasn't played the previous Fallout games it probably feels satisfying to play a wasteland type game.

I was disappointed with Fallout 3's ending. I wanted to know the stories of each individual town, like they did in the originals with Junktown, Necropolis, etc.....oh wait, I forgot there aren't any towns except Megaton.
GameGirl said:
As the ending scene rolled, I felt like giving a standing ovation, as I have never played a game as amazing as this.
This is why nobody cares what women think. :P
Very Ayn Rand?

What exactly was objectivist about Fallout 3? Something tells me this person doesn't know who the hell Ayn Rand was, or what her writing were all about. She must think Ayn Rand has something to do with architecture, from reading reviews of Bioshock that mentioned the author...
Why? This is the 59th roundup of the 'reviews' of Fallout 3. It's been almost 20 roundups since it was said *in the News Announcement* that the bottom of the barrel was getting scraped. At this point, we're into the Sour Mash that got caught in the splintery bottom of the barrel, which was created after Per spent so much time and effort scraping the bottom.
Not exactly the bottom per se. Well at least with Edge as they tend to play the game a lot first before reviewing it, which explains the 7.
Oh, so it's more like we've cycled through the 'quick play' reviews, scraping bottom there, and now we're getting through the medium or long-length play reviews?
I guess this proves that you don't have to be a guy to enjoy cheap and cheerful action adventures. You would think a girl would be more picky about things such as having more interaction with characters or characters with more emotions.

GameGirl said:
This game incoorperates some of the best debates, the best books, the best movies ever witnessed. It's very Ayn Rand.

What the fuck does this mean? No, really, what the fuck does this mean? Yes folks, EyeNixon is actually pissed off, because this does not mean a SINGLE FUCKING THING.

Very Ayn Rand? So it's objectivist retardation? Sweet Christ, I thought it was bad enough with everyone deciding they knew Spartan history because they saw 300, but Ayn Rand? From playing BioShock? In Fallout 3?
My head, my god damned head.
Eyenixon said:
GameGirl said:
This game incoorperates some of the best debates, the best books, the best movies ever witnessed. It's very Ayn Rand.

What the fuck does this mean? No, really, what the fuck does this mean? Yes folks, EyeNixon is actually pissed off, because this does not mean a SINGLE FUCKING THING.

Very Ayn Rand? So it's objectivist retardation? Sweet Christ, I thought it was bad enough with everyone deciding they knew Spartan history because they saw 300, but Ayn Rand? From playing BioShock? In Fallout 3?
My head, my god damned head.


Objectivism holds that reality exists independent from consciousness; that individual persons are in contact with this reality through sensory perception; that human beings can gain objective (Fallout 3 has objectives known as "quests") knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation; that the proper moral purpose (karma) of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or rational self-interest; that the only social system consistent with this morality is full respect for individual rights, embodied in pure laissez-faire capitalism (barter skill); and that the role of art in human life is to transform man's widest metaphysical ideas, by selective reproduction of reality, into a physical form—a work of art—that he can comprehend and respond to (you can take garbage and make a flaming sword out of it).

Don't you feel stupid now
Why would he feel stupid? The Karma system alone in Fallout 3 is REALLY not Objectivist. The blog writer is just throwing the term out there with absolutely no connection to the game. Possibly to look clever. Or to somehow tie Bioshock in to Fallout 3. In any case, it's way, way off.
Starseeker said:
I guess this proves that you don't have to be a guy to enjoy cheap and cheerful action adventures. You would think a girl would be more picky about things such as having more interaction with characters or characters with more emotions.

You obviously haven't been over to the Beth boards with their two female mods who pretty much drool over anything Bethesda given to them.

People run the gambit of taste but gamergirl screwed herself when she complained that Fallout 3 was ripping off Bioshock, thus proving that her opinion and commentary was meaningless in regards to Fallout 3.
Moving Target said:
Why would he feel stupid? The Karma system alone in Fallout 3 is REALLY not Objectivist. The blog writer is just throwing the term out there with absolutely no connection to the game. Possibly to look clever. Or to somehow tie Bioshock in to Fallout 3. In any case, it's way, way off.

I think he was joking.
Sympathy For The Sophomore

Sympathy For The Sophomore


On GG site, searched "Bioshock" and picked a page with the GG FO3 reviewer, 'Navie'.


An exchange in the article's (20 minutes of fallout 3 footage) comment section:

greensabre said:
Oh cool, I downloaded this in 5 segments over Live a few days ago. They made my mouth water enough to preorder the game, which is something I NEVER do. I actually love what (I think) they're going for with the here; an alternate future as imagined from a 50's perspective. I agree that the crab monsters and robot taken straight from Forbidden Planet look cheesy, but I think it's part of the charm.

Navie said:

@greensabre, the 50s perspective, which was present in Bioshock as well, is a huge plus for me. I love that feeling, its an element that is very rare in gameplay , and holds that certain je ne sais que.

"" ... very Ann Rand ... "' So it's all about an era's 'look', , ("... the 50's perspective ... '), and not anything about the Cold War One infighting between conservative American cliques.

Had my own era of infallibility, ... ah ... several decades ago ...
Don't see any evidence that Navie wiki'ed *Ann Rand*, (This is all about fashion statements?), ... might be at that sophomoric age -- here and now.

So perhaps GG+Navie is guilty of 'fashion fascism' by their flighty association with Rand-ism, and might grow out of it.

GG-Navie picked the self sacrificing choice, for the FO 3 main quest.
Guess enlightened self interest might choose death as an ultimate statement of individualism,
but never as a forced moralized sacrifice for the sake of weak willed charity / humanity.

Fashion fascists / socialist realists ...

Interesting how the social realist art movements of the 20th Century 'isms' fostered gilded / bronzed statues of heroic egotism!

Consider that modernist Atlas as Rand's self motived hero...

'50's perspective' not from the FO's, but from Bioshock ....

GG. This is B-soft's target demographic, their "50's perspective" is associated with Bioshock,

and it appears that B-soft might have saved 6 million by leaving the FO IP lay,

and rolling their own post apocalyptic property!

Re: Sympathy For The Sophomore

4too said:
GG-Navie picked the self sacrificing choice, for the FO 3 main quest.
Guess enlightened self interest might choose death as an ultimate statement of individualism,
but never as a forced moralized sacrifice for the sake of weak willed charity / humanity.

I think that would be giving her too much credit.