Fallout 3 reviews round-up #76


Vault Consort
Staff member
Let's-catch-up-with-those-wacky-blogs edition, part 2 of 2.

Snark and Fury, 9/10.<blockquote>The designers have created a world that seems both dead and alive at the same time. I can’t help but stop and stare across the ruined vista of the wasteland, impressed by the vast draw distances and playing spot the ruined tourist attraction. Even the rough and ready settlements have their own separate themes and, whilst not always user friendly, are always interesting.

Fallout 3 is the most engaging and immersive game I’ve played since Bioshock.</blockquote>A Meaningless Title.<blockquote>I like that most of the skills are equally useful – Barter probably isn’t worth putting points into, but most of the others are about equal. I was dubious about the value of the Big Guns skill – missile launcher ammo being rather scarce in a post-apocalyptic wasteland – but then I found the plans for a ‘Rock-It Launcher’; the unholy fusion of a vacuum cleaner and a leaf blower, which lets you hurl any random junk at enemies. Now you too can strike your enemies down with ash trays, garden gnomes, and giant bundles of now worthless pre-war currency!</blockquote>Indoor Heroes, 9/10.<blockquote>Fallout 3 is a fantastic example of great game design. Its implementation of choice and consequence is a bold move within gaming, and something other developers should not be afraid to consider.

Get out a pen and add it to your Christmas list, do not miss out what many people will be hailing as Game of the Year.</blockquote>Lorien1973.Com.<blockquote>Bethesda Works. Damn you for making games that make me play for 4 hours in a row.

Great game. Love it. Best ever. Yes; it’s Oblivion with Guns. And Nukes. Do I care? Hell no!</blockquote>Chris Risner.<blockquote>All those things being said, Fallout 3 was an incredible game. The story was good (while short). The graphics were amazing. The quest variety was good. There was enough of the old Fallout to not entirely piss off fans of the original series, but enough new to show that Bethesda wasn't just copying someone else's game. They made some cool decisions (i.e. allowing you to pick a perk for every level and not making you worry about ammo weight).</blockquote>Tekflux, (8 or 9)/10.<blockquote>The game is actually quite fun. I love how much of your actions can have an affect on the overall outcome of the game.

The 3rd person game was a bit flaky at times mostly when inside the tight corridors of some of the places you could go into and when aiming at close up stuff. Maybe I should have just gone into 1st person view, but oh well, I wanted the different perspective since 1st-person shooters are my most played genre.</blockquote>Heresy.<blockquote>Environmental manipulation is limited. There’s TONS of things to open up and grab the shit inside… but as soon as you point your mouse at them, you know they are empty… it’s like you’re fucking psychic. So… there’s absolutely NO IMMERSION. Every time you find a medkit, I think, “In a post-apocalyptic world, people are dying everywhere… and this medkit found in the center of a well-populated environment has either been judiciously restocked before I got here OR no one else thought of EVER opening up the medkit.”

You know, as I write this review, I’m actually convincing myself I haven’t been having fun playing this fucking game. I’m actually angry with myself because I didn’t realize it until 4 days later. I’ve haven’t been playing a game, I’ve been going through the motions trying to “find the good stuff,” wanting to “find a gem buried in the gameplay” and thinking constantly, “Man, this would be better if…”

I want more gaming enjoyment, fuckers.</blockquote>Muse In Vivo, A+.<blockquote>First thing I noticed was that your in-game dad is voiced by Liam Neeson. I was all like, "Is that Liam Neeson?! IT IS!! It's gotta be. I know that voice." And I looked it up, and lo and behold... Liam FUCKING Neeson! That gives it points in my eyes.</blockquote>MadElk's Game reviews, 5/5.<blockquote>Conversations and missions often go beyond the usual fetch and assassinate quests and sometimes you can adjust the lives of others by talking to a few people without any quest being attached and no rewards given, besides perhaps a little karma. Most of the people you'll meet feel very three dimensional, with very separate personalities as if they'd each have their own back story to tell. The believability of these characters is only helped by the rather disturbing feeling of accuracy you'll get from the wasteland you're crossing.

The problems with Fallout 3 are rather minor, however it is frustrating that some of the issues that effected the 2006 game of the year haven't been rectified.</blockquote>Theory by Flatfingers.<blockquote>The patriotism and anti-Communist concerns of 1950s USA are persistently lampooned as mere mindless jingoism. I don't mind poking some fun at this, and it's not inconsistent with the vibe of previous Fallout games, but the constant "oh, weren't they so silly" is getting on my nerves.

Dialog (quest and otherwise) is generally well-written. I can't think of any NPC interactions that I'd call badly done, and there are a couple that I thought were absolutely brilliant.</blockquote>Healey.<blockquote>What should I talk about first? The massive choice in the game? The masterfully-constructed storyline? My new Vault Boy bobblehead that I received with the collector’s edition?</blockquote>
Bethesda Works. Damn you for making games that make me play for 4 hours in a row.

Great game. Love it. Best ever. Yes; it’s Oblivion with Guns. And Nukes. Do I care? Hell no!

Great review :clap:
Muse in Vivo actually had a better quote than "I was all like, "Is that Liam Neeson?! IT IS!! It's gotta be."

museinvivo said:
I also really like the old-school RPG style of it, with attributes and skills, like I was playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Per, you're not getting soft on us now, are you? Get yourself together man. Only 24 more to go :wink: