Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
As I understand it, the entire website is almost in unanimous agreement that Fallout 3 was either a terrible game, or a sub-standard one.
This is my attempt at heavily modifying it to make things better or slot in to the lore easier.
Let's begin.
Washington D.C and surrounding areas, about 15 to 20 years after Fallout 2.
The Capital Wasteland is quite fertile in this version of Fallout 3, the flora has a sort of "Autumn" theme to give the effect of a recovering wasteland (E.g, Brown/dark green grass everywhere, and in rural areas you have small forests of trees with brown/crimson leaves.)
The Capital Wasteland is a hive of Raiders and Tribals, this is mainly due to a lack of widespread authority like the NCR and the Legion in the West,some gangs of Raiders have fled from more civilized areas to the Capital Wasteland in search of freedom and easy pickings.
The Potomac River isn't radioactive (Well, before the game stats, but I'll get to that.) but it's full of gunk and dirt, it'd be like drinking from the Thames.
There are two major factions in Fallout 3. (though you can not join the Enclave, you can assist them.)
The Smithsonians
Before the war, a special vault was constructed underneath the Smithsonian Natural History Museum designed to house America's most important works of art and historical artifacts, as well as caretakers, museum curators and high society members within the D.C area.
When the war occurred many in the inner city sought refuge inside this Vault, surprisingly, many were let inside last minute.
Around 130 years after the Great War, this Vault opened, and it's inhabitants with their pre-war technologies, seized hold of D.C from Tribals and violent gangs.
The Smithsonians are obsessed with gaining and preserving knowledge and seek to collect any data they can.
The Smithsonians are split into two sections: The Citizens and The Strangers (Thank you for the idea Emperor!) .
The Smithsonian Museum area is sealed off from the rest of D.C and is a kind of paradise, stepping inside you might forget there ever was a war.
The Museums are a hub of scientific research and development, with many experimental projects underway.
The Citizens are comprised of the Vault Dwellers/Descendants of the Vault Dwellers from the original Vault, they are the only ones allowed inside the Smithsonian Museum area.
The Strangers are inhabitants of D.C under the control/ under the protection of the Smithsonians, these are the civilians of the faction, they are not allowed inside the Smithsonian Museum area.
The Security is a very large subsection of The Citizens, they are the Smithsonian Army, they usually accept recruits from The Strangers though, and there are always many volunteers as being a member of The Security provides a much more comfortable and prosperous life than being your standard Stranger (i.e you are actually allowed inside the Museum Area and are always well fed.)
The Security is generally equipped with basic combat armor and assault rifles, though high ranking members who are Citizens are equipped with Energy Weapons and makeshift Power Armor (Which is essentially a powered exo-skeleton with a gas mask and basic armored plating.)
So to sum them up, think Vault City but more prosperous, philosophical, slightly more philanthropic,somewhat honorable and better prepared.
The Enclave
Deep inside Raven Rock bunker, the east coast Enclave have waited.
They were in contact with the main Enclave on the west coast, and were sent many designs and documents (Particularly concerning Power Armor, and a few classified footnotes on FEV), but lost contact before the west coast could send the details of their plan to neutralize the nation.
When the West Coast Enclave were obliterated by the Chosen One, the last surviving Company of remnants flew east, led by General Autumn, to the nearest safehaven: The Raven Rock Enclave, who were still waiting for orders inside their bunker.
Eventually, the Enclave emerged publicly, about three years before the game begins.To the public, they are different to the Enclave we know (Still Patriots to the core.),they help rural communities, providing them with weapons, food and water as well as protection from Tribes,Bandits and the growing "Mutant Threat" (I'll get to that later) that is beginning to start panic all around the wasteland. but on the inside,they are still the same faction, as devious and evil as ever.
The people of the wasteland are beginning to side with and support the Enclave more than the Smithsonians.
After the destruction of the oil rig a company of survivors flew east on their Vertibirds, heading for the next best safe haven:The Capital Enclave on the east coast.
The Oil Rig survivors gave the all clear to open up Raven Rock so they could enter, and together they schemed,as it turns out, these Oil Rig survivors managed to pull out some holodisks concerning FEV.
Vice President Eden (Who was the leader of Raven Rock) is made into President Eden, but General Autumn controls majority of the Enclave's affairs, The President is really just there for morale and public appeal.
The data on FEV brought by the survivors was incomplete however and was after all, only data, but by sheer luck tiny traces of FEV was found on the power armor of the West Coast Remnants, with the FEV holodisks and the traces of FEV, the Enclave science teams began to work on recreating a viable strain.
After two years of constant work, a large batch of Waterborne FEV is created, nobody is sure what results this strain might produce, and they aren't going to test it inside the base due to worries of unexpected results (The lead scientist had theories concerning the virus mutating the ability to bypass quarantine.)
After a short discussion the leaders of the Enclave decide it would be best to test out the FEV on some "Pure" Vault Dwellers, they search the computer archives and locate Vault 87.
They use Raven Rocks systems to contact Vault 87's computer systems, and find a "back entrance" that will allow them to test on the Vault without the residents knowledge, when they reach the Caverns where Vault 87's secret entrance is located, they find a settlement named Lamplight, deciding they weren't ready for public acknowledgement they completely obliterate the small sub-Terrainan town, capturing any survivors for future testing and specialized Enclave operatives sneak inside Vault 87.
Once inside the Enclave operatives plant the Waterborne FEV inside the Vaults water supply system and modify the water chip so that the virus bypasses the purification process, and the chip will recycle the contaminated water in the way it does normal water, essentially creating an FEV factory.
The operatives connect the security camera feeds directly to Raven Rock for observation, and then quickly leave.
Eventually, the Vault dwellers start to mutate and transform into Super-Mutants,The Enclave did not want this result, but expected it, so they set their plan B into motion, and begin working on another strain that won't kill "Pure" Humans (They also discover through field tests on their captured Wastelanders from Lamplight that the FEV strain also converts wastelanders into Super-Mutants.
The Enclave observe the Vault as a particularly intelligent Super Mutant known as "Fawkes" begins to organize the hysterical Super-Mutants inside the Vault, and directs their unending rage into the idea of creating an army that will conquer the outside world, it is then that the Camera feed shuts down.
The Enclave take action and send an elimination squad, but when the Squad approach the main door, they find it already open and are ambushed and attacked by hordes of well armed Super-Mutants, the survivors are taken deep inside the Vault and are converted into Super Mutants via dipping into the water reservoir (So original right?)
The Super Mutants exit the Vault and terrorize and raid, slaughtering Caravans and killing wastelanders operating out of their Vault, bringing survivors of their attacks inside the Vault,where they will be dipped into the Water Reservoir and converted within seconds.
At first they were considered nothing but bogeymen, but slowly more actually valid reports of hulking men start spreading.
After about two years with little to no maintenance, the already faulty reactor inside Vault 87 has a major meltdown and radiation is spread throughout the entire vault and beyond, the Super-Mutants begin to change further, and creatures such as Centaurs (The Modern kind, not the original Centaurs) and Behemoths are born.
The population of the cavern town now called "New Lamplight" next to Vault 87 is instantly Ghoulified due to the meltdown. (I'll get onto Lamplight later.)
This radiation leaks from the Vault and into the Potomac River, causing it to become irradiated.
This causes massive problems for the inhabitants of D.C, and the Smithsonians are pressured for a solution.
This is also when the Enclave emerges publicly.
On top of poisoned water, Super-Mutants begin attacking D.C, turning many areas into raging warzones,Smithsonian control shrinks, and about 2/5ths of D.C is lost to Raiders and Super-Mutants.
The Smithsonians begin "Project Purity" led by Doctor Madison Li,stationed in the Jefferson Memorial.
Now begins our Main Characters story.
The Wanderer was born inside Vault 101 (Actually this time), as was his father, the head Vault Scientist, (The Wanderers mom died in childbirth.)
The Vault has never opened and is totally off the radar,it isn't even on the Enclave computers. (The Vault was designed to be a Dystopic society doomed to forever be encapsulated inside the Vault.)
Dad has a secret project:A ham radio which he uses to listen to Wasteland broadcasts, and eventually begins communications with the scientists at the Smithsonians Project Purity, including Doctor Li, who he falls in love with as he converses with her over several months/years helping her get the project off the ground with his intelligence and scientific knowledge, together they are on the verge of a breakthrough, but he loses contact.
Realizing how important Project Purity is, and how close they are to finishing, Dad makes a decision to leave the Vault with a scientific Holodisk, to go finish Project Purity.
He tries to do so secretly, but it fails, leading to a similar situation to the original Fallout 3.
And so begins the game proper.
The main quest is then separated into three main chapters:
Chapter 1:Finding Dad
The MC explores the wasteland, on a search to find their Father,essentially the same as the normal Fallout 3, except with less "Your princess is in another castle" crap.
Chapter 2: Project Purity
This focuses on getting Project Purity online and working, which at the end of the chapter your Dad informs you needs a Water Purification Chip from a Vault to finish it off, you have several options from which to get this:
1.You can simply make your way back inside Vault 101 and steal the chip, this is the easiest option, but you're essentially murdering the entire Vault. (With a nice Fallout 1 reference in the ending slide)
2. You can go into the hornets nest and try and retrieve one from Vault 87.
3. Try and find another Vault (this requires collecting data on where one is,quite tricky actually.)
When you aquire the chip, you are ambushed by Enclave soldiers and are knocked out and taken to Raven Rock much like the Default game,General Autumn wants the code for the Purifier and the Location of your Vault from you (They are collecting "Pure Humans" to amass their army and have already assimilated two Vaults) but he is stopped from torturing you by President Eden who wants a word with you.
You are then free to snoop around the base and learn backstory/rob the Enclave blind.
There are two possible outcomes of your visit:
1. You visit the President as asked and listen to the Enclave's plan summarized and accept the vial of experimental, special FEV from President Eden (This modified FEV is not the final version, and only kills off Ghouls and Super Mutants.) , like in the default game, you then leave the base peacefully, and are not allowed to re-enter.
2. You do some snooping and enter the reactor level, where you can fuck shit up and blow up the base, leading to a high adrenaline escape, also like the default game.
You must choose one or the other, if you blow up the base, no FEV vial, and vice versa.
Once you return with the Chip, you find that while you were gone Project Purity suffered from a Super Mutant raid and your father was heavily injured, you have a last conversation with him and he dies.
Project Purity is completed and the river becomes clean
You have the option here to insert FEV, but are told by the computer systems that the foreign object will take time to initialize and pump through the system.
Chapter 3:Control
Now your Character becomes part of a larger game.
Each faction has their goals:
The Enclave wants control of Project Purity, so they can insert their final,full, version of weaponized FEV into the systems and poison the river (NOTE: This is a different strain to that given to the Wanderer by Eden.) , killing off all Ghouls and Mutants, (Including Brahmin and related Wildlife.)as well as the majority of the wastelanders,then they will pick off the survivors and put them in concentration camps,President Eden (Who isn't a fucking computer) wants "his" capital back and believes capturing D.C will allow them to start a crusade like reclamation of America.
The Smithsonians want to kick the Enclave out of the Capital Wasteland, and want to remain in control of D.C and Project Purity.
They also want control of Raven Rock and all it's technology (Powered Armor, Vertibirds, Energy Weapons and most importantly, the Enclave central database, and secretly, some of the elder members of the Citizens want the FEV for themselves, for several grim reasons beyond research).
The endings can vary quite a bit, but these are the general descriptions of what happens.
You are narrowed into helping the Smithsonians, but can still enact your own agenda by poisoning the river with the special FEV given to you by Eden, this will kill off all Ghouls and Super Mutants who drink from the river (i.e nearly all of them.)
Depending on your actions, the Enclave can be in various states:
1. The Enclave will be beaten and bruised by the Smithsonians, and retreat, but are definitely not finished. Prerequisites: Do nothing to massively harm the Enclave.
2. The Enclave struggle without leadership, the Enclave fractures and falls into Civil War, many troopers desert and the Enclave is reduced to warring techno-tribes. The Smithsonians occupy Raven Rock and get their hands on the Enclave database Prerequisites: Kill Autumn and Eden (Eden can be killed secretly and nobody will be the wiser until you leave Raven Rock, note this is different to destroying Raven Rock.)
3. The Enclave are battered and wounded,near death, Autumn is demoralized and a shadow of his former self, he is overthrown by an eager Colonel, but the Colonels triumph does not last long as The Smithsonians go on a quest to destroy the remaining Enclave, the Enclave scatters and disappears,rumors persist of Black Armored Demons emerging from the Mountains to abduct and devour unlucky villages and caravans.
estroy Raven Rock, do not kill Autumn.
4.The Enclave are all but destroyed, Remnants flee or reintegrate into brand new lives with new identities, the Vaults assimilated by the Enclave reseal and never open again. Prerequisites
estroy Raven Rock, Kill Autumn
5. The Enclave is killed to the last man, nothing remains of the Enclave, and they eventually fall into urban myth, then legend, then children's boogeymen, and eventually, are totally forgotten. Prerequisites: Destroy Raven Rock, Kill Autumn, destroy the Assimilated Vaults,destroy every Enclave outpost in the wasteland and kill the Enclave ambassador in Floodtown.
Now for the Smithsonian endings.
1. The Smithsonians prosper with the Enclave database in their hands, they become an icon of knowledge in the Wasteland, many make pilgrimage across the land in search of answers and knowledge, with all this prosperity, their people are much happier and less troublesome, and as result, the society becomes more libertarian. Prerequisite: achieve Enclave ending 2, as well as some other minor things. (possibly have the opportunity,with high enough Science, to copy a compressed data file onto your Pip-Boy containing the entire Enclave archive whilst you snoop around the base, allowing you to get this ending with any Enclave ending.)
2. The Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier as well as the sudden appearance of mutant killer plants (A product of FEV in the groundwater.) , riots and protests are held in D.C, the Smithsonians manage to wrangle control though,the society becomes more Authoritarian and Dystopian. Prerequisites:Insert the special FEV into the purifier and some other minor things, the Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
3.The Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier as well as the sudden appearance of mutant killer plants (A product of FEV in the groundwater),riots and protests are held in D.C, the Smithsonians fall apart and D.C descends into anarchy for a time,many years later a Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel ventures into the Capital Wasteland and pick up the pieces, assuming direct control of D.C. Prerequisites: Insert the special FEV into the purifier, the Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
4. At first the Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier, but with the Enclave data, they manage to rectify the situation. The public believes them when they claim it was not their doing.
The Smithsonians then reverse engineer the FEV using the sample+Data and create Gas Launchers that horribly mutate targets to the point of immobility and lack of brain capacity, the Smithsonians begin to expand beyond D.C in a somewhat aggressive fashion. Prerequisites: Insert the special FEV into the Purifier, The Smithsonians do achieve the Enclave database.
5.The Smithsonians celebrate victory over the Enclave,but the status quo remains largely the same. Prerequisites: Do not insert the Special FEV into the Purifier, The Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
Major/New/Modified Locations
Vault 101:Essentially Vault 101,but larger.
MarketVille: the first town encountered in the game,essentially a small shanty town built around an old Super Duper Market, it's best known for it's food trade and chem labs.
View attachment 126
(Replace Atomic Bomb with Super Market)
D.C:In this version, D.C is probably the largest city in Fallout, towering Art Deco/Atompunk architecture with ghettos, war zones and safe havens inside, this was the Capital City of America, remember?

D.C Metro: Underneath the city is the Metro system, inhabited by people and mutants alike, this place can be a maze of the dead if you're not experienced, generally travelers use Hand Pump Carts to get around, but there is a massive, long quest that can result in reactivation of the Metro System
Floodtown: Inside D.C is a suburban area that was flooded by the river (the flow was blocked and repaired by the Smithsonians) and people live there, buildings connected by bridges and other collapsed structures, they also use boats to navigate the water, they make trade off of fish that inhabit their waters, and remain independent of the Smithsonians, they are the only town to support the Enclave.
The Manufactorum:A minor faction out in the wastes controls a military outpost/Arms Factory and create and sell weapons,these are the guns runners of the East Coast.
New Lamplight:After the town was slaughtered,a new group entered and took over the town, the towns main export is metals and minerals from it's mine, after the reactor leak in Vault 87, majority of the population were converted to Ghouls, but they still remain because of the importance of the mine and the amount of money it brings in, they have a constant battle with wandering super mutants.
This is a more finalized version of my earlier post.
This is my attempt at heavily modifying it to make things better or slot in to the lore easier.
Let's begin.
Washington D.C and surrounding areas, about 15 to 20 years after Fallout 2.
The Capital Wasteland is quite fertile in this version of Fallout 3, the flora has a sort of "Autumn" theme to give the effect of a recovering wasteland (E.g, Brown/dark green grass everywhere, and in rural areas you have small forests of trees with brown/crimson leaves.)
The Capital Wasteland is a hive of Raiders and Tribals, this is mainly due to a lack of widespread authority like the NCR and the Legion in the West,some gangs of Raiders have fled from more civilized areas to the Capital Wasteland in search of freedom and easy pickings.
The Potomac River isn't radioactive (Well, before the game stats, but I'll get to that.) but it's full of gunk and dirt, it'd be like drinking from the Thames.
There are two major factions in Fallout 3. (though you can not join the Enclave, you can assist them.)
The Smithsonians
Before the war, a special vault was constructed underneath the Smithsonian Natural History Museum designed to house America's most important works of art and historical artifacts, as well as caretakers, museum curators and high society members within the D.C area.
When the war occurred many in the inner city sought refuge inside this Vault, surprisingly, many were let inside last minute.
Around 130 years after the Great War, this Vault opened, and it's inhabitants with their pre-war technologies, seized hold of D.C from Tribals and violent gangs.
The Smithsonians are obsessed with gaining and preserving knowledge and seek to collect any data they can.
The Smithsonians are split into two sections: The Citizens and The Strangers (Thank you for the idea Emperor!) .
The Smithsonian Museum area is sealed off from the rest of D.C and is a kind of paradise, stepping inside you might forget there ever was a war.
The Museums are a hub of scientific research and development, with many experimental projects underway.
The Citizens are comprised of the Vault Dwellers/Descendants of the Vault Dwellers from the original Vault, they are the only ones allowed inside the Smithsonian Museum area.
The Strangers are inhabitants of D.C under the control/ under the protection of the Smithsonians, these are the civilians of the faction, they are not allowed inside the Smithsonian Museum area.
The Security is a very large subsection of The Citizens, they are the Smithsonian Army, they usually accept recruits from The Strangers though, and there are always many volunteers as being a member of The Security provides a much more comfortable and prosperous life than being your standard Stranger (i.e you are actually allowed inside the Museum Area and are always well fed.)
The Security is generally equipped with basic combat armor and assault rifles, though high ranking members who are Citizens are equipped with Energy Weapons and makeshift Power Armor (Which is essentially a powered exo-skeleton with a gas mask and basic armored plating.)
So to sum them up, think Vault City but more prosperous, philosophical, slightly more philanthropic,somewhat honorable and better prepared.
The Enclave
Deep inside Raven Rock bunker, the east coast Enclave have waited.
They were in contact with the main Enclave on the west coast, and were sent many designs and documents (Particularly concerning Power Armor, and a few classified footnotes on FEV), but lost contact before the west coast could send the details of their plan to neutralize the nation.
When the West Coast Enclave were obliterated by the Chosen One, the last surviving Company of remnants flew east, led by General Autumn, to the nearest safehaven: The Raven Rock Enclave, who were still waiting for orders inside their bunker.
Eventually, the Enclave emerged publicly, about three years before the game begins.To the public, they are different to the Enclave we know (Still Patriots to the core.),they help rural communities, providing them with weapons, food and water as well as protection from Tribes,Bandits and the growing "Mutant Threat" (I'll get to that later) that is beginning to start panic all around the wasteland. but on the inside,they are still the same faction, as devious and evil as ever.
The people of the wasteland are beginning to side with and support the Enclave more than the Smithsonians.
After the destruction of the oil rig a company of survivors flew east on their Vertibirds, heading for the next best safe haven:The Capital Enclave on the east coast.
The Oil Rig survivors gave the all clear to open up Raven Rock so they could enter, and together they schemed,as it turns out, these Oil Rig survivors managed to pull out some holodisks concerning FEV.
Vice President Eden (Who was the leader of Raven Rock) is made into President Eden, but General Autumn controls majority of the Enclave's affairs, The President is really just there for morale and public appeal.
The data on FEV brought by the survivors was incomplete however and was after all, only data, but by sheer luck tiny traces of FEV was found on the power armor of the West Coast Remnants, with the FEV holodisks and the traces of FEV, the Enclave science teams began to work on recreating a viable strain.
After two years of constant work, a large batch of Waterborne FEV is created, nobody is sure what results this strain might produce, and they aren't going to test it inside the base due to worries of unexpected results (The lead scientist had theories concerning the virus mutating the ability to bypass quarantine.)
After a short discussion the leaders of the Enclave decide it would be best to test out the FEV on some "Pure" Vault Dwellers, they search the computer archives and locate Vault 87.
They use Raven Rocks systems to contact Vault 87's computer systems, and find a "back entrance" that will allow them to test on the Vault without the residents knowledge, when they reach the Caverns where Vault 87's secret entrance is located, they find a settlement named Lamplight, deciding they weren't ready for public acknowledgement they completely obliterate the small sub-Terrainan town, capturing any survivors for future testing and specialized Enclave operatives sneak inside Vault 87.
Once inside the Enclave operatives plant the Waterborne FEV inside the Vaults water supply system and modify the water chip so that the virus bypasses the purification process, and the chip will recycle the contaminated water in the way it does normal water, essentially creating an FEV factory.
The operatives connect the security camera feeds directly to Raven Rock for observation, and then quickly leave.
Eventually, the Vault dwellers start to mutate and transform into Super-Mutants,The Enclave did not want this result, but expected it, so they set their plan B into motion, and begin working on another strain that won't kill "Pure" Humans (They also discover through field tests on their captured Wastelanders from Lamplight that the FEV strain also converts wastelanders into Super-Mutants.
The Enclave observe the Vault as a particularly intelligent Super Mutant known as "Fawkes" begins to organize the hysterical Super-Mutants inside the Vault, and directs their unending rage into the idea of creating an army that will conquer the outside world, it is then that the Camera feed shuts down.
The Enclave take action and send an elimination squad, but when the Squad approach the main door, they find it already open and are ambushed and attacked by hordes of well armed Super-Mutants, the survivors are taken deep inside the Vault and are converted into Super Mutants via dipping into the water reservoir (So original right?)
The Super Mutants exit the Vault and terrorize and raid, slaughtering Caravans and killing wastelanders operating out of their Vault, bringing survivors of their attacks inside the Vault,where they will be dipped into the Water Reservoir and converted within seconds.
At first they were considered nothing but bogeymen, but slowly more actually valid reports of hulking men start spreading.
After about two years with little to no maintenance, the already faulty reactor inside Vault 87 has a major meltdown and radiation is spread throughout the entire vault and beyond, the Super-Mutants begin to change further, and creatures such as Centaurs (The Modern kind, not the original Centaurs) and Behemoths are born.
The population of the cavern town now called "New Lamplight" next to Vault 87 is instantly Ghoulified due to the meltdown. (I'll get onto Lamplight later.)
This radiation leaks from the Vault and into the Potomac River, causing it to become irradiated.
This causes massive problems for the inhabitants of D.C, and the Smithsonians are pressured for a solution.
This is also when the Enclave emerges publicly.
On top of poisoned water, Super-Mutants begin attacking D.C, turning many areas into raging warzones,Smithsonian control shrinks, and about 2/5ths of D.C is lost to Raiders and Super-Mutants.
The Smithsonians begin "Project Purity" led by Doctor Madison Li,stationed in the Jefferson Memorial.
Now begins our Main Characters story.
The Wanderer was born inside Vault 101 (Actually this time), as was his father, the head Vault Scientist, (The Wanderers mom died in childbirth.)
The Vault has never opened and is totally off the radar,it isn't even on the Enclave computers. (The Vault was designed to be a Dystopic society doomed to forever be encapsulated inside the Vault.)
Dad has a secret project:A ham radio which he uses to listen to Wasteland broadcasts, and eventually begins communications with the scientists at the Smithsonians Project Purity, including Doctor Li, who he falls in love with as he converses with her over several months/years helping her get the project off the ground with his intelligence and scientific knowledge, together they are on the verge of a breakthrough, but he loses contact.
Realizing how important Project Purity is, and how close they are to finishing, Dad makes a decision to leave the Vault with a scientific Holodisk, to go finish Project Purity.
He tries to do so secretly, but it fails, leading to a similar situation to the original Fallout 3.
And so begins the game proper.
The main quest is then separated into three main chapters:
Chapter 1:Finding Dad
The MC explores the wasteland, on a search to find their Father,essentially the same as the normal Fallout 3, except with less "Your princess is in another castle" crap.
Chapter 2: Project Purity
This focuses on getting Project Purity online and working, which at the end of the chapter your Dad informs you needs a Water Purification Chip from a Vault to finish it off, you have several options from which to get this:
1.You can simply make your way back inside Vault 101 and steal the chip, this is the easiest option, but you're essentially murdering the entire Vault. (With a nice Fallout 1 reference in the ending slide)
2. You can go into the hornets nest and try and retrieve one from Vault 87.
3. Try and find another Vault (this requires collecting data on where one is,quite tricky actually.)
When you aquire the chip, you are ambushed by Enclave soldiers and are knocked out and taken to Raven Rock much like the Default game,General Autumn wants the code for the Purifier and the Location of your Vault from you (They are collecting "Pure Humans" to amass their army and have already assimilated two Vaults) but he is stopped from torturing you by President Eden who wants a word with you.
You are then free to snoop around the base and learn backstory/rob the Enclave blind.
There are two possible outcomes of your visit:
1. You visit the President as asked and listen to the Enclave's plan summarized and accept the vial of experimental, special FEV from President Eden (This modified FEV is not the final version, and only kills off Ghouls and Super Mutants.) , like in the default game, you then leave the base peacefully, and are not allowed to re-enter.
2. You do some snooping and enter the reactor level, where you can fuck shit up and blow up the base, leading to a high adrenaline escape, also like the default game.
You must choose one or the other, if you blow up the base, no FEV vial, and vice versa.
Once you return with the Chip, you find that while you were gone Project Purity suffered from a Super Mutant raid and your father was heavily injured, you have a last conversation with him and he dies.
Project Purity is completed and the river becomes clean
You have the option here to insert FEV, but are told by the computer systems that the foreign object will take time to initialize and pump through the system.
Chapter 3:Control
Now your Character becomes part of a larger game.
Each faction has their goals:
The Enclave wants control of Project Purity, so they can insert their final,full, version of weaponized FEV into the systems and poison the river (NOTE: This is a different strain to that given to the Wanderer by Eden.) , killing off all Ghouls and Mutants, (Including Brahmin and related Wildlife.)as well as the majority of the wastelanders,then they will pick off the survivors and put them in concentration camps,President Eden (Who isn't a fucking computer) wants "his" capital back and believes capturing D.C will allow them to start a crusade like reclamation of America.
The Smithsonians want to kick the Enclave out of the Capital Wasteland, and want to remain in control of D.C and Project Purity.
They also want control of Raven Rock and all it's technology (Powered Armor, Vertibirds, Energy Weapons and most importantly, the Enclave central database, and secretly, some of the elder members of the Citizens want the FEV for themselves, for several grim reasons beyond research).
The endings can vary quite a bit, but these are the general descriptions of what happens.
You are narrowed into helping the Smithsonians, but can still enact your own agenda by poisoning the river with the special FEV given to you by Eden, this will kill off all Ghouls and Super Mutants who drink from the river (i.e nearly all of them.)
Depending on your actions, the Enclave can be in various states:
1. The Enclave will be beaten and bruised by the Smithsonians, and retreat, but are definitely not finished. Prerequisites: Do nothing to massively harm the Enclave.
2. The Enclave struggle without leadership, the Enclave fractures and falls into Civil War, many troopers desert and the Enclave is reduced to warring techno-tribes. The Smithsonians occupy Raven Rock and get their hands on the Enclave database Prerequisites: Kill Autumn and Eden (Eden can be killed secretly and nobody will be the wiser until you leave Raven Rock, note this is different to destroying Raven Rock.)
3. The Enclave are battered and wounded,near death, Autumn is demoralized and a shadow of his former self, he is overthrown by an eager Colonel, but the Colonels triumph does not last long as The Smithsonians go on a quest to destroy the remaining Enclave, the Enclave scatters and disappears,rumors persist of Black Armored Demons emerging from the Mountains to abduct and devour unlucky villages and caravans.

4.The Enclave are all but destroyed, Remnants flee or reintegrate into brand new lives with new identities, the Vaults assimilated by the Enclave reseal and never open again. Prerequisites

5. The Enclave is killed to the last man, nothing remains of the Enclave, and they eventually fall into urban myth, then legend, then children's boogeymen, and eventually, are totally forgotten. Prerequisites: Destroy Raven Rock, Kill Autumn, destroy the Assimilated Vaults,destroy every Enclave outpost in the wasteland and kill the Enclave ambassador in Floodtown.
Now for the Smithsonian endings.
1. The Smithsonians prosper with the Enclave database in their hands, they become an icon of knowledge in the Wasteland, many make pilgrimage across the land in search of answers and knowledge, with all this prosperity, their people are much happier and less troublesome, and as result, the society becomes more libertarian. Prerequisite: achieve Enclave ending 2, as well as some other minor things. (possibly have the opportunity,with high enough Science, to copy a compressed data file onto your Pip-Boy containing the entire Enclave archive whilst you snoop around the base, allowing you to get this ending with any Enclave ending.)
2. The Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier as well as the sudden appearance of mutant killer plants (A product of FEV in the groundwater.) , riots and protests are held in D.C, the Smithsonians manage to wrangle control though,the society becomes more Authoritarian and Dystopian. Prerequisites:Insert the special FEV into the purifier and some other minor things, the Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
3.The Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier as well as the sudden appearance of mutant killer plants (A product of FEV in the groundwater),riots and protests are held in D.C, the Smithsonians fall apart and D.C descends into anarchy for a time,many years later a Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel ventures into the Capital Wasteland and pick up the pieces, assuming direct control of D.C. Prerequisites: Insert the special FEV into the purifier, the Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
4. At first the Smithsonians are blamed for the genocidal results of the Purifier, but with the Enclave data, they manage to rectify the situation. The public believes them when they claim it was not their doing.
The Smithsonians then reverse engineer the FEV using the sample+Data and create Gas Launchers that horribly mutate targets to the point of immobility and lack of brain capacity, the Smithsonians begin to expand beyond D.C in a somewhat aggressive fashion. Prerequisites: Insert the special FEV into the Purifier, The Smithsonians do achieve the Enclave database.
5.The Smithsonians celebrate victory over the Enclave,but the status quo remains largely the same. Prerequisites: Do not insert the Special FEV into the Purifier, The Smithsonians do not achieve the Enclave database.
Major/New/Modified Locations
Vault 101:Essentially Vault 101,but larger.
MarketVille: the first town encountered in the game,essentially a small shanty town built around an old Super Duper Market, it's best known for it's food trade and chem labs.
View attachment 126
(Replace Atomic Bomb with Super Market)
D.C:In this version, D.C is probably the largest city in Fallout, towering Art Deco/Atompunk architecture with ghettos, war zones and safe havens inside, this was the Capital City of America, remember?

D.C Metro: Underneath the city is the Metro system, inhabited by people and mutants alike, this place can be a maze of the dead if you're not experienced, generally travelers use Hand Pump Carts to get around, but there is a massive, long quest that can result in reactivation of the Metro System
Floodtown: Inside D.C is a suburban area that was flooded by the river (the flow was blocked and repaired by the Smithsonians) and people live there, buildings connected by bridges and other collapsed structures, they also use boats to navigate the water, they make trade off of fish that inhabit their waters, and remain independent of the Smithsonians, they are the only town to support the Enclave.
The Manufactorum:A minor faction out in the wastes controls a military outpost/Arms Factory and create and sell weapons,these are the guns runners of the East Coast.
New Lamplight:After the town was slaughtered,a new group entered and took over the town, the towns main export is metals and minerals from it's mine, after the reactor leak in Vault 87, majority of the population were converted to Ghouls, but they still remain because of the importance of the mine and the amount of money it brings in, they have a constant battle with wandering super mutants.
This is a more finalized version of my earlier post.
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