Fallout 3 talks, tweaks and tricks


Vault Consort
Staff member
Adrenaline Vault is going to run a Bethesda Q&A this Friday:<blockquote>This week, we kick things off with Bethesda’s VP Pete Hines and the lead designer of Fallout 3, Emil Pagliarulo (both formerly of AVault). Turks, Chris and Billy will be taking your questions through Wednesday, so if there’s ANYTHING you want to find out about Fallout 3, from those actually in the know, stop by the forums and post your questions.</blockquote>If you have a question or two you'll have to post them over here (registration required). You have two days! Then you turn into a pumpkin!

TweakGuides has put up an extensive Fallout 3 Tweak Guide (thanks to pewbeng) which not only details all the options in the INI file, it also lists mods and communities, console commands and "neat stuff" which is probably code for unspeakable things. This repository of much knowledge is not to be missed if you have any sort of interest in these things.<blockquote>iMinGrassSize=80 - This setting controls the density of grass clumps. The higher the value, the less tightly packed grassy areas will be; the lower the value, the more grass there will be. In other words, lowering this value will significantly reduce FPS in most outdoor areas, but can make the game world seem more lush and overgrown. For example, try a value of 10 and it will radically alter what the wasteland looks like. Alternatively if you're after a performance boost or just want less grass for visual reasons, raise it to a value such as 140 to greatly thin out the grass (Fallout.ini).</blockquote>Meanwhile, AtomicGamer features a Fallout 3 Character Creation Guide with two character types: ranged and mêlée.<blockquote>It'd be nice to just focus on using a couple of guns to do most of your killing in Fallout 3, but unfortunately the game generally stops you from doing this with weapon degradation. Unless it's maybe an Assault Rifle or Hunting Rifle and you're in DC, you just won't find enough guns on dead bodies to repair your current guns with. You might have an ammo problem as well. This means that generally you're best off relying on a couple of the ranged weapon skills - and the full range of weapons included in each of them - for maximum combat efficiency.</blockquote><s>And in the latest reviews</s>
Great! I've been waiting for TweakGuides to post an article about the game - it's always interesting to go through whatever tweaks and tricks they may have in store (even though they're all probably identical to Oblvion's tweaks).