Fallout 3 time frame


First time out of the vault
Sorry for the stupid post, but can anyone point me in the direction of where to read up on fallout 3s time frame? When does it take place in comparison to the other two, and were there events that happened in FO1/2 that will be referenced in FO3?
(Do I get referrer royalties for this, Ausir?)

It's not as if I get any royalties myself... You can get a percentage of mine, though.

Anyway, Great War is 2077, Fallout is 2161, Fallout 2 is 2241, Fallout 3 is 2277.
This is what I was specifically looking for. The time from which each game took place. I should have been more clear.

Thanks for the information and sorry for the newbish question
it's really strange how little has happened in the 116 years since the first Fallout.
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