fallout 4 possibility


First time out of the vault
I love fallout, I have been such a huge fan since I first discovered Fallout 1. I have not had any complaints throughout the entire series,(other than the game freezing from FO1 through FONV, I HATE GAME FREEZING!!) However, all these years of playing fallout an idea has been brewing somewhere in the back of my mind, and here on this particular post is a place for me to hash out that idea, and hopefully get some feedback from other super fans.

To get right to the point, if there was one critique that I could come up with for the fallout franchise, is this. I think, we should have a fallout game that is more primitive, more realistic, more about post apocalyptic survival. Here are some examples of what I am thinking. 1. Make it harder to find weapons. I know this doesnt sound very fun, but imagine starting the game by finding a forked stick, hunting a squirrel and making leather, and finding a good rock, to fashion a tomahawk bashing weapon, AND BEING STOKED TO HAVE IT. In other words, in my imagining, you would start out, just out of the vault or whatever starting scenario there is, and it takes you a while to scavenge the parts for your tomahawk. You might not run into any enemies at all, maybe 1 molerat, and you have to fight him bare handed, or maybe with a rock. AND HE IS TOUGH. Then you skin him and make some leather. Maybe you find a broken shard of glass, to shave and whittle a sharp stick. You get my meaning, very primitive, but I believe more realistic, and more satisfying in the end. 2. This concept is something like the crafting/survival system of New Vegas, except the whole game is more centralized around this. If you think about it a post apocalyptic life WOULD BE centered around survival/crafting. I thought it would be really cool, to be more involved in the crafting instead of just finding a recipe, the needed items, and then whipping it together on a bench. Instead what if you could customize your weapons on your own. What if you found a baseball bat, a chunk of steel scrap, some hardware and a hand drill. Then you could drill holes in the bat and the steel, anywhere you want, and attach the steel to the bat in any manner you want, and create your own axe type weapon. Im sure with the current badass game systems this could be done, and a corresponding physics table could be incorporated, so that depending on the weight size and shape of the items used, you would get a corresponding damage table. So that in theory, if the right shaped and weighted chunk of metal, and placed it in the right place on the bat, you could potentially craft a really effective weapon, or a piece of crap, it all depends on your real crafting abilities.
3. The survival/crafting part of New Vegas I felt was a really great, fun improvement, but wasnt important enough to make a difference in the game. The only time that it was, was playing hardcore mode, and crafting the mass filtered water. If we could take that a few steps further. Fallout 4 should be mandatory hardcore mode. And finding food, water, and shelter, should be #1. Thats not to say that raiders and mutants wont play a part, I just think that every encounter should be a life and death boss battle, like it really would be. So there might be a few easy radroach, molerat fights here and there, but generally the first part of the game would be establishing your survival. It would be a scavanger hunt, finding a shard of glass for a knife, using that bent tin can as a water boiling pot, disassembling that wrecked tricycle and using parts for weapons, tools, or shelter. 3. Now that you have a oil drum/rockfort junkpile shelter. A primitive tomahawk basher stick, and some squirrel jerky, now you start exploring around your area. Scavenging, scouting, keeping an eye and ear out for enemies, because you DO NOT want to fight anything you dont have to. The surrounging landscape is harsh and desolate, but amazing and mysterious. You explore a little, you find a few odds and ends you think you might be able to use. And in the distance you see a figure, it looks humanoid. You look through your shard of glass and get a slight magnification, it looks like a ghoul eating a dead rat. You cant have a dangerous ghoul hanging around your new base of operations. So you must plan and strategize on how to fight him with your tomahawk. Every battle should be a life and death situation, and you should plan and decide the best way to go about it and survive. 4. Now dont get me wrong all this doesnt mean there wont be guns and lasers. But we should work up to that, Its too easy and ruins everything if you get a laser pistol at level 9. It should take a long time, for you or your enemy to find anything like this. This is madmax man!!!,, If you have a shotgun and two crappy shells, YOU ARE STOKED!!! So the first third of the game is all hand to hand combat, throwing rocks, kife fighting, building traps, building shelter, creating survival gear, building armor, strapping a scavenged piece of a tire to your shoulder, strapping a stop sign to your chest, scavenging, utilizing. Thenas you build your character up, gaining perks, solidifying your hold on your chunk of the wasteland, you find an old can of black powder. You know the basics, so you know how to make a primitive grenade out of, say a tin can or some other stuff you have collected. Now you have a couple grenades, and they should do REAL grenade damage. A nine millimeter bullet should kill someone. You should not be able to pump some guy full of lead and still have him chase you. Bullets should count, and they should be hard to come by. 5. Ive played fallout so many times its not funny, and by level 10 you got guns and ammo enough to spare, and now the game isnt really about survival, its just another FPS. That I guess is my point, the first hour or so of fallout 1,2,3 and so on are the best, because you are fighting to survive, with what little you can scavenge, and then the quickly turn into just another first person shooter, you fight the same raiders and radscorps over and over and over, and get the same treasure over and over. Don't get me wrong I still love fallout, and I do not discount the atmosphere as a big part of the game, its awesome. My point is the atmosphere should play a bigger role, and the fighting grinding less. Exploring the wasteland should be the main point, exploring vast mysterious beautiful wastes, scavenging and fighting for your survival, using your wits, solving problems, and yes fighting raiders, molerats, even deathclaws. But they should be epic, hair raising, nail biting battles. And finding another person in an apocalypse should be infrequent to. If you find a friendly out in the wastes, having and ally, and perhaps a trading partner, should be a GODSEND. You should be so happy to see another living person who isnt trying to kill you, that you dont want to leave them. Its a harsh world and another human ally should be hard to come by. How about this, you find a friend, and trade with them, and they have the recipe for gun powder, and you can then go mine the salt pitre and sulphur, just like mining in alot of other games, and make charcoal from your camp fire, and now you can craft gunpowder!!! Wouldnt that be so much more satisfying and realistic than finding 500 rounds of bullets at level 4?!?! SURVIVAL MAN!!! 6. Some examples of gameplay dynamics might be like this. First of all radiation is everywhere, so EVERYBODY suffers from radiation sickness, enemies included, and therefore suffer from stat penalties. But if you spend your time scaving for say, mushrooms that counter the negative effects of radiation, then you have a real leg up in combat. Maybe you dont have as good of weapons, but you have more hitpoints and move faster, better perception, better endurance.. OR maybe you spend all your time scaving and making armor and weapons, so you end up better in this respect. Maybe you are better and sneaking and can therefore venture farther without being ambushed, and scav more and better items, can trade with the guys thats way across the map. I think there could be so many different ways to play a game like this.

So in conclusion we take the Fallout universe, we combine the beauty and fun of exploration of games like journey and shadow of the collosus, and many others with beautiful open world landscapes. Combine that with a vastly more custom and creative weapon/armor/survival crafting system, cuz lets face it everybody loves collecting and item crafting but we always want more control and variety. Combine all this with the format of a game like shadow of the collossus where, the only battles are epic boss battles. We get to keep the same format with perks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L., its still fallout, its still technically a FPS, but its waaaaaay more realistic, this is REAL POST APOCALYPTIC SURVIVAL. I think this could be really fun and an innovative new game all around. A few post scripts,.. I always enjoyed the turn based strategy of fallout 1 and 2, and i know we are all beyond that now, VATS is cool, but its not the same, if there was some option to bring back that turn based action point style game that would be neat, totally not necessary, but it would be neat. Secondly, this may be asking too much, but I think the maps need to be sooo much bigger. Maybe its impossible, but the maps need to be at least 10 times bigger than fallout 3 and new vegas. Maybe the game systems cannot accomodate that much memory, but my question is this, what if you had several set locations that were the same. Like towns and caverns and whatnot, but all the land inbetween was just randomly generated, no need for hard drive space, just vast randomly generated deserts in between. Places to scav and fight, explore, but dont need to be saved on the hard drive. I dont know, i just felt another more realistic way to do things would be to make it a REAL journey, to travel from one town to the next. LIke make it actually take a good days travel, in real time, to make it to another town. As I said this could be asking way to much, but it might be possible, and I think would fit with my imagining of a more realistic wasteland.
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If you want something primitive about starting the game with a stick I suggest a game called Minecraft. Fallout has passed the stage of fighting for a scrap of food, it has got society, civilization and a means of producing weapons/food/whatever. It is no longer post-apocalyptic it is post-post-apocalyptic.

If you want something primitive about starting the game with a stick I suggest a game called Minecraft. Fallout has passed the stage of fighting for a scrap of food, it has got society, civilization and a means of producing weapons/food/whatever. It is no longer post-apocalyptic it is post-post-apocalyptic.

Ever heard of prequals?
Then it won't be Fallout 4 would it?

It can be, just because there's a number at the end of the title does not magically stop it from being a prequel. Fast & Furious 6 is a prequel to F&F: Tokyo Drift and it has a number.
Then it won't be Fallout 4 would it?

It can be, just because there's a number at the end of the title does not magically stop it from being a prequel. Fast & Furious 6 is a prequel to F&F: Tokyo Drift and it has a number.

Thank you Big No, I dont understand why people dont find better things to do than be hateful trolls. If you dont like my idea chosen1 then why did you respond, MOVE ON! I think my idea has some merit, and I've been reading some other peoples opinions, and have heard about similar "primitive" ideas, so I'm not the only one. Fallout 2 and all the others may have "moved on" that was kinda my point with my entire original post is that, now all we are playing is another first person shooter. There isnt a whole lot of difference now, besides a basic theme. Really the root of fallout is post apocalyptic survival, thats why we all fell in love with the game, at least those who started with FO1, I just think they ought to try something different. I think my idea has merit, and I think a good design team could do alot with it.
If you dont like my idea chosen1 then why did you respond, MOVE ON!
This is a discussion forum. The entire point of a discussion is exchange different opinions. If you don't want your idea criticised by someone, who had problems with it, don't post it at all.

I think my idea has some merit
I'm not saying it doesn't - it'd make a good spin-off, The Forest-esque game (Randall Clark's story, anyone?) based around survival, set in 2077, with the main character surviving much like Randall did. It would be a pretty cool idea showing the life of a Great War survivor - someone living in a regular world, like us, now forced to learn to survive. It just doesn't really play well with the main series.

root of fallout is post apocalyptic survival
Not really, no. Even in FO1 there were already settlements started, groups formed, basic economy and society formed. Fallout never showed anything less than 80 years after the war, there was never any sort of 'complete solitude, where everyone, who doesn't want to kill you is a godsend' thing going on. It was always more about post-war societies and ways of life, humanity starting again in the New World, than finding a squirrel to postpone starvation for awhile longer. Again, in my opinion the idea isn't bad for a spin-off, just too far from the ideas behind the main series.
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Thank you Big No, I dont understand why people dont find better things to do than be hateful trolls. If you dont like my idea chosen1 then why did you respond, MOVE ON! I think my idea has some merit, and I've been reading some other peoples opinions, and have heard about similar "primitive" ideas, so I'm not the only one. Fallout 2 and all the others may have "moved on" that was kinda my point with my entire original post is that, now all we are playing is another first person shooter. There isnt a whole lot of difference now, besides a basic theme. Really the root of fallout is post apocalyptic survival, thats why we all fell in love with the game, at least those who started with FO1, I just think they ought to try something different. I think my idea has merit, and I think a good design team could do alot with it.

The problem that you would get from making it a basic survival game is that you would not be able to interact with settlements and people and therefore it would be difficult to make it a good RPG. Contrary to your belief, Fallout was never truly about survival but more about character interaction and the impact of your choices on others around you.
Discussion is great, i welcome discussion. There is a difference though between discussion and rudeness. Just saying. Anyways, Fallout 1 had settlements yes, but think of it, shady sands and junktown where all scrapped together corrugated tin huts, bottle caps where money. I was really not trying to exclude societies from my fallout idea anyways, I just felt like it all happens too fast in the game. Fallout was loosely based off of movies like mad max, and a boy and his dog, the post apocalypse genre has been around alot longer than fallout, and the general theme is most certainly survival. Think of mad max, he roamed around with two shotgun shells, had to eat dogfood, scavanged everything he could find, thats what made it cool and interesting and yes fighting off road bandits and allying with societies, it was just much more primitive. Thats all I was getting at. Not to be redundant but, I was trying to get away from the same rehashed FPS that new vegas was, and go in a little bit different direction. Im sure fallout 4, if it were just a new story in the same game dynamic, would be totally cool, im not knocking it, just thought we could try something different. My game wouldnt be all primitive anyways, I really liked the idea of having custom crafting, and it wouldnt just be rock and stick weapons, i didnt talk about it much, but I totally imagined finding or building or trading real weapons, just later in the game. And the idea of having each encounter be a boss battle, I really feal would be more realistic, and it seemed to work with shadow of the colossus, that game was awesome.
Fallout 1 had settlements yes, but think of it, shady sands and junktown where all scrapped together corrugated tin huts, bottle caps where money.
Shady Sands was in fact made from adobe made from sand and chemicals contained within the GECK Vault 15 was equipped with. It is a settlement that has existed for almost 4 decades before Fallout 1 began. Hell, the Hub was founded long before that and it became a major trading centre. And bottlecaps were money, because there were no means of producting any actual currency. Instead, caps were chosen and despite the apparent decay of society they managed to become an accepted currency with most merchants in the wasteland. Even Junktown's most important quest consists of a struggle for power and development of the town, with people having different opinions on how to further develop their community. Even then we were clearly way past the point of a post-apocalyptic, desolate, Mad Max survival game being valid.
I would argue that the theme of survival has been a basic theme of the series, but not in its rawest form. In other words it's not a Bear Grylls kind of survival, but something a bit more sophisticated, it has always paid attention to how communities fare in a time where there is little to no civilization and definitely no one central government (even the NCR's influence appears to be weak). For instance in Fallout 1 - the game which pays probably the most attention to this in the series - Shady Sands may have been built using chemicals from the vault, and they grew food, bred brahmin, etc. but they were completely helpless against the Khans and that was their struggle for survival. Likewise Junktown had to survive infighting. Of course let's not forget that the entire game is about an army trying to invade everything and force their ideas on others.
Even Fallout 2 and 3, despite their goofiness and bad writing (much more of a problem with 3 but I don't think F2 should be exempt from criticism either) had this kind of survival. New Vegas, even though that game portrayed a much more civilized place than the others have, had it as well.

Of course that is not to say that the Bear Grylls, outdoorsman type of survival doesn't have a place in the series, it'd be a fun gameplay mechanic but I wouldn't set an entire story around it. Well, maybe a story where you are the leader of an exiled community in an uncivilized part of post-war US and you have to ensure your people's survival then establish yourself as a major power in the region.
I agree, that the previous fallouts all had a level of societal sophistication, that is granted. My intention in creating this thread really was not to argue the finer points of what the previous games were or were not. And after chatting with everyone here, I guess what I am really talking about, would be a prequal. My thoughts were to get away from previous game dynamics all together and try something new. So really, to me, what the previous games consisted of has no bearing on my idea for this game. SO, what if you started this game, as one of the FIRST vault dwellers to come out into the wastes. That alone sounds awesome to me. And it fits right into the sort of game I am thinking of. It could be called "Fallout Origins" or some such other less lame title. All of my ideas fit perfectly into this sort of scenario, and come on, you gotta admit that would be pretty awesome to play a title, as one of the first vault dwellers!! Fallout is such an awesome franchise, it has such an awesome cult fan base, it deserves to stay fresh and exciting and not just turn into an ongoing generic rehashed fps, with a different title. I still play fallout 1 and 2 all the time, I love the turn based battle, and unique quests, and huge open worlds, and those two games are totally dated. I play fallout 3 and New Vegas once in a while to, they are good games to, but totally different that the previous. Its time to move on to something new and fresh. Like I said if fallout 4 ends up being just another FPS like the last two, thats just fine, I will play them and be happy. But I believe there is a way better direction to go, and the game deserves a little time and effort and original thought to keep it interesting and fresh.
I agree, that the previous fallouts all had a level of societal sophistication, that is granted. My intention in creating this thread really was not to argue the finer points of what the previous games were or were not. And after chatting with everyone here, I guess what I am really talking about, would be a prequal. My thoughts were to get away from previous game dynamics all together and try something new. So really, to me, what the previous games consisted of has no bearing on my idea for this game. SO, what if you started this game, as one of the FIRST vault dwellers to come out into the wastes. That alone sounds awesome to me. And it fits right into the sort of game I am thinking of. It could be called "Fallout Origins" or some such other less lame title. All of my ideas fit perfectly into this sort of scenario, and come on, you gotta admit that would be pretty awesome to play a title, as one of the first vault dwellers!! Fallout is such an awesome franchise, it has such an awesome cult fan base, it deserves to stay fresh and exciting and not just turn into an ongoing generic rehashed fps, with a different title. I still play fallout 1 and 2 all the time, I love the turn based battle, and unique quests, and huge open worlds, and those two games are totally dated. I play fallout 3 and New Vegas once in a while to, they are good games to, but totally different that the previous. Its time to move on to something new and fresh. Like I said if fallout 4 ends up being just another FPS like the last two, thats just fine, I will play them and be happy. But I believe there is a way better direction to go, and the game deserves a little time and effort and original thought to keep it interesting and fresh.

This is really quite an awful idea, which totally detracts from every aspect of Fallout and plus the United States suffered a nuclear war, it did not descend back into the stone age.

Also, considering the Vaults had firearms and at least a degree of equipment available to survive in the post nuclear world, it makes absolutely no sense that civilized people who grew up in a Vault with both an education and an understanding of technology and to some degree engineering, would resort making sharped poles and bashing things with sticks.

The concept just doesn't work in the Fallout format, and making the player live like a stone age caveman does not create for an interesting game experience and even just after the war, other than needing gear with regards to radiation, there would be firearms and some degree of technology and equipment available, making sticks and stones wholly pointless!