Fallout and Fraps.


First time out of the vault
Hello. I wanna record my own Fallout movie, but I can't record it by Fraps :cry: , when I'm in game, I click on record hotkey and the game crashes... (I know that recording is possible, because I saw many movies via internet). Please help me or tell me witch software is the best for recording Fallout movies :). Thanks a lot! :)
Ok, sorry I'm including some info:

OS M$ Windows XP SP2,
DirectX v9.0c,
latest soft for graphics card,

Motherboard ASRock 775i65PE,
Processor Intel Pentium 4 3,06 GHz,
Graphics card Nvidia GeForce 6600 LE,
Memory 2x 512 MB RAM PC-400

Hmmm I just wanna know whitch soft is the best for it ;].