Fallout Archaeology: Foreigners about Fallout


In this issue of Fallout Archaeology, we bring you a sample of foreign magazines from over a decade ago, showing how they covered Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout: Tactics. Without futher ado, we bring you titles from Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Russia, Denmark, Romania and France.



<center>Fallout 2</center>

<center>Fallout: Tactics</center>


Scans of polish magazines kindly provided by deadlus. Slovenian mags made available by vampyrian, while the ones from Bulgaria were sent to us by bmfof. Russian scans were received from jabrevno, whereas Czech scans were linked to and thus provided by JaW. French copies of Fallout material were submitted by Aguirre. Danish magazine was discovered by tbear-dk. The single Romanian magazine appears courtesy of Barnz. We would like to thank everyone for their outstanding contributions.

But that is not all. More is on the way. Something big. Stay tuned...
Heh, for a moment I thought my feed reader is showing me some stone-age old message again. Good that this is not the case. :)

But while I am at it, the links are wrong. They all lead to the thumbnail version.
Sub-Human said:
Ooh, the days when Fallout was proper.

Ooh, the days when PC gaming mags were proper. :V

Something about the layout of 90's and early 00's magazines that looks so much better than modern ones.
Tagaziel said:


Heh, I was flipping through this very issue a few days ago. Reading old ŚGK numbers really hits home how the advent of free click-supported internet content has lowered editorial standards, but also how we choose to consume it.

Anybody know of an internet archive with classic Polish gaming mags?
Wow! What a great post! I'm feeling a single tear of nostalgia welling up in my right eye.


is the very article I first read about Fallout in and immediately fell in love with the game artworks shown in the tiny screenshots, not to mention the setting and all the details about the game.

And this:


is the walkthrough that I read 1000 times before even laying my hands on a copy of Fallout 1. It ruined my game, but I didn't care about that none when the article first appeared. :D

@Tagaziel: I also have an issue of Secret Service with an article announcing Fallout 2. I could dig it up and scan it for you, if you're interested.
tbear-dk said:
Hah, awesome!

I like how they describe Fallout as an action game on the page with the demo, but as a cRPG everywhere else. Gotta hook the kiddies somehow?

There's even news about Tim C, Leonard B and Jason A leaving Interplay to make a game on their own, though they refer to Tim as Steve Cain at one point for no apparent reason.

Teehee, projected release date for Duke Nukem Forever: June 1998

Vault Boy is referred to as Vault-Man™ at one point too. Maybe that was his original name?
WorstUsernameEver said:
Something big, as in really really big and really really interesting I take it?

Yes. I can't say much, but it's 25 █████ of ████████ ████████ giving us a ███████ ████ the ██████████ and ███████████ of ███ ████████ Fallout. It's awesome. Really, really awesome.

As for the rest: keep them coming! If I recall correctly, the category the magazine scans are in is opened to registered users and you should be able to upload them freely. That'd really help us :)
You don't want to see the Tim Cain sex tape?

/Edit: Do I see different bush scenery here than what's in the final game?
PlanHex said:
Vault Boy is referred to as Vault-Man™ at one point too. Maybe that was his original name?

It was, actually. See:


While the name of the Vault-Tec mascot (round ears, blond hair, blue and yellow vault jumpsuit) is not present in the original games themselves, he was called Vault Man in the Fallout instruction manual. However, for some reason this name was forgotten - it was never used in any of the following Fallout content including games nor by any developers.