Fallout black screens/Fallout 2 crashes outdoors


First time out of the vault
Just to start off: Yes, I did search.

I just started playing Fallout and Fallout 2 for the first time a couple days ago, having heard that they were great games and getting copies from a friend.
Both install just fine on my Windows XP computer. When trying to play Fallout, though, then as soon as I enter the main game the screen more-or-less randomly goes all-black. It's possible to restore each pixel to its correct state by waving the mouse around a lot (ie, by making the game redraw the screen), but this happens often enough I've yet to make it through killing the first rat before quitting out of frustration. Going back I've discovered that it works all right in DOSBox on my desktop (though fairly slowly, even on my A64 @ 2.36), but is too slow to really be happily playable.

So I turned to Fallout 2, which I thought might not have that bug. And for a long while, it worked fine. But I slowly started noticing a consistant bug: when traveling through the world map, I randomly(? not sure about that, actually) get a pop-up box that tells me there's been an integer divide-by-zero error, at which point I can't do anything but force quit the game. Oddly enough, it's also gotten worse and worse as time has gone on. I think I first noticed it when going from the Den to New Reno, but it's now to the point that I can't move from the Ghost Farm to Modoc (ie, about 20 pixels) without force-quitting and restarting about 3 times. Loading up a game from the beginning of the game reveals that the bug is present then, too, but I had to travel much, much farther to hit it.

Both Fallout and Fallout 2 are patched to the latest official versions (1.1 in Fallout, 1.2 in F2). I also tried the 1.05 patch for F2, though I didn't start a new game and it didn't help. I'm running WinXP SP2 with a Geforce 6600GT and Forceware 91.28 (I upgraded to these to see if it would randomly help with F1; I previously had 8x.xx and it didn't work in those either). Running in Compatibility Mode for Windows 95 doesn't help. For Fallout 1, I've also tried the 640*480, 256 color compatibility options and setting my desktop to 800*600, 16-bit colors. None of these options help.

Anybody have any ideas?
As for the blackness spilling over the screen, it's a known Fallout@WinXP issue, and the best you can do is hit "P" or "C" or "F1" when it happens, then press "ESC" to get back to the game. I don' think there's a remedy for that, although you could try to use Task Manager to disable all the unnecessary programs in the background.

As for the Fallout 2 bug, I'g wager it's an issue with the Random Encounter table, if you hadn't installed fresh. Look here, perhaps: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=171647&highlight=division+zero#171647
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm kinda bummed out about Fallout. :?

For F2, I've now reinstalled with the humongous install and started a completely new game. Unfortunately, the divide-by-zero bug still seems to be there. And I can't try and replace the master.dat file (as in the other thread) since it doesn't seem to exist in F2. ;)
Poking around I have found that worldmap.txt looks like it might contain the random encounter table; do you have any idea how to fix it? (I'm looking for a tutorial or something...the thing is long as hell and not entirely clear about which values are being divided by which.)
And lastly, while it certainly could be the random encounter table, do encounters work such that they become more likely as time goes by? I've only ever gotten one random encounter (although I've had lots and lots and lots of divide-by-zeros).
SNM said:
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm kinda bummed out about Fallout. :?

For F2, I've now reinstalled with the humongous install and started a completely new game. Unfortunately, the divide-by-zero bug still seems to be there. And I can't try and replace the master.dat file (as in the other thread) since it doesn't seem to exist in F2. ;)
It doesn't?
Eh, copy all .dat files in any case (except setup.dat), such as critter.dat
Poking around I have found that worldmap.txt looks like it might contain the random encounter table; do you have any idea how to fix it? (I'm looking for a tutorial or something...the thing is long as hell and not entirely clear about which values are being divided by which.)
And lastly, while it certainly could be the random encounter table, do encounters work such that they become more likely as time goes by? I've only ever gotten one random encounter (although I've had lots and lots and lots of divide-by-zeros).
Then it's almost definitely the encounter table. Well, you could try the Encounter Booster patch at least, and you can see from that modified worldmap.txt which value does what.
Sander said:
It doesn't?
Eh, copy all .dat files in any case (except setup.dat), such as critter.dat
Oh, sorry...yes, it does have a master.dat file. It's just that it lives in the main folder rather than somewhere in the data folder like I expected a .dat file would. :?
Well, you could try the Encounter Booster patch at least, and you can see from that modified worldmap.txt which value does what.
Yes! You are amazing...I just ran around for five minutes and got five random encounters and no errors while using that version.

Thanks a lot! :)
You could also use a "slowdown" utility, I have an A64 similar to yours and it works great for getting the world map travel down to a normal speed, giving you more random encounters than you'll get with just the modified world map table. I'm using "CPUGrab", though I can't remember where I got it. This page has a huge list of them though.