Fallout by any other name...?


First time out of the vault
I've been playing a lot of different games lately, including the Fallout series, and i have come to one horrible conclusion:

Developers/publishers don't really care about being true to the spirit of a series (Fallout included). They may have at some point in the past, when there wasn't scads of money in the computer entertainment industry (or huge behemoth juggernaut publishers and developing houses). But they don't now and likely never will.

With that in mind, the best option for people who really give a damn about making a great game of the RPG genre, the only way to ensure that the TLC such an undertaking deserves is given, is to DO IT OURSELVES. Maybe not the fundamental underpinnings of the game (eg the Xngine utilized by Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall and SkyNET/Future Shock) - there are many such engines to be found and used (or if you're a hard-ass code geek, which I am not, then fine, go ahead and build the engine yourself). But most certainly the writing of the plot, the character dialogue, the desired "flavor" (eg the 50's kitsch-tastic present in FO), the setting (PA New York could be fun, but then so could PA Rio di Janiero. Use your imagination), then you get down to implementing the system through which your character or character advances (ie the SPECIAL system and the skills that accompany it in the FO series which determine combat, social interaction and other stuff like fiddling with electronics, repairing jammed weapons, scrounging for food and drink in the wilds (maybe), and (my favorite) appropriating things that do not belong to you without the owner's knowledge, and getting various weapons and items of various degrees of effectiveness/size/type/whatever implemented, placed and working. Then you would deal with the cosmetic stuff, which really should already be laid out in the story which makes up the plot. Of course, I'm probably spouting what a lot of people know and believe, but with that in mind WHY ARE SO MANY OF YOU PUTTING YOUR HOPES IN A SERIES THAT HAS SEEN A STEADY DECLINATION OF ITS TRUTH TO ITSELF?! Is there a chance that Fallout 3 will be good, and will do the Fallout universe justice? Possibly. But I'm not a gambling person, and so I say TO HELL WITH THE BIG NAMES. With them your control only extends as far as being on the dev team/storyboard team, which is a really far shot, and being an Alpha/Beta tester, of which you could be one of a lucky (?) few. As of FoBoS Fallout is not what it once was, or what we feel it is supposed to be. The name of Fallout may be near and dear to our hearts. But many of us have relatives who we love and cherish, and who have died and are no more except in our hearts. I fear that by now Fallout is the same.

With that grim concept fresh in mind, I personally have to salute the "Do-It-Yourself" crews and cast my lot in with them. Bethesda hangs the idea of Fallout 3 over our heads like the man teasing the dog, saying "Maybe I have a dog treat in my hand, and maybe i'll give it to you. Nyah nyah, silly dog." I say we (being the dog) take a collective shit on Bethesda's (and just about every other major publisher/developer) shoes and go rustle up some good stuff elsewhere on our own terms.
Ignoring both the point that this topic has been brought up a number of times before, and that trademark would be a bitch to be sued for, what exactly is your point?
....fuck, i don't know. i'm just so goddamn pissed off. i have no ability whatsoever to author a program of my own, i feel fucking powerless. right now i just hate the goddamn video game industry for turning into a bunch of whores, just like i hated the movie industry for excreting such crappy cash-ins on awesome names (numerous comic-book franchises come to mind). they don't care, even if we boycotted the piece of crap they eventually turn out morons in wal-marts and electronic boutiques will eat it up and fill the companies' pockets. there's no way to fucking win.

vat this piece of shit thread, for all i care. just another fucking rant.
IgnatzKrebs said:
Cause there is still a chance, a slight, but still a chance, cause Fallout 3 is still a Fallout 3(the Fallout 2, and Fallout where the best games ever), not Fallout 11 or Fallout Tictac FOBUSHbrothers etc.
^I agree. At least there haven't been 20 + Fallout games like say.....:

Mega Man
Street Fighter
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Mortal Combat
Mario related games (soccer,tennis,party,racing,etc...)
Sonic(see above)
Crash Bandicoot(and again)
Jax and Daxter(soon to be like above)
Ratchet and clank
Donkey Kong

Where does it end.
.Don't give up on Fallout. We won't.
IgnatzKrebs said:
....fuck, i don't know. i'm just so goddamn pissed off. i have no ability whatsoever to author a program of my own, i feel fucking powerless.

There may be some small consolation in knowing there are developers with the ability to develop, but feel just as powerless because they don't have the support of a multi-million dollar publisher that is only interested in releasing the same game for its audiences because they don't have the balls to try anything new. Therefore, the industry is constantly filled with crap that only bothers to be slightly more shiny than it's competitor, but it dead from the neck up - a good example is the console games listed previously, that are being turned into trendy racing games or have some added "CRPG" to them (Shadow the Hedgehog, anyone? This promises to be the worst Sonic franchise game, ever and too bad GameSpy didn't have this kind of spine for FOT's release, but even so, there are enough sites out there calling this game shit so that GameSpy, effectively, did not show any spine and instead seems more like the gimpy skinhead that just can't bother to aim a kick at something on unless it has been kicked half to death into the ground by someone else first.), to try to prop up whatever failing platformer they have at their mercy, rather than bother to try and make a Better Platform Game. These lazy idiots are too busy chasing trends to bother to do good work with the franchises, and instead want to try and copy the success of quite possibly much better titles.

Take EA for example, with how they take good ideas and franchises, then dumb them down and mass-market them until the franchise starts to stagnate or be influenced by shitty trends. They take what works and try to add trend into it, while also forgetting to note what made those games fun in the first place. Hence, why they killed off Ultima, other titles, and entire development houses.

right now i just hate the goddamn video game industry for turning into a bunch of whores, just like i hated the movie industry for excreting such crappy cash-ins on awesome names (numerous comic-book franchises come to mind). they don't care, even if we boycotted the piece of crap they eventually turn out morons in wal-marts and electronic boutiques will eat it up and fill the companies' pockets. there's no way to fucking win.

And when the fans have an influence in how the game is received, then the pieces of shit will try to pull a Herve and blame the industry/market as not being interested in any kind of game like that judged upon failure. Herve tried to use this logic in regards to Fallout and the craptacular F:POS, and he and Chucky are representative of the clueless ego masses developing currently in the industry, who really don't have much of a clue but have their ego pet enough so that they believe they aren't doing any wrong. That kind of arrogance is why the CRPG genre is in shitsville right now with one title that is in no way a CRPG (TES - it's action/adventure); another title that is just so shitty, especially in the combat that you spent most of your time in, only the Star Wars setting could save it from being truly crap (or even more cliché crap, depending on how well you think they did in capturing every whining, sniveling Jedi moment), KOTOR; of course mentioning KOTOR means mentioning whatever uninspired new RTS BioWare wants to skullfuck into a stat system and try to call it a CRPG; then a passable action/adventure game by the name of Gothic. There really isn't much except from the shareware/indie developers..

vat this piece of shit thread, for all i care. just another fucking rant.

Unlike the nth "I want this kewl idea to be in Fallout 3" thread over the same thing, but I wanted to see where you were going with this topic, and it looks like there's enough of a discussion to keep it going.

All you can basically do is post what you want and some good ideas that fit into the setting, and if Bethesda pulls a Chuck Cuevas, then we'll treat them like Chuck Cuevas. Developing your own stand-alone Fallout title wouldn't be too good, considering that Fallout was a spiritual successor to Wasteland, which couldn't be sequeled for similar reasons of EA stupidity, and there is the trademark problems. If anything, it would be time to make your own post-apocalyptic game and go from there. We watch the title in development because it is being called Fallout and that some people have made some mighty claims upon it, just like other fools have done in the past. I am just waiting to collect on the humor investment, and see how it truly turns out since Bethesda has never really developed a real CRPG at all. Remember, folks, I called FOT and F:POS right based upon the material the developers said. The same was starting to be done for Fallout 3, including a couple of rather questionable rag articles (search the news on this) and some even more questionable claims and phrases by people as far up as Todd Howard. Then there's another issue with industry noob, Hayt.

So far, I'm not too impressed by anyone at Bethesda who has spoken of Fallout in any means. Really, if their understanding of the setting is enough, that wouldn't stop them talking about setting/style points, or many other aspects of the game, that were already decided upon when they got the license, but even when they did that people cringed. Nobody shells out that much cash for a license over those who have been wanting it for years unless they have intents already made upon said license, and since Bethesda has clammed up, I have a feeling we're going to have another F:POS session when the website is unleashed with game announcement.
IgnatzKrebs said:
right now i just hate the goddamn video game industry for turning into a bunch of whores, just like i hated the movie industry for excreting such crappy cash-ins on awesome names (numerous comic-book franchises come to mind). they don't care, even if we boycotted the piece of crap they eventually turn out morons in wal-marts and electronic boutiques will eat it up and fill the companies' pockets. there's no way to fucking win.

Yeah, you're absolutely right. There isn't a way to win against the corprate whores and republicans. So what do you do? You go out and make your own games, make your own movies, make your own comic books. Don't get me wrong, I'm not critising you for feeling this way, I did too once. Now I'm a second year film student with three award winning films under my beld and a fourth on the way (check out my thread in the fan fiction forum on my post nuclear movie). What I'm saying is that you don't have to feel powerless to change this. All you've got to do is go over to the downloads section and start using the mods in there. I also know nothing about game programing but I'm still having a blast with Fallout and F2. And you can teach yourself modding, just like I have been doing. So go have fun, and forget about the corprate whores. You can't stop them, so just have fun with it.

And as for keeping the faith in Fallout, for me it's partly about keeping the faith in the genre. Post-Nuclear stuff is rare enough, it's good to know that there's other fans out there. But I'd like to point something out here: Fallout is what got me started. Because of Fallout, I started writing stories, which in turn got me onto movies, which is why I'm doing what I'm doing. If Fallout 3 never comes out, I won't be all that disappointed. Sure, it'd suck, but the first two games have given me way too much not to care about them anymore. So I'm keeping the faith, I'm playing the games, and I'm not giving up.
:oops: I would really like to apologize for my whole semi-coherent rant, and the decidedly hostile reply to Rosh's initial response, though I am glad that it seems to have started an interesting discussion.

I also would like to apologize for using the word "Fuck" so many times in one post.

I am seriously brainstorming for actual ideas to put forth for Fallout 3 (partly because I don't have much else interesting to do), but I am comparing everything I think of to what is written in the Fallout Bible and any other valid sources of history on the Fallout universe, so I'll have to get back to you all on that.
I would much rather recomend you go to DAC and check out their Fallout wiki, it's written by the fans, so it's more correct.
Also, I'd recomend forgetting everything you know about Fallout2 then playing Fallout1 about fifty times, then playing Fallout2 again, just to have the storyline of it.