Fallout Civ mod


Carbon Dated and Proud
Thorgrimm wanted me to post about his new Civilization 3 - Fallout mod, so here's the deal:<blockquote>Gentlemen Myself and Stainz have been developing this mod, and i think it is time to start posting some of the stuff we have been working on. Also to get the discussion rolling in what Fallout fans want in a Fallout mod for civ.

This mod is going to be a complete overhaul of c3c with unique techs, art, buildings, and last but certainly not least units. it will be based on a map of California and parts of Arizona and Nevada. Where you try to lead your civilization back to dominance in the post nuclear world.

Go here to talk about it.</blockquote>Now this is a mod I'd like to see, since I also love Civ.
Link: Civ 3 - Fallout Rebirth
The links you gave lead to the Main Forum Index.

This one goes straight to the Fallout Mod Forum itself:
Mods: Fallout: The Rebirth of Civilization

Unfortunately you have to be registered to even view the threads in it. Thorgrimm, is there anyway you can change that?

Psst, Odin, are you still making a CivIII Fallout mod yourself?
Ozrat unfortunately the leeching was getting so bad that the owners of the site had to change it so that you had to register to see the attachments, sorry about that. :( But it is free and you can see the text, but not the pics and dl's.

I think it is worth it as CDG already hosts my 185 mb mod for War of the Worlds, and they only reason they changed policy was because of the leeches stealing their bandwidth.

If you gents want me to open a discussion thread i will, but i can't attach pics of what work has been done, to be discussed. That is one of the reasons CDG is good you can have 3 attachments up to 100k in size per post, which makes it easy for me to post screenies of map, units, and building art to be discussed. Also if there are any Fallout fans who wanted to contribute their thoughts on what they want to see in it please post for discussion what you would like to see.

Cheers Thorgrimm
That's kinda very very interesting...

Fallout meets Civilisation...

Oh nooo...

So many senseless days, nights, of me life
playing Civ II, just one hour, ah, another one,
damn it, two hours, no, no good for going to bed
anymore, breakfast, nahh, there be breakfast
at work...


I'll be anxious...

So, if it will run on my Voodoo Banshee???