Fallout Comic?


First time out of the vault
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has ever done a fallout comic? Because I thought it might be a kool idea to do a comic adaptation to one of the fallout games. I can some what draw and was wondering if anyone thought it was a good idea and would like to help or not.
Its a good idea and i wouldn't mind seeing one but weather or not its all ready been done i don't know. I would imagine so, but that shouldn't stop you from doing one of your own.

As for help, well i don't know if i could be much help. I suck at drawing and so on...
I started thinking more about the comic, and I think it would be kool to a adaption from the first game first. but one thing i can't really deicied is to what adventures and stuff should i leave out, and also what kinda character should make. I think in a day or so I may post a sample of the comic I'll be making.
Here are two conceptual pictures I drew for the comic.

this one is of a character with tight fitting clothes that appeared in the game.

This one is of a character with a bit more looser clothes and also the addition of a belt.

Tell me what you think.
Minority Ways and Means members Morrill and Henry Winter Davis (a Maryland "American") produced the Republican proposal, an upward revision of the tariff schedule. It replaced the existing ad valorem tariff schedule with specific duties and drastically increased tariff rates on goods produced by popular "protected" industries, such as iron, textiles, and other manufactured goods. Economic historian Frank Taussig argued that in many cases, the substitution of specific duties was used to disguise the extent of the rate increases.[2] Supporters of the specific rates argued that they were necessary, though, because European exporters were routinely providing their American customers with phony invoices showing lower prices for goods than were actually paid. Specific rates made such subterfuge pointless.
However, the House took no action on either tariff bill during the 35th Congress.
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I've been running "Fallout: The Real Story", where I coax people into creating the humour value for me (i.e. they submit their punchlines for the current comic and I pick the ones that look best to my pervertedly stupid sense of humour). It's recently been revived and you'll find it at http://votf.duckandcover.net/en/comics.php .

Apart from that, I too would be happy if someone could make a true Fallout comic, something I am quite incapable of.

As for those two alleged concept pictures by majin_loser, I can't see them.

P.S.: And TWB is, of course, Toxic Waste Boy.
well I suppose the best way to see the concepts is to copy and paste this link into the browser http://www.geocities.com/zalbro_tribute/falloutpic.html

as for comic ideas i was wonder if there was a place i could get more information, cause I've played the first game but my friend has it at the moment and stuff. so any help like that would be nice

tell me what you think of the pictures.
Hmm. That sure looks like comic superheroes. The limbs seem a bit too long IMO, but they might be okay on tall people. I don't know much about proportions. It also looks to be in need of colouring, but as you said, they're just concepts. I think I like it.

You need to ditch the mullets, though. :lol:
I wouldn't really say its a mullet, cause when i think of mullet i think of joe dirt. and i coudln't really think of another hair cut at the time. I'm still trying to find people who would like to work on it and stuff though. but if you have any suggestions do say so
I'm working on a post-apoc comic. Problem is, I'm working on 200 other things as well.

I have an unfinished (very) old raider sketch on my comp:

Edited a bit on Photoshop, but had to format my drive a day or so after I gave it to a friend to scan it. I'll make a new one. Someday.
Looks nice Wooz, as a preliminary sketch. As does most of the stuff on your deviantart (Profile?).

Many of the photos are kind of a cross between old WW2 photos and post-apoc.

As for the pics, I tried to make them look post-apoc. Dunnow where did you get the WW2 idea :D