First time out of the vault

Oh, come on, starting again just because of this little sidequest?3. No, I did only what I mention, I'll start again from the beginning and see.

Oh, come on, starting again just because of this little sidequest?3. No, I did only what I mention, I'll start again from the beginning and see.
Yeah, the character's picture doesn't follow the naming rule to allow browsing. I thought that's a non-issue. You either want it and don't change it, or you don't want it and change it. I guess I could have done it differently.When editing a started character, the portrait changes to the standard one from FT.
That's intentional and you get noticed about it the first time you enter your base.The car does not appear at locations (on the base too), but the speed of movement increases.
This is a side effect of having a special portal map for each location that makes sure you enter that location with a tag name on your main character, which is used in many triggers. I know it's not pretty, but the world map is small anyway and it's easy to find the locations on it. Also it's a small price for what is achieved by that.Global world map: almost all locations are duplicated.
Can you be more specific? Frankly, I don't really understand what you mean.Quests Description into barter (books) - blinks frequently.
As it should be. I don't think this is an issue unless you can steal something really valuable this way. Which isn't a problem in FT:C as far as I know. If you think it is, tell me a specific situation where that occurs.The sleeping character is easy to rob.
Maybe they thought you had enough or you scared them. On a serious note, I tried to shoot them, leave and return and they remained hostile. Anyway, I added a trigger that should make them more hostile if you do something wrong. Will be released with the next patch once I fix enough issues (nothing on my list yet).Fort Willson - kill the "controller" at the gate (entrance fee). Left the location, returned - the hostility disappeared.
I tried both saves and when I shoot them and leave, they are still hostile on return. I tried it several times. Once it happened - after leaving and returning they were gray. That was when I set the difficulty to easy, but still it happened only once, so it probably didn't mean anything. Really not sure what's the matter. And I don't think it's a problem. It's just a game, not a traffic light. Play it, not cheese itMy saves from mod (Fort Willson situation)
Huh, you gave yourself some trouble, nice work. I can see people would appreciate easier installation (even my genius brother asked me how to do it). What's the matter with all those movies? I understand the intro, no one wants to see it for the thousandth (what's wrong with this number) time, but the other? I am not playing any of them and even if I did, they would be read from the core folder, same as with the other files like music, tiles or entities. I really like the icon though.There are no intr videos in the mod, created a "stub". (Crusade_add)
Installer version
- Install FT 1.27
- Install mod into FT folder.
- Run from desktop or start menu shortcuts.
* FT Improver by jarekfall.
* Hi-Res Patch 1.0 by Mash.
* HD Icon for mod.
* Added a dummy for video clips.
* bos.exe with fixed sniper perk.
* Create installer.
* Rename mod folder "Crusade_Core".
Did you load your game while in the location prior to talking to him? If yes, leave the location and enter again, then talk to him.Ok I found little issue in Slaver's Den
I killed all slaves with my companions (Nara and Isabel) and when I talk to Walter, he doesn't respond to any of my option. Osbert in other location says sth in case when all slots are full.
I have couple of questions, you don't need to provide details, just simple "yes/no" is enough
1. Is it possible to enter lighthouse? I see ladder but it is inactive.
2. Is it possible to find second caravan? Or it is bugged because I check whole map and I found nothing.
3. Is there somewhere battery for power armor?
When I finish mod I need to replay it, I want to solve some quests in other wayCan't wait for another mod
I found a bug in Vicotria
1. Bet on one of two dogs
2. If you loose "bet on second"
3. Locker appears
No need to hide this in a spoiler. Isabel can't use any chemicals. It's noted in her Cyberware perk description. She can be healed only with first aid or food.bug2
1. I don't know what happened, but stimpacks doesn't heal Isabel :/
Yeah, I already fixed that after your previous post. I am thinking whether to publish patch 1.2 with just bug fixes or if I should wait and include new content. But since I am not in a mood for modding these days, I'll probably do the former.Sorry i totally forgot about it.
I bet on one dog. When race ends I bought coupon for second dog and crate appears.
1. Is it possible to open safe in Port Lavaca? I have lockpick on 146% and still get "looks difficult" message.
2. "wanted" poster on police station, is it possible to find that guy?
3. Near police there is huge building, is it possible to enter it? Maybe after beating TNC?