Fallout D20 good to go!


Night Watchman
Staff member
GothDragon sent us the news that they'd completed the first, final version of the main rule book for a Fallout D20 setting. <blockquote>It's been awhile since I first announced starting this book on this site, but the first complete version is finished. The book is available at:


There you can download the full rule book (with two larger chapters available in another free Yahoo group), character sheets and player aids.

Anyone with questions or comments can reach me at : gothdragon@yahoo.com , or on the main Fallout D20 Yahoo group message board.</blockquote>Now, I know that some people hate D20, but I'd figure that almost everything with the word "Fallout" on it is worth at least giving it a glance.
It sucks that it looks like you have to join the yahoo group to DL it, otherwise cool.

EDIT: I tried to DL it but it just froe my mozila window the 3 times I tried. Anyone else succed ?
brandons1313 said:
So are they doing a mod of fallout and converting the special over to d20?

From the front page of the aforementioned website:

THE home for the d20 conversion of the Fallout series of games for the PC!

Does that answer your question?
Silencer said:
Now, I know that some people hate D20, but I'd figure that almost everything with the word "Fallout" on it is worth at least giving it a glance.

Haha, nobody likes D20 these days it seems :)

For those people wondering why the downloads are slow/messed up/ crashing your browser, heres what I know:

- The downloads might be slow or not responding due to increased traffic. I know I've gone to other Yahoo groups in the past and not been able to download things due to exceeding whatever cap they have on traffic (which is probably pitifully small).

If the group is crashing your browser... I have no idea. Could it be something to do with the Yahoo groups themselves? Maybe. Every file I've posted has either been done on a Mac, or on my home machine which has decent anti-virus software.

Also, I have noticed that a portion of people interested in the project do not want a Yahoo account for whatever reason, and thats fine and understandable. If I had another freely available storage system for these files, I'd probably load them up right there. As it stands now, the groups fit my budget perfectly ($0).
Murdoch said:
brandons1313 said:
So are they doing a mod of fallout and converting the special over to d20?

From the front page of the aforementioned website:

THE home for the d20 conversion of the Fallout series of games for the PC!

Does that answer your question?

Hmmmm........ I don't know. Just kidding. I think I am going blind.

I think a d20 fallout would be interesting, but by the time it will be out then fallout 3 will be out and i wont give a shit anymore.
brandons1313 said:
I think a d20 fallout would be interesting, but by the time it will be out then fallout 3 will be out and i wont give a shit anymore.

Well, thats still a way off, so theres plenty of time to get into it. Besides, as soon as 3 is available, I'll most certainly be putting out a book covering material from the game.
Silencer said:
So, anywhere to get the file outside of the Yahoo group yet?

I just uploaded them using th file upload feature on this site. So, they should be available here, after they are apporved by a mod. Unfortunately I don't know when that will be, but hopefully sooner thatn later.
I attempted to make such a thing and got as far as all the weapons, races and starting packages. The skills are what buggered me out.
I'll give it a try. I already play tested Jason Mical and Atoga's PNP of Fallout. I can give Goth Dragon a chance. He deserve it for the effort he put in.

Cheers mate....
Carib, if you want to playtest with someone else Ill help. Ive never played actualy PnP before so itd be a fun learning experince.
I don't play test online. I basically print out the game, and we play in real time. I have a group of friends who love PNP. Actually Fallout PNP was the first PNP I ever played and I love SPECIAL. There is no finer more blanced system I have ever come across.
Ive never done PnP.

There was this small group of D&D players I knew while I was in HS, but they were a bunch of stuck up pricks. Flamed me for playing cRPGs.

Then one of their sisters got FO, and all of sudden they were all bugging me for hints.

They didnt get a damned one.
PsychoSniper said:
Then one of their sisters got FO, and all of sudden they were all bugging me for hints.

They didnt get a damned one.
Yeah, you're BAD! :D

What, Baldur's Gate wasn't good enough for them?