Fallout Duel Jewel


First time out of the vault
Don't know if I spellt that right but..

What all comes with DJ, just Fallout 1&2? And dose it have the "Patch0000" or is it the one without it? Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

Hunterjelly said:
Don't know if I spellt that right but..

What all comes with DJ, just Fallout 1&2? And dose it have the "Patch0000" or is it the one without it? Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

I'm pretty sure sure the dual case comes with just Fallout 1 and 2 as well as the latest official patches for each of them. At least mine does.

Either way, you will certainly want to consider an unofficial patch as even with the official patch, major flaws are still present in Fallout 2. killap's path is your best bet. 8)
Yes, don't worry, I know damn neer everything there is to know about Fallout. I just wanted to know about the Patch0000 becasue I think if F2 comes without it you need to do something diferent for kilaps patch. Or something like that anyway.

Well, thanks.

Oh, and where can I get it, I can't find it ANYWHERE.
Hunterjelly said:
Oh, and where can I get it, I can't find it ANYWHERE.
Get what? If you are looking for where to get the game(s), well there are tons of threads about that but I suggest checking out ebay or amazon.com. If you are talking about the patches, then check the downloads section here at NMA.
Well, I just want to buy the Dual Jewel. I know where to get everything else. Iv'e been playing Fallout for a looooong time.
Haha, yeah.. I checked ebay and some other places and didn't really find what I was looking for. But I now see that I spellt Dual Jewel wrong, I was spelling Dual with and e.... Ok.. Now to find a good deal..