Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

@Lexx There is graphic/art issue (double art view) after killing the Master (see attachment).

I wonder if it is the same as a bug I have seen, and others, involving the final death 'frame'/status of a critter. As I recall, there was also an odd movement before the final frame, which might show more clearly with this critter, and not at all with others. No clue what is causing it, but if related, or not, it has shown up in multiple versions of the game, and with multiple critters. But is very rare.
Hi @Lexx, I would like to ask if super mutant Rae is temporary (or permanently) recruitable in Fallout Et Tu?

@Lexx Sorry for the additional question, but where is Rae in Los Angeles Vault located? Could you post a screenshot? I'm not able to find them.
@Lexx, I found Rae via the F2Explorer savegame editor on the 3rd floor of the Los Angeles Vault. However, using the same savegame file, he is not visible in the game at the same location. Is there any particular condition that must be fulfilled for him to appear? Thank you for your feedback and help.


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  • Rae-missing-in-game-same-place.png
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He only shows up if you have cut characters enabled in the fo1_settings.ini file.
@Lexx I have GVAR_ENABLE_CUT_CHARACTERS=1 enabled all the time, yet Rae is still not visible. Do you have any other tips where could be a problem?


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Since latest version the Boneyard also needs to be invaded by the supermutants first, since Rae is the guy from the Blades.