just read the SVN log about the new conditions for hub good ending...
Are You saying Decker *and* jain can be left alive for the good hub ending?!
I think this should be reconsidered.
-missing caravan quest solved,
-deathclaw killed,
-kind to harold,
-bits bob alive (although still could be sentenced to jail), (he's on the end slide after all so he must be alive)
-Hightower alive,
-Decker dead,
-Jain dead,
I know it ruins that 'pacifistic feeling' of not hurting anybody will turn out good in the end, but not always a peacefull solution is a good one,especially aginst bad guys, and Decker& CoC are bad guys.
Essentially if Decker is left alive he will sooner or later find someone to kill Hightower.
Besides when working for Decker and going all the way, there's no reason/incentive to prevent from going to the cops afterwards and selling him out.
How about [turn your creativity on]:
implement boxing ring death-maches (one guy from boxing team in Junktown says Hub suposedly has boxing death maches).
Perhaps after doing "full service" to Decker and asking for another job, Decker could propose fighting in death maches, if you agree you could go ask kane about participation (simply use the line "kane will give you the details" or "ask kane on your way out") and after one agrees with kane to go fight, get's teleported to a map a'la raiders boxing ring where player can face random unarmed enemies (can even be a ghoul or supermutant (if luck is low). For victory you get paid ofcourse. Oh and all player inventory items get stored in an offscreen container, until you defeat the opponent. If You loose however, well it was nice knowing you :p
And perhaps some nice karmic triat get's added when you pull off some extreme stunts during those death matches, like Prizefighter (with the same sweet bonus to damage resistance/toughness) (fianlly those McRae and BoS trainings would pay off) It is up to debate whether player keeps his armor or fight unarmored.
Potential gain from such a endless feature, could be tempting enaugh to keep Decker alive, and not sell him out to cops immediately after finishing his quests, at least an option for bad guys to get this extra negative karma they always dreamt about.