Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

Also, an explanation about the vault entrance design would be sorely appreciated, I keep finding the ladder entrance irksome for some reason.
I really agree. And seeing as the Vault 15 site looks vastly different in Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 I would like to see some community overhaul that fixed the location for both games so that it's consistent.

A huge gap in the lore for me is how the hell did they get all stuff down there if the entrance is just a small hole in the ground.
The shack is not the main entrance to Vault 15. Here is the corresponding MSG file pointing that out:

{102}{}{A small shack is all that remains of this area. Fortunately, your records indicate a secondary entrance to Vault 15 here.}

Of cause, this is not represented in the maps at all, but that's rather a game design problem and not a lore one. (Map inconsistencies between Fo1 and 2 are a bit irksome, I agree.)
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Well, there could be a mountain cliff right outside of the screen. :p

Not something I personally want to do, but changing this would be pretty easy... just build a new map.
If we look at what exactly is different in Fo2, we see that the ladder is further south, and there is a new elevator to the east.

One can argue that rocks / a cave-in is blocking the elevator in Fo1, and the ladder is simply retconned because it makes the map look better in Fo2.

Now if we simply ignore the new ladder position, then the only thing missing in Fo1 is a cliff to the north of the shack. The elevator entrance would still not be visible, because even in Fo2 it's on a different map further east, so this could also simply get ignored in Fo1.

Story-wise, years later the squatters will arrive, build new houses, clear the rubble in the cave, and get the elevator back to work. Doesn't sound that far off to me.
Personally I find it more impressive how the Fo2 squatters were able to install a force field and completely new elevators, but whatever I guess... :>
Sometimes I wonder why I have yet to see much mention of automats in the Fallout series besides the Eat-o-matics, I mean this series has some basis in 1950s retrofuturism, doesn't it?
The shack is not the main entrance to Vault 15. Here is the corresponding MSG file pointing that out:

{102}{}{A small shack is all that remains of this area. Fortunately, your records indicate a secondary entrance to Vault 15 here.}

Of cause, this is not represented in the maps at all, but that's rather a game design problem and not a lore one. (Map inconsistencies between Fo1 and 2 are a bit irksome, I agree.)
Thanks for the clarification. I wouldn't mind if the location got reconned so that it fits with F2. I mean the shack would probably not be there any longer some 80 years later.
Just a heads up in case this is not considered a work in progress anymore: The latest repo broke the Pipboy: The note with the remaining days until the Vault will die is not aligned correctly with the rest of the image. (It's placed to low and also overlaps with the quest button, which is therefore not clickable.)

I noticed you changed something in the way the days are counted or something - and maybe this is a known issue and will get fixed in further updates, but if not - well, now you know. :)
Here you go (Warning: Large resolution screenshots ahead)

;The F2_RES Configuration file    08/03/2014
;A High Resolution Mod For Fallout 2
;Comments start with ;  anything on a line after a comment is not visible to program


; Affects Windows Vista/7/8 and above. Allows hi-res patch settings to be changed without admin privileges
; if installed in the "Program Files" directory.
; When UAC_AWARE=0 the hi-res patches settings will be stored in the game folder as usual.
; When UAC_AWARE=1 the hi-res patches settings will be stored in the users roaming app data folder.
; For Vista this is usually "C:\Documents and Settings\'your user name'\Application Data\Fallout2".
; For Windows 7/8 this is usually "C:\Users\'your user name'\AppData\Roaming\Fallout2".

; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=0 to enable Basic mode which supports resolution change only(required for sfalls Graphic modes).
; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=1 to enable Direct Draw 7 mode.
; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=2 to enable DirectX9 mode.

; Set SCALE_2X=1 to scale the game x2.
; Note: This will increase the minimum resolution to from 640x480 to 1280x960.

; Set the Fullscreen resolution here.

; Set the Fullscreen colours here.
; 8 for 8bit colour output (original)
; 16 for 16bit colour output (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)
; 32 for 32bit colour output (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)

; Set the Fullscreen refresh rate here.
; Set REFRESH_RATE=0 for driver default.

; Set WINDOWED=1 to enable windowed mode.

; Window size and position data, Do not modify.

; Hi-Res Patch data file and patch folder(Loaded after master.dat)


; Set ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=0 to allow Sfalls mouse input functions to work.
; Set ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=1 to enable alternate mouse input control built into the hi-res patch.

; Set EXTRA_WIN_MSG_CHECKS=1 to prevent the "NOT RESPONDING" error that may occur in windowed mode.
; Adds extra windows message checks to several loops during combat and fade effects.
; This setting is always enabled if ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=1.

; Set SCROLLWHEEL_FOCUS_PRIMARY_MENU=1 for inventory, barter, loot screens etc. to make mouse wheel control default to the PC's item list unless the cursor is hovering over another list.


; Play the game in black and white.(Pixote's zany idea)
; Set IS_GRAY_SCALE=1 to enable.


; if DISPLAY_LIST_DESCENDING=0 resolutions are listed from lowest to highest.
; if DISPLAY_LIST_DESCENDING=1 resolutions are listed from highest to lowest.


; if MOVIE_SIZE=0 - movies remain their original size.
; if MOVIE_SIZE=1 - movies will stretch to fit the screen while maintaining the aspect ratio of the original.
; if MOVIE_SIZE=2 - movies will stretch to fill the screen.


; if EDGE_CLIPPING_ON=0 - area beyond map edges is visible.
; if EDGE_CLIPPING_ON=1 - area beyond map edges is hidden.

; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=0 - Hi-Res map scroll edges are enabled.
; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=1 - Hi-Res map scroll edges are ignored.

; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=0 - scroll limits from player are controlled by the variables SCROLL_DIST_X and SCROLL_DIST_Y found below.
; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=1 - scroll limits from the player are ignored.

;HALF_SCRN eqauls half the screen width when used by SCROLL_DIST_X.
;HALF_SCRN eqauls half the screen height width when used by SCROLL_DIST_Y.

;Extends the path finding range by increasing the number of path nodes.
;Multiples of 2000 nodes, 1=2000(original), 2=4000, 3=6000, ...etc, 20=40000(max).

; Set FOG_OF_WAR=1 to enable Fog Of War.
; Set FOG_LIGHT_LEVEL between 0-10 to change the fog light level
; 0 = Off, 1 = darkest, 10 = brightest. See readme for further details.


; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=0 - the bottom of the map view window sits at the top of the IFACE Bar.
; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=1 - the bottom of the map view window extends to the base of the screen and is overlapped by the IFACE Bar.

;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=0 - Black, No Iface-bar side art used.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=1 - Metal look Iface-bar side art used.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDE_ART=2 - Leather look Iface-bar side art used.

;if IFACE_BAR_SIDES_ORI=0 - Iface-bar side graphics extend from the Iface-Bar to the Screen edges.
;if IFACE_BAR_SIDES_ORI=1 - Iface-bar side graphics extend from the Screen edges to the Iface-Bar.

;This will increase the width of the interface bar expanding the area used to display text.
;if IFACE_BAR_WIDTH=640 - Interface bar will remain at it's original width.

;W.I.P. - A small mod that replaces the Ammo Metre.
;if ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=0 - Disabled.
;if ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=1 - Single colour, the colours used can be set below with the ALTERNATE_AMMO_LIGHT and ALTERNATE_AMMO_DARK options.
;if ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=2 - Changes colour depending how much ammo remains in your current weapon.
;if ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE=3 - Divides the metre into several differently coloured sections.

;ALTERNATE_AMMO_LIGHT and ALTERNATE_AMMO_DARK set the palette offsets of particular colours used when ALTERNATE_AMMO_METRE is set to 1.
;ALTERNATE_AMMO_LIGHT is the main colour, ALTERNATE_AMMO_DARK is the darker glow colour.
;Some posible combinations to try are:
;    green  - light 0xC4, dark 0x4B
;    yellow - light 0x3A, dark 0x42
;    orange - light 0x91, dark 0x9A
;    red    - light 0x84, dark 0x8C


; if set to 0 - main-menu image will display at its original size.
; if set to 1 - main-menu image will stretch to fit the screen while maintaining its aspect ratio.
; if set to 2 - main-menu image will stretch to fill the screen.

; if set to 1 - hi-res main-menu graphics are used instead of original 'mainmenu.frm'.

; if set to 1 - menu-buttons, text & text-background are scaled up for better visibility when using hi-res graphics.

; When using a hi-res background, MENU_BG_OFFSET_X & MENU_BG_OFFSET_Y equal the
; distances in pixels from the top button to Menu Background Graphic edges.
; For Fallout1 in Fallout2 engine mod, when using graphics from the Fallout1 Hi-Res patch.
; For Fallout 2


; if set to 0 - background image will display at its original size.
; if set to 1 - background image will stretch to fit the screen while maintaining its aspect ratio.
; if set to 2 - background image will stretch to fill the screen.


; For UK, French & German versions
; if CD_CHECK=0 - Fallout2 will load without CD_ROM
; if CD_CHECK=1 - Fallout2 will check for the CD_ROM before running

; if DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=0 - Map and Iface-bar are VISIBLE while viewing the Dialog Screen.
; if DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=1 - Map and Iface-bar are HIDDEN while viewing the Dialog Screen.

; Set DIALOG_SCRN_ART_FIX=1 to enable Continuum's new dialog screen graphic.

; Increases the length of time the Splash screen is displayed in seconds

; Set to 1 to reduce CPU usage and heat generation by allowing the system to go idle.
; This setting should not be enabled if Sfalls "ProcessorIdle" setting is also enabled as this will likly cause slowdowns.

; Set to 1 to enable a small adjustment to the mouse selection rect for the PC's inventory on the barter window.

; Original value = 60, decrease/increase this value to quicken/slowdown fade effects.

; Set to 1 to enable, recalculates fade time length each time a transitional fade occurs.
; May be useful if the length of transitional fade effects seems to randomly change between game restarts.
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Does the same happen in lower resolutions? My monitor doesn't go that high, so I can't test this specifically.
Yes, it does. Just switched the resolution to 1920x1080 and left any other settings as they were - here is the result

Seriously? :D
Extract into your Fo2 folder, run undat.exe, specify folders, done. It can't get much easier, imo.
If you put the mod folder in the right place, you don't even have to adjust paths in the fallout2.cfg file.
Seriously? :D
Extract into your Fo2 folder, run undat.exe, specify folders, done. It can't get much easier, imo.
If you put the mod folder in the right place, you don't even have to adjust paths in the fallout2.cfg file.

When i open this

It opens and instantly closes
Don't use the Desktop as the game location - or any folder directly related to Windows for that manner.
This is Fo1undat.exe, which is a very old command line tool. (besides, there is a readme file on how to use it :>)

Use /tools/undat ui/

PS: I highly advice not to use the latest development version if you want to "play the game for real", because it is untested, full of work in progress stuff, and changes (almost) every day which can potentially mean you'll have to restart the playthrough.

Better do use the release package that can be found in the first post of this thread.
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