Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

I usually don't use the build in zip extractor
Hehe, none of us uses it either so we didn't spot it earlier. Either way, i'll make sure next release package(s) are windows-unzip-friendly (not a fan of "forcing" users to install 7zip when unpacking can be done by OS).

All buildings are like this what do i do
That's a sign that Fallout1 files wasn't extracted properly; did you run UNDAT.EXE before starting?
I ran "undat" again this time to the Fallout1in2 directory.

Yeah, that's the correct one - the "Mod" folder you used before is wrong. You can delete the extracted files there - I don't know if they can cause any problems, but don't think so. (Just be sure to leave the files that belong into the Mod folder unharmed, though.)

Edit, regarding the Pipboy bug:
Maybe it's due to the Scale 2X setting.
Just did a test, and that's sadly not the cause. Here are two screenshots without the scaling enabled (fist in 2560x1440, second in 1980x1080)

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Yes, it does. Just switched the resolution to 1920x1080 and left any other settings as they were - here is the result


Please try again now.
I could swear I've tested this before committing the file.
Yupp, solved it. Thanks! :)

(Was just about to write that I found the cause in this option:

; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=0 - the bottom of the map view window sits at the top of the IFACE Bar.
; if IFACE_BAR_MODE=1 - the bottom of the map view window extends to the base of the screen and is overlapped by the IFACE Bar.

(0 = bug, 1 = works)

But you were too fast. :P)
We just rolled out a new feature to the dev-branch:

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. There are still a few things that need fixing, but other than that it's working. In fact, it's even better than the version in Fo1, because we have an unlimited amount of keywords, which means, we can fix the horrible shit in Fo1 and make it actually useful.

It's still a lot work to go through all the keywords, etc. but the most important work is done.
In the future I want to add a bunch of generic keywords that will work on most critters. Stuff like "help", "doctor", "buy/sell" etc... I'm open for all suggestions. Also if someone wants to help with that, it's pretty easy work...
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Very cool stuff, especially since this feature seemed improbable in the beginning. Even though this is still work in progress, here are two minor things I noticed / could be improved in my opinion:

1. The Barter button is a bit buggy. It does work, but when clicking it the first time after initializing dialogue, there is neither a "clicking" animation nor the corresponding sound. This is just on the first use, however - further clicks go without this issue. (But it's repeatable for every new dialogue.)

2. Clicking on the TMA button sometimes doesn't do anything. I tested Seth, Aradesh and Tandi - only Aradesh did work here. I guess this is a scripting-work-in-progress thing, but as there will be characters who simply don't have any additional TMA information, it would be nice if this could be made visible somehow. Maybe the dialogue FRM could then be replaced with the one without the TMA button (could be impossible - don't know what can be done with scripts here) or after clicking there would be a message like "This person doesn't have any additional information to share" or something like that. Just some food for thought.

Keep up the good work. :)
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1. Is a vanilla Fo2 engine bug. Nothing we can do about it. As far as I was made aware, it would be a lot work to fix this. Wouldn't really be worth it, imo. Personally I also only noticed this bug now when working on the TMA function and was never really aware of it before. The same bug appears when talking to companions / with the behavior control button.

2. All the critters you mentioned have TMAs. I'm guessing the recompiled scripts aren't on the repo yet. They will be later this night due to auto-compile.
Most critters have TMAs, even if they are just generic (robots, terminals, etc. don't have them by default).
/Edit: Just did some tests. It's how I said - the scripts just need recompiling and then it'll work.
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Hm, I could swear that the Barter button thing wasn't there before the TMA button was added. I can be wrong here, though. I did notice the same thing with the companion behavior control, now that you mention it - didn't came to my mind before.
It's not useless if you utilize it right.

It was useless in Fo1 because the selection of available keywords was bad. The keywords were case-sensitive, and there were only very few of them. For the player it was impossible to guess the right one most of the time. Best example is "Hot Spot" or "Spot" (sometimes written "spot") for the Glow... nobody would ever guess to ask *that* to critters.

We have the ability to fix it.
For starters, we're adding a boatload of different keyword variants for everything (Shady Sands -> Shady, Sands, ShadySands, etc), which already makes the guessing easier.
After that, the plan is to add a specific set of generic keywords, which will work on every TMA critter (outside of talking heads, because we can't record new dialog) - examples being "Help", "Doctor", "Barter", etc.

That's also why I'm asking for help here, because I personally can only think of so many keywords. It's pretty easy to add new stuff - requires no scripting whatsoever. Just needs someone who is able to coherently write in the english language to edit text strings in *.msg files.

Is this something that experienced players need? Not really. But it can be useful for new players as a hints-mechanic, as in regular dialog you're unable to ask every critter about trivial stuff.

As said before, we have 100 possible critter replies, and an unlimited amount of keywords. So with a bit of work, it's very possible to turn it into a useful feature.
(In comparison, Fo1 generally only uses ~10 keywords for less replies... it's no surprise nobody ever used it)
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It can also be used to expand some optional story bits, add flavour to the world and give hints to secret stuff if the player is clever enough to ask the right questions. By the way: I asked Aradesh some stuff and came upon the topic of the Vipers, who are of cause absent in the game. Even if is not planned to add their base, quests etc. it would be cool to at least add some random encounters with them around the region of Shady Sands. You could use the tribal dude appearance to differentiate them. In the lore they wear bone armor, so they come around at least a bit primitve in comparison to the other gangs.
Well i cant use the google drive version because it doesnt let me extract half the files due to an unspecified error
Starting from next release, packages will be created with compression method supported by Windows; if anyone wants to confirm, here is a pseudo-release package with repo snapshot from yesterday. Unpacking by OS takes absurd amount of time compared to 7zip, or even Total Commander... but hey, it works :>

I also think we could start publishing pre-release packages; packed in same way as the last one on Google Drive (without confusing folders ;)), but with more recent repo content. In the end, curious players just need to fire up their browser, download most recent version available, and be amazed by Ian aiming skills. No Tortoise/Git required, no looking for correct .exe, just grab and go. There's still a risk of breaking savegames and such (just like by using repo now), but that's a price for using work-in-progress stuff.

Just a heads up, i bought the motorbike up top in necropolis, when down into the vault and found an exact copy (the items in the container are the items i put in trunk A up top) of the surface trunk.
I'm guessing this is most like a bug as trunk B is in a seemingly random place and contains the same items, therefor sharing the same script as trunk A.

this is the 2nd floor of the vault, not a game breaking bug but it's something worth noting if not intentional.

Edit: Completely unrelated to the above but would there be any option to integrate support for the F12SE in this at all? as it currently doesnt work with any savegame editor. yeah yeah i know "cheating" but i wanna have fun ive already completed the game several times legit as with fallout 2.
Starting from next release, packages will be created with compression method supported by Windows; if anyone wants to confirm, here is a pseudo-release package with repo snapshot from yesterday. Unpacking by OS takes absurd amount of time compared to 7zip, or even Total Commander... but hey, it works :>

I also think we could start publishing pre-release packages; packed in same way as the last one on Google Drive (without confusing folders ;)), but with more recent repo content. In the end, curious players just need to fire up their browser, download most recent version available, and be amazed by Ian aiming skills. No Tortoise/Git required, no looking for correct .exe, just grab and go. There's still a risk of breaking savegames and such (just like by using repo now), but that's a price for using work-in-progress stuff.

I got it working, i'm relatively new to modding the classic fallouts and they're a lot harder to work with compared to 3, new vegas, and 4.
Looks like something is bugged in your savegame, which turns the trunk visible when it shouldn't.