Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

This mod needs Sfall. If you can't run the ddraw.dll, then it simply won't work. Same goes for almost all Fo2 mods nowadays, by the way. Some are hit harder than others, but generally tl;dr is - if you can't run Sfall, don't even try running new Fo2 mods.

That's why I said it's only ExaGear Windows Emulator that will be able to run it, while ExaGear RPG will not.

been there, done that, got the know how.

although i'm still not aware what *other/additional* libraries does Fo et tu require. as I've often seen voodoo and rfall mentions in tortoise notes so i simply don't know.

I also see another problem.
Fo:et tu requires much higher resolution set in order to work. so it is up to the actual android device to know wether it will be possible to play it. He'll need at least 8 core 2.0 GHz and a decent GPU for his android ARM device, plus at least 7,5" screen otherwise it will be stutering and screen size determines how easy it is to hit fallout buttons with something as fat as fingers. personally while playing Fallout Resurrection on android i use Razer Naga with all 17 buttons connected via otg cable and default screen controls, because default ones don't crash to desktop when i use right mouse button. also right mouse button woks properly when on default controls.
the only issue is synchronising on screen cursor with otg cursor, it's doable but it's a hassle.

from other keg:

@Lexx can you tell me how energy weapon skill of both Katja and Ian?

I am thinking of setting themselves up with plasma pistol and maybe later on with laser rifles.

I note that at level 3, Ian shoot straight with normal guns, but the plasma pistol is sometimes off the mark.

If You want Katja to be decent end game try to enable big guns animation for her "8" in the armor change file. For the time beeing she can use laser rifle, and there is actually a second Turbo Plasma Rifle hidden in the endgame, and it was there even in vanilla Fallout waay before FIXT or et tu were a thing. the only issue was no use for it once aquired.
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That's why I said it's only ExaGear Windows Emulator that will be able to run it, while ExaGear RPG will not.
although i'm still not aware what *other/additional* libraries does Fo et tu require. as I've often seen voodoo and rfall mentions in tortoise notes so i simply don't know.

rfall is simply our own version of sfall compiled from https://github.com/rotators/sfall and voodoo stuff is just our way to talk about binary patches which modify the engine/game code from scripts via the UnsafeScripting functionality allowed by vanilla sfall. It's done like that to remove dependencies on additional dlls and making it easier to turn on/off stuff without having to add new .ini options.
Fo:et tu requires much higher resolution set in order to work. so it is up to the actual android device to know wether it will be possible to play it.

It does not. Just disable the interface upscaled mod and done. That's why we've added the warning popups.
I'll disable this mod in v1.1 because obviously it overburdens folk.
rfall is simply our own version of sfall compiled from https://github.com/rotators/sfall and voodoo stuff is just our way to talk about binary patches which modify the engine/game code from scripts via the UnsafeScripting functionality allowed by vanilla sfall. It's done like that to remove dependencies on additional dlls and making it easier to turn on/off stuff without having to add new .ini options.
Yes, but we still don't know wether Fallout: et tu has any other .dll it depends on besides ddraw.dll and f2_res.dll...

It does not. Just disable the interface upscaled mod and done. That's why we've added the warning popups.
I'll disable this mod in v1.1 because obviously it overburdens folk.

I just mentioned the fact of higher resolution required because native for et tu was ment to be 800x600 at least pipboy note did not function corectly some time ago (at least I remember some *volks* brought it up).

In ExaGear it is best to run everything in 640x480, because otherwise interface buttons are so damn small it is not possible to click them with a finger.

as as for Interface_upsacaled, whatever.. some folks don't see the difference and play with low res others more interested will find out anyway and enable it properly. As for myself I play all Fallout games in FullHD and in Fo:EtTu i have Interface_Upscaled feature always enabled.
The PipBoy note thing was fixed some patches ago. It should now show correctly no matter the resolution.
The mod does not use any other .dll files unless you install other mods with more .dll files - but as far as I know, there aren't any.
The PipBoy note thing was fixed some patches ago. It should now show correctly no matter the resolution.
The mod does not use any other .dll files unless you install other mods with more .dll files - but as far as I know, there aren't any.

good to know.. henceforth I can easily state now that One can easily run Fallout:EtTu in Exagear Windows Emulator, however *not* in ExaGear RPG.
@gustarballs1983 @Lexx @ghost2238 I just want to state that I am able to run fallout 2 with MM and RP updated on exagear RPG by using winecfg and adding ddraw as "native,builtin". Then copying that specific section [Software\\Wine\\Dlloverides] from the xdroid folder's user.reg file to xdroid-fallout2's user.reg file. Exagear RPG will recognize and use ddraw and res.dll. You don't have to add res.dll though. I'm still having trouble with fallout et tu though. I removed all necessary files from fallout 1's master.dat. I was wondering if it should still play if I'm off a file or two because I was unable to use undat.exe?
Well, undat.exe isn't extracting *all* files, only the ones in undat_files.txt - if you extract too many files (for example maps or proto files), that can cause issue. If you don't extract any files, you will mostly only get visual glitches + don't have any talking heads and voice over.
@Lexx I didn't say all files, I said necessary files (the ones from your list). I just wanted to know if I'm off by one or two if I'm alright...This is my folder structure:

art( from fallout 1 master.dat extraction)
sound( from fallout 1 master.dat extraction)

the rest of the files in root are: fallout.exe,ddraw.dll,etc.

In fallout.cfg its modified too look back at fallout 2's critter.dat and master.dat files and I assume those are needed to play.

Just wanted to know if everything looks correct so far...
if you extract too many files (for example maps or proto files), that can cause issue. If you don't extract any files, you will mostly only get visual glitches + don't have any talking heads and voice over.

As I wrote... Missing files will not crash the game.
Has the quest "find children spy in the followers" been fixed?

The motorcycle eats through micro-fusion cells like crazy! Almost would help to be able to use ammo in the hand and "use on" the bike.

Had a small error message asking to contact Sduibek in a random encounter in a city area of the world map.

Shark stays frozen in death when killed by Neal in Skum Pit

Mrs Stapleton has way too many books like 13 Science books after a few passages.

Lots of companions don't really attack during combat, just stay or keep reloading guns.
Katja uses flares in combat a lot, or EMP grenades against super mutants.
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Has the quest "find children spy in the followers" been fixed?
It's deleted because it's garbage.
Had a small error message asking to contact Sduibek in a random encounter in a city area of the world map.
"I experienced a bug in the game" ... ok.
Mrs Stapleton has way too many books like 13 Science books after a few passages.
Could be another Fixt-bug. I'll check it out later.
Lots of companions don't really attack during combat, just stay or keep reloading guns.
Check their combat settings.
Katja uses flares in combat a lot, or EMP grenades against super mutants.
Fallout combat ai in a nutshell. Don't give them these weapons, don't have these problems.
@Lexx, I dont know why but suddenly Old Town become very laggy. I attach a savegame for your bug-fixing. It's not a big problem for me, as I can buy things elsewhere, but the suddenness of it is... well, sudden.

Possibly Katja has highest skill in throwing which is why she did that. I just remove all throwing-category items from her inventory. And drop all my plasma pistols there because she is affected by my Jinxed to explode her guns. A lil bit too often, in fact. Plasma pistol has higher priority than sniper rifle for Katja.

I find that Custom do a great job to restrain burst-tendency and etc.

Sidenote: once, Ian is out of ammo for his P90 so he took out frags and throw at targets. The which Dogmeat is near. Necessary to say I have to reload to a savegame before that encounter and drop more ammo into his inventory.

EDITY EDIT: the first reload I did to avoid Old Town. But later on the lag extend to Adytum. So I do a really long reload of way back when. And it's been running smooth since. I expect a map data get corrupted somehow.
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Looks like the map file got corrupted. There is a wall piece missing from the warehouse, and whenever i scroll to have it visible on screen, the game goes belly up. I have never seen something like that before. No idea what's causing this.

I've noticed your inventory is full with items. Where did you cheat all this stuff? My first assumption would be that something caused the savegame to break, and this seems kinda likely.
Looks like the map file got corrupted. There is a wall piece missing from the warehouse, and whenever i scroll to have it visible on screen, the game goes belly up. I have never seen something like that before. No idea what's causing this.

I've noticed your inventory is full with items. Where did you cheat all this stuff? My first assumption would be that something caused the savegame to break, and this seems kinda likely.

It seems strange when people want bugs fixed when they have cheated in half of their inventory items, the game should be played clean, as a result the bugs will be clean...:confused:
The only cheat is to set carryweight to 999 (hex editing). The other items? Farming around Boneyards (to wait for Gunrunners spawn riot shotgun) AND Mariposa (xp with loots) and shopping. There's no way to mod in items that I know.

Okay, it might be that there's too much item types, an old problem in Fallout 2. Might be.
In any case, the problem is the broken map. There is nothing I can do to fix this.
@gustarballs1983 I can now indeed confirm Fallout et tu works on Exagear RPG. I've been playing for the past couple days and all seems well. And it works at 640x480

@Lexx If my post came across as too harsh I apologize, didn't intend to. Anyways I've got Fallout et tu running on my device. I ran into a problem with the ddraw.dll thats included with fallout et tu. It crashed on startup, so I instead used sfall 4.2.3 ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini. Then made sure everything matched up from your .ini to sfall 4.2.3's ini and everything works fine. The only thing is that on map startup I get a message about a custom dll and how some features are disabled. I wanted to know which features? So far its been running great, I've got as far as the raider camp and haven't noticed a single hiccup. Maybe too many items like mentioned above?

Other than that great mod!
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