Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

N...no~ If that alone works, the poor fuckers would just die outside of their cages.

Explosives work! If it doesnt work, that because you dont use enough of it.
I met Patrick the Celt, but I cant say the word to get him to sing the song.

CHA = 4, is that a problem?

I did talk to that singer in Junktown, if that's any help~
A speech skill roll determines if you get a certain dialog option.
possible. At that time my Speech is uninvested, and only at 19 I think. After reload a long play, with speech at 50 we meet him again and the line just come out~
Note: Speech 50 should be done ASAP. You get weapons, convince rebels, and nag the medic for more med items.
Regarding this run Luck9 Finessee Throwing

Throwing is nerfed so hard it's not funny. Why would throwing knife cost as much as using a gun?This make no sense whatsoever because the throwing knife doesnt look that good to deserve this kind of restriction. And the simple act of pick up them again after battle is punishing enough.

Flare can be a good typical throwing weapon BUT it's too few in shops, it's pricey, and it's unstackable in lit form which is on automatically after throwing unlit ones. Which mean we can only use it about one battle before it's expired.

For the Raiders battle, I use up 10 grenades simply because I have have only rocks, throwing knives as alternative.
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Item highlight.

Pressing Control to highlight items on the ground, right? it's pretty convenient, and sometimes very critical when the corpses hide most of the item size.

But it work wonky in my game. It only highlight some items, and in close distance to me. Farther and it doesnt do at all.
Item highlight.

Pressing Control to highlight items on the ground, right? it's pretty convenient, and sometimes very critical when the corpses hide most of the item size.

But it work wonky in my game. It only highlight some items, and in close distance to me. Farther and it doesnt do at all.

Official Highlight mod is configurabe in few places mainly in sfall-mods.ini . marked option is what you're looking for. personally i use highlight mod from Fo2tweaks, as it *i think* should be the default one used in sfall in the first place, as it's has far more features.
Back to Throwing subject.

frags and better grenades is more suitable as tactical tools in certain places (bunch) or it's expensive. Very expensive.

Throwing knife and rocks need to be reduced to level of unarmed fighting cost (3AP) or it can not be used normally. Both are numerous enough, save for that. Throwing knives is simply not that good to require 5AP. The comment in wikia is just so out of dated, what with so many patch and bugfix and balancing act. Instant kill? you can dream of it.

Flares need to be sold more in shops or it's just fucking not enough. And seriously, Flares is not that overpowered to be keep so few in number. Even crit is just blinded + 2 damage (throwing 99 + Luck 10). And considering it's expired once go to different map, it's running out in pretty quick pace..

And before you whine "But Living Anatomy...", at the time we get LA, we would be strong enough to do the same kind of damage with other weapons, from guns to fists.
On Luck and rare weapon:

I run around with Luck2 Jinxed in plenty of time in general and around gunrunner in particular. Never see a hair of Bozaar.

I run with Luck 10 once, after Water Chip but before the Glow... A simple few reload before meeting Gunrunners the 1st time to test their ware and behold: Ultimate sniper gun. Pity it use big gun animation so the only user is PC.
Bozar on the Gunrunners is not depending on luck. It just has a super rare chance to appear.
Look from my corner:

Luck2, Jinxed, and two complete runs (plus maybe a 3/4 of an abandoned run) and I never see it once.

Luck 10, the very first time I meet the Gunrunner, and about middle game, after return the Chip but before go to Glow.

Sure, there's some element of reloading thrice to ensure at that moment my personal luck is good/bad. BUT I did that in the other two runs as well, plenty of times.

I know you based on codes and say that... but from where I look, it doesnt appear that way.
Mining map encounter.

I meet a mining entrance encounter with a centaur and floater outside.

Inside is a mining map full of fire gecko.

With a single container (desk) with no loot.

Please consider putting in some loot in that desk or it would have been too... lonely.

Like a dynamite or plastic explosive there, to fit the theme.

EDIT: meet it again. This time it spawn three other containers with loot aside from that no-loot desk.

Overall it's a good encounter with dangerous enemies + good XP. The random spawn of loots is what threw me.
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I did pick up a bag with a cattle prod inside cavernmap, so I know it's there.

I mentioned mining map specifically. With track, and a desk, both of it are not in cavern map~
Note on floating text duration during encounters:

it's too freaking fast. The saving farmers from gang is irrevelant, but the solar scorcher one is too fast for such momentous moment.
Ok @Lexx got some bugs...

Dogmeat has this weird issue that his hp is 47/47 instead of 50/50 when recruited (using roboog version)


after going to dogmeat's character sheet his 47/47 hp turns to 47/50 hp.. totally weird...

this issue is just the basic proto as after lvlup the issue is gone.


Marcelles at crash house (owner of hotel in junktown) always spawns a shotgun on map reentering ( it works when you exit and enter the map, but not on save and reload on hotel map. always a brand new shotgun 800 free bottle caps plus 2 shotgun shells.


theese rewards seem lame considering one had acces to everything before getting to BoS.
Maybe it's time for a fresh look into this matter like the ability to actually get super sledge besides choosing between it and power armor in reward for save initiate quest.
Perhaps Mega Power fist, and super sledge for melee and unarmed, and something more fancy for the guns as Sniper Rifle is already obtainable from various sources (The Glow being one of them) Rocket launcher besides beeing obtainable form Jacob, Glow, and Gunrunners, is not a prime choice for certain builds (especialy with party), as for 'Loser' Pistol i don't even want to scratch the surface it's just plain wrong at this point of the game.


Some Super Mutants have Hilariously low Hit Points for example nuke guards have like a bazillion stimpacks and toughest weapons in game and only 49HP. they used to have like 140. as theyre sepose to be a challange to beat. other Super Mutants need revision as well. just too darn many have 49HP in both Military Base and Cathedral.


I've finished the game and this quest did not crossed out.
For the reward:
Super Sledge is a good replacement.
Magneto laser pistol if you want to keep that type of weapon reward. That weapon is only available at Mariposa and Master's Lair so it's a nice rare weapon. Another choice is YK32 pulse pistol. Lesser is Plasma pistol with extended capacity
Mega Power Fist is a very good upgrade because Unarmed build has been stuck with Power Fist for a long time and will stay with it to the end of game.
Sniper Rifle is not easy to replace. I recommend Improved Flamer Mk2 with 20 round of improved flamer ammo.
Ripper can be replaced with Super Cattle Prod.
For the default sfall config, is there any reason CheckWeaponAmmoCost, AIDrugUsePerfFix, and AIBestWeaponFix are set to 0?
Similarly, is DamageFormula being set to 1 (Glovz's fix) a matter of personal preference or is the mod designed around it?
@Lexx: I've never seen Super Sledge in sale in all my games. is that intentional? Because I remember SS can be bought from Jake/Jacob and/or Gunrunners.
@Lexx: I've never seen Super Sledge in sale in all my games. is that intentional? Because I remember SS can be bought from Jake/Jacob and/or Gunrunners.

Jacob's Super Sledge on sale was an engine bug, as after first shopping in Jacob's shop he took his weapon off and put it in the shop inventory. this has been fixed and he still keeps his hammer on after exiting barter screen. I remember lex stating it in tortoisesvn remarks.

That's what i mainly had in mind about Super Sledge in my post. As of now Player is only able to get it instead of Power Armor for rescue initiate quest, which is dumb. Perhaps Gunrunners can spawn one but chances if any are extreemely smaaaal. So the way i see it Super Sledge and Mega Power Fist should be maxon's permitted upgrades to the gear as regular Power Fist and ripper can be obtained in other ways and at least ripper is plentifull.
Gunrunner should have zero chance to spawn Super Sledge. I've seen they spawn bozaar about four times now in my (current) luck 10 run. The double Luck2 run got, needless to say, zero chance of bozaar.. So let's say SS only available in that quest reward.

I call the abandoned mine map is the one got a noloot desk and spawnable three containers with loot. The best one is Deathclaw version, even if no loot, because of highest xp.

The gold mine map I recently met. In one version it has no loot, no container at all. In another version, it got fire gecko, with plenty of gold nugget on the ground and other loot, with containers. Good map~