Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

BoS need to import most of the necessities like food, clothes from The Hub. Precisely because they have no other resources that they did sell their weapons, which do go against their philosophy.

Caps has no use to them internally, but they can use it to buy stuffs. Plus with caps in hand they dont need to sell their precious~
Will this project eventually make unique PA sprites for companions the way some FO2 mods do, and will it add dogmeat armor?
Nope, way out of scope. Someone else can of course make their own mini-mod for it if they want to.
Nope, way out of scope. Someone else can of course make their own mini-mod for it if they want to.
Talking about minimod...

Can you make a minimod to add your own new encounter maps (mining site and gold mine site) into Fallout 2? It's a shame they only exist on Et Tu, and not in F2 proper.
Nah, I don't have the time for it. It's not hard to do, though. Someone just has to add new maps, adapt the scripts and then it should (probably) already work. Adapting the script would probably cost the most time.
Small-ish Feature Request:
- Add/Remove Perks in Debug Menu (Since the available save editors, do not seem to play well with et tu saves)
Is it normal to get these weird 1-2 second freezes when playing this? I think it happens only when you need to load something (hover over a character to get his name, click on a text option, play an animation of any sort...). It's annoying af.
First of all - thanks for the game!
And I will be glad, if you answer a few questions.
Is there any way to become paladin or scribe?
I found only one water chip - in Necropolis. Is there any othere chips?
Is there a way to increase the time it takes for the Mutants to invade your vault? I was a little too generous with my time on this playthrough and now I can't win lol. I've just destroyed Mariposa.

EDIT - I went to the fo1_settings file and changed some of the options but that didn't help. Please don't tell me I'll have to start from scratch :(


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Timers are saved on gamestart. You have to start from scratch.
Yeah, I had to restart once, what with me setting the invasion up and therefore mess up my own game.

My recommendation is to keep invasion off, but set Necropolis invasion to at least 149 so you have some spare time to decide whether you want to keep Necropolis inhabitants alive in end game or not.
I upgraded sfall to 4.2.4, to use the cool DialogGenderWords function. The upgrade went well, except for this minor start menu problem:

I updated manually the ddraw.ini so it match Fallout et tu requirements, like I said no other problem to report. Is the now empty menu to the right draw directly into the art file to not hide the power armor? Did I miss something in the ddraw that move the left menu somehow?
Personally, I don't find the minor problem bothersome, but you know, in case.
Double check MainMenuOffsetX/Y settings in your ddraw.ini. They should be X=392 & Y=26, if not then you'll get the wrong main menu position.
I didn't see it used in the files I browsed but I didn't specifically searched for it. I just assumed the function wasn't there since I stumbled on it in the ini of 4.2.3 when upgrading a other project, but not in the one coming with Fallout et tu.

Oh well, now it's done. I will make a test by reverting to the supplied sfall at some point in case of release.
I mean, other Sfall versions should be compatible anyways - we worked hard on making that happen. So in theory updating Sfall / diverting from the base package should not cause any issues.
I wanted to ask, saw you kept some fixt files\ideas currently not used, like the gambler hernandez script in junktown, and a new proto for Hope the singer in maltese falcon.
I am reusing the concepts though I made changes to make them fit them into new content, even remade hernandez from zero.

Do you have plans at some point to include something for this kind of cut content that isn't active with the current version?
I ask to anticipate if I should watch out for possible interferences between content, it would be weird to see 2 different hernandez showing up or such.